Politics Catalonia may become an independent nation soon...

Alicia Sanchez Camacho usually speaks Catalan, and it doesn't change the fact she tries to spread nonsense and convince people. There are even supporters of the Franco's dictatorship who's maternal languaje is Catalan, so it doesn't mean anything.

FAES? Are you kidding? They have no credibility. Catalonia uses the FEW figures given by the goverment to explain the fiscal drenage because, since yerar 2005, they don't want to publish the complete numbers. Again, it's time to wonder why, but I think it's clear as day what's going on.

You, guy, still don't understand what the issue is. The Catalan debt (which is there of course), or the debt in Madrid or other regions, it's absolutely unimportant in terms of economics. The huge problem is the SPANISH DEBT as whole, and if the government does not want to negociate, this belongs exclusively to you, Spaniards. No need to say, Catalonia hasn't contributed to this debt, for more you cry. It's very simple, the vast majority of the corruption belongs to PSOE and PP, not to CiU or other regional political parties. What you're trying to tell us, again, it's nothing but a false picture of the situation, and not recognizing that the problem is the Spanish centralism and the heads controling the two main political forces of Spain. That simple, they're basically the ones who led Spain to the ruin, like it or not. In Catalonia many things could be improved, but without such a huge fiscal pressure it would be much easier to do the job. However, it's clear that the Spanish government dos not want to fix anything concerning this, so the only option is independence. We dealed with this many times in Madrid, and even when the newest Catalan law was a slight improve, the Spanish government is not paying what it's listed in the paper. FACT! so it's time to face the problems and not masking things.

PD: Please, stop spamming.
Alicia Sanchez Camacho usually speaks Catalan, and it doesn't change the fact she tries to spread nonsense and convince people. There are even supporters of the Franco's dictatorship who's maternal languaje is Catalan, so it doesn't mean anything.

FAES? Are you kidding? They have no credibility. Catalonia uses the FEW figures given by the goverment to explain the fiscal drenage because, since yerar 2005, they don't want to publish the complete numbers. Again, it's time to wonder why, but I think it's clear as day what's going on.

You, guy, still don't understand what the issue is. The Catalan debt (which is there of course), or the debt in Madrid or other regions, it's absolutely unimportant in terms of economics. The huge problem is the SPANISH DEBT as whole, and if the government does not want to negociate, this belongs exclusively to you, Spaniards. No need to say, Catalonia hasn't contributed to this debt, for more you cry. It's very simple, the vast majority of the corruption belongs to PSOE and PP, not to CiU or other regional political parties. What you're trying to tell us, again, it's nothing but a false picture of the situation, and not recognizing that the problem is the Spanish centralism and the heads controling the two main political forces of Spain. That simple, they're basically the ones who led Spain to the ruin, like it or not. In Catalonia many things could be improved, but without such a huge fiscal pressure it would be much easier to do the job. However, it's clear that the Spanish government dos not want to fix anything concerning this, so the only option is independence. We dealed with this many times in Madrid, and even when the newest Catalan law was a slight improve, the Spanish government is not paying what it's listed in the paper. FACT! so it's time to face the problems and not masking things.

PD: Please, stop spamming.

So far you're as Spanish as I do, so it is absurd to speak to me as if you were in another country.

Europe and the world have to know the reality, you do not want all these issues come to light, that's not going to this time, there must be transparency.

Moreover speaks centralism of Madrid, Catalonia never before in its history had so many powers, have even gone overboard applying them so intolerant, because as we know Catalonia has led to a unique thought regime, it is the "regime cataliban"

Make it clear that the separatists are only part of the Catalan population, the majority of the population is not independence.

Catalonia is ruined by the mismanagement of Catalan politicians, became independent only if officials could pay for 7 months.

The Catalans are higher, they are rich, they are smarter than the rest of Spanish, but some sectors have fallen in pranoia.

Please, stop spamming.


I'm answering your questions and answers, someone who does not answer spam or argued, I do what I do, so it is not spam. Probably would not call it spam if pro-independence publish news.

Cataliban regime does not like free speech, does not want to know the truth?

A la escola t´han ensenyat a menysprear a la resta d´Espanya? l`odi no es camí per a ningú, no pots seguir odian al teu país, i per favor aquest odi es molt estrany. Crec que es diu: endofobia, això no es sá.

