My first Autossomal Results - Help with Admixture Maps

She has 75% German ancestry and this is a recent immigration to Brazil, less than 150 yrs.I am quite sure they have not mixed with any Amerindian or African, since they remained in isolated in a German community cluster
It's also possible that her Sub-Saharan % came from the grandfather related to Azores.
Hi Tomenable,I have tried MDLP World-22 for my mother as you recommended:North-East-European 44,92Atlantic_Mediterranean_Neolithic 33,88West-Asian 8,69Near_East 6,5North-European-Mesolithic 1,78Indian 0,98Samoedic 0,74Indo-Iranian 0,62South-America_Amerind 0,52South-African 0,36Pygmy 0,26Melanesian 0,25Arctic-Amerind 0,23Mesoamerican 0,18I I see some Amerind, but at very low numbers (below 1%). I do not know if this can be considered an evidence, or just noise.My results on the other hand show higher numbers for Amerindians 1,94% and 1,36%.
It is possible that your mother has between 1% and a few % of Amerindian ancestry. For example I score only 0.2% Amerind, so much less than your mother. Your mother has: South-Amerind 0,52 + Arctic-Amerind 0,23 + Mesoamerican 0,18 = 1% Amerind in total. I have only 1/5 of this: North-Amerind 0,19%. A guy from Dominican Republic has: North-Amerind 4,78% + Mesoamerican 2,52% + South-Amerind 2,41% = 10% Amerind in total. One Ecuadorian guy has: Mesoamerican 19,58% + North-Amerind 10,86% + South-Amerind 7,46% + Austronesian 0,50% + East-Siberean 0,37% = 39% Amerind in total. His daughter has: Mesoamerican 13,95% + North-Amerind 7,35% + South-Amerind 6,42% + Austronesian 0,78% = 28,5% Amerind in total. I count "Austronesian" and "East-Siberean" as part of Amerind, because AFAIK it is absent from Europe. "Samoedic" and "North-Siberean" is most probably from Europe.
Guys, Why is the word wrap not working?
I think that your mother might have between 1% and 4% Native American ancestry (for example in Eurogenes K13 it is 4%). But rather closer to 1% because MDLP World-22 gives 1% and it is probably the most accurate calculator for Amerindian ancestry.
Olá Pedro,

just a few thoughts from a beginner like myself:
- as far as I can tell, my family has been in Portugal since forever (kidding). My second reference group is GB and Ireland; my Y-DNA is most commonly found in Ireland. This agrees with the History books: Celtic presence in the North of Portugal thousands of years ago.
- From what I've read, there are very close genetic similarities between current English and German people: historically, the Anglo-Saxons invaded England. Maybe some of your German ancestors did cross the Strait and that's why your German heritage appears as British Isles.

Hope it helps!

P.S. - Parabéns pelo excelente trabalho de pesquisa feito! Muitas horas de trabalho!

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