Evidence that the ancient Romans spread R1b-U152 based on Roman colonies in Italy

by the way, the bearers of Ligurians languages were apparently I-Es and not autochtones and I don't see phonetically an evident RECENT link between the names Umbrians and Ambrones (magic linguistic?)

Is there really such a phonetical diff. between Ambronen and Umbronen? Ambri/Umbri - Umbro/Ambro ?

Between UMBRI and isOMBRI
or - cIMBRI / sYMBRI / sigAMBRI / AMBROnes

In the 19th century;
AMBRI/UMBRI (ambro/umbro) was connected to Gallic Amhra/Ambra = meaning Brave/Noble/Daring

This designation is found across the Indo-European (in Europe) realm; much like Veneti/Eneti;
I consider them of an archaic Indo-European branch; developing into the more distinct Indo-European branches;

I know Taranis has debunked it;
but cUMBRIA (cYMRU) and northUMBRIA - might also stem from this archaic Indo-European root;

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