La resta d`Espanya ens estimen a Catalunya i als catalans perque son molt bona gent con cualquevol ciudatà de cualsevol poble i no entenem aquest odi i rancor, es infundat i irreal, no cap dubte es fictici i potenciat per els politics egoistes.
Posting in the way you do about Catalonia is Spam, let's leave this point clear because your obsession is getting even worse.

The vast majority of Catalonia is not in favor of independence according to you. Well then, you'll have a great deception on 25-N XD. Do you know how many people claimed in favor of independence on September 11? Have you ever tried to compare with October 12, when some people showed they wanted to remain in Spain? Again, you're not fooling anyone but yourself.

Spain, like it or not, it's made up of different nations. The problem is some of you, guys, are so incredibly intolerant and close minded, that makes impossible for you to accept such an evidence like this. Go and tell the Scottish they are not Scottish because they are part of the UK, they will laugh out loud all day.

I'm done with you, if there's people following this discussion, I'm sure most of them would think it's better to go on separately. No common points, no understanding, and no place for Catalonia inside the Spanish framework. I'm afraid it's too late, and some of you, Spaniards (specially politicians), are going the wrong way if you really want to solve something. Goodbye, and have fun with your agenda against Catalonia and its will to become independent. Not a joke at all, keep this in mind ;)
Posting in the way you do about Catalonia is Spam, let's leave this point clear because your obsession is getting even worse.

Son noticies veridiques, no les he inventat jo. Els nacionalistes porten molts anys fen publicitat en forus extrangers, cada independentista va ser con un mitsager de les mentides nazionalistes independentistes, aquesta va ser una gran obsesió, ara no esteu acostumats i no voleu que el mon sapiguesi totes les mentides y veritats que heu amagat.

The vast majority of Catalonia is not in favor of independence according to you. Well then, you'll have a great deception on 25-N XD. Do you know how many people claimed in favor of independence on September 11? Have you ever tried to compare with October 12, when some people showed they wanted to remain in Spain? Again, you're not fooling anyone but yourself.

A veurre, el onze de setembre el nazionalisme va ecalfar al seu electorat, més gent n´hi habia a les seves cases. ¿Saps que Hitler també va a anestesiar a la seva població, son técniques que ja es coneixen a Europa i sabem qui les posava en marxa. No es més que aprofitar el sentiment que cadascú té per la seva provincia o regió, tot aixó es lamentable fer-ho en aquests temps, la població està sent utilitzada per el régim cataliban.

Spain, like it or not, it's made up of different nations. The problem is some of you, guys, are so incredibly intolerant and close minded, that makes impossible for you to accept such an evidence like this. Go and tell the Scottish they are not Scottish because they are part of the UK, they will laugh out loud all day.

No podeu comparar Escosia amb Catalunya, Escosia va ser un estat, Catalunya mai ho va ser, ¿tan complicat es aceptar la veritat? Qui t´ha promés un món mijor? no sempre que es produeix un cambi es per a millor, també pot ser a pitjor.

I'm done with you, if there's people following this discussion, I'm sure most of them would think it's better to go on separately. No common points, no understanding, and no place for Catalonia inside the Spanish framework. I'm afraid it's too late, and some of you, Spaniards (specially politicians), are going the wrong way if you really want to solve something. Goodbye, and have fun with your agenda against Catalonia and its will to become independent. Not a joke at all, keep this in mind ;)

No confungui ir contra el regim cataliban con ir contra Catalunya es molt diferent, i vosté sap i està d´acord amb mi que tota Catalunya no es independentiste. El independentisme.

Els temps han camviat, per qué no volen adaptar-se als nous temps, volen seguir sen privilegiats, esteu acostumats a aixó, es lamentable i no crec que ningú d´Europa cregui que vostés van amb la veritat, esteu venen sentiment pero darrera per als polítics separatistes unicament està els diners, l´egoisme i aquesta forma de pensar es antiquada, no es europea, pensen que fora de Espanya tot serà per a vostés, que podren enganyar als europeus però jo crec que no. Es una bojeria i una paranoia, la societat separatista està malalta i a les noves generacions com a vosté pel que veix se les ha rentat el cervell.

PD: Perdoneu per les faltes d`ortografia però feia mès de vint anys que no practicava la escritura en català, com a protesta al regimen cataliban.

