‘Virgin birth’ genetically engineered into female animals for the first time


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[h=1]Virgin birth’ genetically engineered into female animals for the first time[/h]
For the first time, scientists have used genetic engineering to trigger ‘virgin birth’ in female animals that normally need a male partner to reproduce1.
Previously, scientists have generated young mice2 and frogs3 with no genetic input from a male parent. But those offspring were made by tinkering with egg cells in laboratory dishes rather than by giving female animals the capacity for virgin birth, also known as parthenogenesis.
Earlier research identified candidate genes for parthenogenesis, says study co-author Alexis Sperling, a developmental biologist at the University of Cambridge, UK. But her team, she says, not only pinpointed such genes but also confirmed their function by activating them in another species.

Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41...=nature&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1690790959
Hey men, you're no longer needed. Just sayin...
Hey men, you're no longer needed. Just sayin...
I think it is a great thing for people that have fertility issues. But I think the old-school way isn't going anywhere.
I know a lot of great people that SHOULD be parents, but unfortunately cannot. I hope that in the future, thanks to technology, they can achieve their dreams.

Take their DNA, and engineer a child in an artificial womb.