living dna

  1. T

    A Novice in Genetics and DNA Testing Has Some Questions

    So I tested my DNA with LivingDNA and got my results. Now I want to know what I can do with those results. I'm very interested in exploring my ancestry and history of my lineages. I will ask some questions and hopefully someone out there is able to answer them. Keep in mind that I am a complete...
  2. R

    Has there been any development on LivingDNA's German project?

    I'm of mixed heritage; half British (Yorkshire), a quarter German (Hesse, Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg) and a quarter French (Île-de-France, Auvergne). I was wondering if there might have been any progress on LivingDNA's project for German heritage. I sent a DNA sample each in to LivingDNA and...
  3. Maciamo

    One Family One World Regional DNA Projects

    I announced two months ago the launch of the One Family One World Project, a partnership between Eupedia and Living DNA. I have been very busy lately, but finally found time to present the project on Eupedia. My contribution to the project was to delimit the boundaries of the proposed genetic...
  4. R

    Got my Y-Haplogroup + Subclade and wanna dig deeper, now what? (For dummies)

    I recently did my LivingDNA-test (which was my first ever DNA-test) and got assigned the Y-haplogroup G2a + the subclade P303. Now just by scrolling through Europedia I noticed that P303 among many (most?) people trickles down even further than this, and since it lists on Yfull as having "formed...
  5. Maciamo

    LivingDNA Living DNA launching One Family One World Project in cooperation with Eupedia

    I am excited to announce that Eupedia is teaming up with Living DNA to launch the largest genetic ancestry project to date, which will cover most of the world's countries, regions and ethnic groups. It is called the One Family One World Project (see blog post) and it aims to initially recruit...
  6. Maciamo

    LivingDNA Is the Central Italian component in Living DNA a good proxy for Roman ancestry?

    I now have the results of several Belgian people who tested with Living DNA. All got a bit of Scandinavian, and some got a from 1 to 3% of French, Basque, West Balkans, North Anatolian or Kurdish. But what really stood out is that all of them had considerable amount of Italian DNA, and in all...
  7. R

    Y resolution worth it?

    Took the 23andme and realized too late I should have gone livingDNA. My 23andme data even with morley test seems to be subclade unsure, given 63 Y-DNA positions lacking recognized mutations and about 200 positive snp's not accounted for. (is that par for 23andme data?) My question is: would a...
  8. Maciamo

    LivingDNA Living DNA planning to launch regional projects for all Europe soon

    I have been in contact with David Nicholson, the managing director of Living DNA, and he informed me that they are planning to launch regional projects for every European country (and potentially also beyond Europe) in the coming months. Their aim is to map the world's DNA in order to fight...
  9. Maciamo

    LivingDNA Living DNA discount for people of German ancestry

    Living DNA announced in their blog that they have just launched a DNA research project aiming to map Germany’s genetic history. They are going to be working with Germany’s largest genealogy society, Verein für Computergenealogie e.V. (CompGen). Together they are looking for individuals with four...
  10. Maciamo

    What's your experience of customer service with DNA testing companies?

    I am curious to compare people's experience of customer support at various DNA testing companies. Here is my impression based on my experience. - Family Tree DNA: I have often been critical of this company (high prices, terrible MyOrigins and AncientOrigins report, etc.), but they do have a...
  11. Maciamo

    Comparing DNA testing companies

    Here is a quick comparison of the number of SNP's tested by the main genomics companies offering ancestry DNA tests. Company Autosomal SNP's Y-DNA SNP's mtDNA SNP's Price (USA/EU/UK) 23andMe 577,382 2,329 3,154 99~199$/169€/149£ Geno 2.0 700,000 ~20,000 ~4,000 180$ Chrono 2.0 290,169...