Adeu i Bona Tarda, pot odiar-me però jo sempre l`estimaré.
You have a private message, I think it's better to cut this nonsense here. People knows perfectly what's going on and how the Spanish goverment and some people acts.
You have a private message, I think it's better to cut this nonsense here. People knows perfectly what's going on and how the Spanish goverment and some people acts.

People know perfectly corruption, ineffectiveness and uselessness of the Catalan autonomous government. And everyone knows that independence separatist politicians used to threaten the Spanish state and even are able to mobilize their electorate and get a million people to the streets, but as I said, most people stayed in their houses, do not forget that Catalonia has a approx 8000.000 million,

It is quite possible that allegedly Artur Mas is something mentally unbalanced. Last week he traveled to Moscow, no one received were about 8 deputies with Artur Mas and each took their wives, each room cost € 1.600 per night. In Moscow nobody received them, were a fool, yes, there were a good holiday at the expense of the Catalan people.

Now Brussels is being ridiculous, has said that if once independizada Catalonia can not stay in the EU then rethink the fact separate from Spain.

If it were really consistent with his ideas would spread to Spain or stay in the European Union, but because he does not like to work, you want comfort, you pay once Spain and outside Spain that Europe will pay, not wanting running out of the two.

Artur Mas now Brussels is betraying his entire electorate independence. If you go to Spain, Europe runs out and it runs out the two, does not dare! needs to be subsidized, have someone strong behind him and keep paying, Is that the Catalan nation? a small handful of ambitious and selfish provincial politicians ?
Anyone know where Northern Catalonia/French Catalonia fits in to all this? - seen red and yellow stripes all over the shop in the so-called Pyrénées-Orientales even though French overlorddom dare not speak of its rightful name: Catalonia...
Anyone know where Northern Catalonia/French Catalonia fits in to all this? - seen red and yellow stripes all over the shop in the so-called Pyrénées-Orientales even though French overlorddom dare not speak of its rightful name: Catalonia...

It's easy, fits in France, is French territory, everybody knows.

Poor victims!!!

It's a Catalan speaking territory which belongs to France. Quite people living there consider themselves Catalan, despite the fact some individuals can't stand with this as you can see. If you saw many flags with red stripes, it's not (of course) due to their French feeling, it's because they are Catalans in France.

Carlos, you're repeating the same lies as some press did. 1600 Euros? I see you still don't know this is false, come on. Read the article I posted concerning the EU, because it seems you're still living in wonderland with your sick agenda. The Spanish government would be the first interested in having Catalonia inside the EU, the only thing they pretend is to scare the Catalan population, that's all. Catalans laugh at this since a very long time, sorry for you, but it's exactly like this. And by the way, It's been largely proven that you're obsessed with this, so take it easy.
It's a Catalan speaking territory which belongs to France. Quite people living there consider themselves Catalan, despite the fact some individuals can't stand with this as you can see. If you saw many flags with red stripes, it's not (of course) due to their French feeling, it's because they are Catalans in France.

Carlos, you're repeating the same lies as some press did. 1600 Euros? I see you still don't know this is false, come on. Read the article I posted concerning the EU, because it seems you're still living in wonderland with your sick agenda. The Spanish government would be the first interested in having Catalonia inside the EU, the only thing they pretend is to scare the Catalan population, that's all. Catalans laugh at this since a very long time, sorry for you, but it's exactly like this. And by the way, It's been largely proven that you're obsessed with this, so take it easy.

Lately Catalans little laugh, have looked worried and afraid because Caligula, sorry! Artur Mas is doing the head.

Lots crisis, as happens to travel to Russia Artur Mas, has not received nor God, no one was there, I got stood up, it was anyone important.

8 men with Artur Mas and bring their wives, hahahaha, staying in suites.

Many face!

It could make even a joke.

I know that Scotland has turned its back ? Scotland wants no part of Catalan independence
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Artur Mas moved to Brussels yesterday to defend the creation of statehood for Catalonia, in a conference organized by the think-tank Friends of Europe '. The appearance of the president of the Generalitat not noticed too many MEPs, quite the opposite: only Ramon Tremosa were present and all other letters spread Catalan parliament against Spain, Izaskun Bilbao, the PNV, and any other representative of the European Parliament . In addition, the European Parliament's website, which includes all events held in Brussels this week (from the interview Schul Merkel to chat with Internet users with Martin Callanan MEP), also made no reference to the visit of more to the Belgian capital.

