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    Was William the Conqueror's mother Jewish?
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    News: Einstein copied Lorentz, Poincare`, Lenard, De Pretto (E = mc^2), Etc.

    Einstein has been hailed as something of a god. However, on checking his history there are troubling information about his efforts. There is no doubt he is a very capable scientist but his genius has been blown out of proportion. He used other people's work and never gave credit to them...
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    Is this future travel?

    A person sized drone with autonomous flying to take you to your destination. I am wary of anything connected to the Internet as they have not solved the virus or hacker problems.
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    15 Medieval hygiene practices

    Anyone wanting to create a time machine to visit the past should look how it was in Medieval times
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    Modern humans wandered out of Africa via Arabia Quite interesting. However, one must consider the alternate greening of the Sahara and Mid East and desertification that forced humans to move to greener pastures. Dates...
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    Conservatives of all ilks were lying all along

    Tax cuts lead to more employment. Corporations would use the tax cuts to invest and create more jobs. Instead the corporations have been holding more money in banks and fewer jobs. Exacerbating the wealth inequality. Economist Jordan Brennan provides his views...
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    The Internet

    The Internet has affected businesses very much both in god and bad ways. The good ways have been Google, Amazon and Alibaba have become behemoths. The bad ways are that brick-and-mortar companies are threatened. Sears was once a very big company but not on survival mode. Let us go to the...
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    Nature What China should do with pollution

    With all the money flowing out of China because the rich want their children to grow up in a clean environment in other countries, China should tackle air pollution first. It is easiest by having a funnel tower suck the air and pass it through spray(s) of water. The water will capture the...
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    Orphans and poor chidren used as cannon fodder

    Orphans and poor children The Soviets, I read, used orphans to create the KGB as the orphans would be truly loyal to their benefactors. The Turks raided Christians children in the Balkans to create the Janissaries. The oil-rich Arabs in the Persian Gulf donated to charities to fund...
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    Unfit to lead

    I thought it would be fun to have this thread so we can avoid people who are 'unfit to lead' become leaders especially in democratic countries as John Kerry said democracy means the right to be stupid. Do you want stupid leaders who could do irreparable damage. Of course, we can do nothing...
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    New Hominid found

    I wonder if their DNA would be found in us.
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    Immigration Steve Jobs was Syrian child migrant too Now that refugees are front and center let us go back a few thousand years. There were wars too back then and as with with wars there are refugees. Invaders...
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    Thalidomide, anyone?

    Thalidomide was a pill for morning sickness but pregnant women it was heart rending as this drug caused the foetus to form in a very bad way. Some were born with arms and all kinds of deformities. Of course there was no birth where the baby was born without a head. It affects the limbs only...
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    New theory on earth's magnetism

    Radical new theory suggests Earth's magnetism may be linked to movement of ocean currents Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on...
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    Hope for those with celiac disease

    Egg yolk extract allow those with celiac disease to eat gluten
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    Bronze age Gold spirals found in Denmark
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    Blue eyes maybe linked to alcoholism

    According to a medical doctor "blue eyes maybe linked to alcoholism" <a href="" data-cke-saved-href="">...
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    ASD Autism in children linked to parental ages

    Long ago I suggested that the old age in dads may have contributed to autism in their children as their DNA would have more defects with age while Eupedia was going on about how the skills of the aging parents were being transferred to their kids and greater intelligence as well (ha, ha IQ, that...
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    Y DNA Haplogroups associated with MtDNA Haplogroups

    They should list male haplogroups and the variety of MtDna they have thus showing which group of male warriors mated with whom and who were their own native women and who were 'raped'.