The slam Angela Merkel to Artur Mas. The President of the Government attempted to close a meeting with the Chancellor in Berlin to 'sell' their independence project: received a 'no' for an answer

Angela Merkel refused to receive Artur Mas in Berlin. The Generalitat of Catalonia contacted Chancellor's cabinet to close a meeting between the two leaders, but got a 'NO' for an answer. The aim of the Catalan president was 'sell' their independence project.

Please fellow Europeans, not think that this is common in Spain, the Spanish love our country and want to work for the good of Spain, Europe and the world, we are serious and hard working labor, know that in Europe very well.

I would exculpate the Catalonia nazionalista for doing ridicule throughout Europe and in the world, must be having a hard time and do not accept the economic crisis, many years, decades and even centuries to have protection of different totalitarian regimes that passed through Spain that at this time of freedom and democracy where they have to share and they are made to be equal uphill and seek comfort given the privilege, and seek it in Europe, they do not understand that this crisis is global, and want to leave the house father to go live with the neighbor because he believes it is a very rich dad and give many toys and not have to go to school and be all day at Disneyland, and go around through the world doing ridiculous now money being spent in Brussels in 1600 suites € the night, can not go to a hostel of 20 € per night, he to spend the taxpayers' money, so that voters see that you are moving for the independence of Catalonia, provincial butt.

It's a mentality, that you have no idea what it is, oh, one thing! get very well put out to conquer you, pretend and act, but I assure you that everything is a cobblers, cheap surrealism.
Declare 'zero' the appointment of the sister of Felip Puig as an attorney of the Legal Department of the Generalitat

Although only spent four months as a lawyer of the Regional Administration, the competition requirements were adapted to the abilities of Núria Olivella. The judge is very clear in the judgment: the place offered to a person 'without the ability to take the job offered'.

The Court of Administrative Litigation of Barcelona number 7 said 'no' to appoint the sister of Felip Puig as an official of the Legal Department of the Generalitat. Although Busquets Olivella Núria no longer occupies the place of official attorney group A-27, the judge has ruled that the place offered to a person 'without the ability to take the job offered'.

The court noted that the bidding process has been 'a breach of the fundamental right under Article 23 of the Constitution', but does not accept the appellant's demand to be paid compensation and access to the official Square insolvent.

The case dates back to January 2012 when the Legal Office takes to contest a parking attorney in group A. Surprisingly, the requirements for access to this square are only a civil servant, having a law degree and demonstrate the level C in Catalan. Usually, in these contests requirements are at least part of the civil Senior Corps.

However, the requirements were adapted perfectly to the sister of Minister of Interior, Felip Puig (CiU), and wife of Oriol Puig (CiU), regional director of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. This has been demonstrated, as reflected in the judgment to which access has been BARCELONA'S VOICE.

Equality, merit, ability ...

Both the appellant and the prosecution accused the Government of 'abuse of power'. Although the Regional Administration claimed that the procedure was urgent, so the appointment would be justified, the judge has assessed that the square did not need the emergency procedure for cover.

The judgment is reflected, too, that the "Generalitat", as the appellant claimed, 'has violated their right to equal access, merit, ability and public office functions', not only violating Article 23 of the Constitution but also the 103 conditions which are enforceable in any tender process.

On May 16, 2012 Olivella stepped down as attorney at the Legal Office autonomous. No one knows the real reason that the sister of Felip Puig ceased to hold the office in question, but the Generalitat has alleged that on that date he rejoined an official on leave voluntarily. Reason, on the other hand, which has prevented the appellant to occupy the place they chose.

CCOO was appointed to the regional Anti-Fraud Office

Thus, the head of the Court of Administrative Litigation of Barcelona number 7 said 'no appointment made to Mrs. Olivella' to not conform. The sister of the Minister of Interior, senior official of the group D, must have not ever take a place in the regional Legal Office reporting directly to the President of the Generalitat.

Olivella's appointment created in the Legal Department of the Generalitat considerable unrest and complaints of "several employees" CCOO channeled in a complaint to the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia Autonomous last April. Since the union, the appearance of the sister of the Minister of Interior in the legal department was assessed as a clear influence peddling.
As you (rest of forumers) can see, according to some individuals (part of the Spanish population) no one is paying attention to Catalonia and what's happening here it's close to evil in its purest form. And with such a supposedly terrible scenario, the same individuals are worried all the time, even when they say Catalonia has no possibilities. Very funny, ¿isn't it? XD

Keep spamming against the process in Catalonia, although it's useless: on day 25, you'll realise (or maybe not LOL) that the spread of nonsense and ridiculous is nothing but a waste of time. Moreover, it helps in having more people in favor of Catalonia's independence, so it's rather the opposite.

They have the clues, but they still don't notice the trend when they act. Meanwhile, we're following our own way :)

As you (rest of forumers) can see, according to some individuals (part of the Spanish population) no one is paying attention to Catalonia and what's happening here it's close to evil in its purest form. And with such a supposedly terrible scenario, the same individuals are worried all the time, even when they say Catalonia has no possibilities. Very funny, ¿isn't it? XD

It is fashionable in Europe ignore Artur Mas. Is fun!

Keep spamming against the process in Catalonia, although it's useless: on day 25, you'll realise (or maybe not LOL) that the spread of nonsense and ridiculous is nothing but a waste of time. Moreover, it helps in having more people in favor of Catalonia's independence, so it's rather the opposite.

Process?? the only process that is going to be the law.Although we know that if they saw a tank appear along Paseo de Gracia (BCN) separatists have an orgasm. Do not worry, you will not need.

They have the clues, but they still don't notice the trend when they act. Meanwhile, we're following our own way :)

Incidentally, mmmmmmm, who have offered support and logistics for the separation monetary are petrodollars? Cristina Fernández and his clique ....? I do not think Europe really likes when I find out who is in the shadow to support the poor devil of Artur Mas.

These things do not like in Europe, you, the independence will not be fooling lifelong Spain, Europe and the world, everything comes to an end, and the lies have very short legs.
If all are lies, no one supports Catalonia, and will finally come to an end according to you, then...¿why are you so concerned about this? ¿Don't you have laws and tanks? Incredibly funny xd

I'll give you the answer: you don't believe a word of what you say, and the obsession increases day after day. In short, it's what some people call FEAR.

Sorry, but 25-N it's close. Enjoy the time. Tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac...... :D
If all are lies, no one supports Catalonia, and will finally come to an end according to you, then...¿why are you so concerned about this? ¿Don't you have laws and tanks? Incredibly funny xd

I'll give you the answer: you don't believe a word of what you say, and the obsession increases day after day. In short, it's what some people call FEAR.

Sorry, but 25-N it's close. Enjoy the time. Tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac...... :D


Simply threats from nazionalistas not found it.

What about the 25N? aliens arrive, come back to Jesus Christ, in film premiered Independence Day???

Will you vote Cristina Fernandez, Chavez and Evo Morales in Catalan regional elections or is it a country with petrodollars?

Note that would be frowned upon in Europe that a small Spanish region should walk in darkness funding relationships that put at risk the unity of a partner country, in addition to non-EU countries and dubious intentions towards Europe, a region well not be trusted for the EU and it would be like if we had gotten a Trojan horse in Europe, because after the debts must be paid.

Is that allegedly disturbed the tranquility of Artur Mas even pretend remain independent even if the EU?

For you must know that all this assembly independence days are numbered.

They are playing a very dangerous game and dirty and in Europe we will not take the bait Cataliban regime.
here is an interesting article


@ Carlos
I do not understand how you can be so undemocratic....you are basically on the verge of being a racist

I trust and I do not think that is behind Artur Mas USA would not think so but it would be a way to destabilize the euro, the issue is that there is someone in the shadows and Europeans must immediately guess what the support in the shadow of the poor devil of Artur Mas.
A few minutes of music, so that you might rest and continue, you must be exhausted.

Good article Zanipolo. Pro-independence in Catalonia is basically due to self identity and economic reasons, the later just increased what was there since a very long time. Again, it points that leaving Catalonia out of the EU it's not likely to happen and, as I posted above, that's good news for Spain (¿who do you think would be isolated if Catalonia is not part of the EU?). Clear as day.

25-N, it's going to be the day when the world will see there's a clear majority in favour of independence now that Artur Mas decided to support the demonstration, which took place on September 11. That's the first step, but not the last. Sure ;)

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