Is Giuseppe Garibaldi E-V13?


if Hitler was V-13
Napoleon V-13
Garbaldi V-13

I think V-13 statistically 'pushes' unification movements,

do we have someone else, that is connected with such movements, known as V-13?

Indeed, and quite a number in Liguria, especially noteworthy given how small it is. Interestingly, they are centered around Genova and the western area around Savona, so, close to Nizza. No wonder it was such a popular name there.

In my mother's area in the Lunigiana we have two dedicated to him, in Filattiera and in Villafranca (very close to where she was born). Obviously, that's the reason there were so many of that name in her family.

This happens all over Italy, as you know. My husband's grandfather was named Ilario, after an obscure saint of their area. Of course, as happens in America, they called him Larry. They even forgot his actual name, and wanted to put Lorenzo on his death certificate! Those are the perils of the diaspora. Your descendants might even forget your real name!

The y lineage of Hitler wasn't resolved down to that level. All they stated was that he was E1b1b1 E-M35.

Napoleon was definitely not E-V13. He was
E1b1b1c1* (E-M34*) last I heard.
The y lineage of Hitler wasn't resolved down to that level. All they stated was that he was E1b1b1 E-M35.

Napoleon was definitely not E-V13. He was
E1b1b1c1* (E-M34*) last I heard.

so the IF does not exist
so the IF does not exist

So far we've got:
The Wright Brothers, inventors of the first successful airplane
Lyndon Johnson, President of the United States,
Larry Paige, the co-founder of Google
Giuseppe Garibaldi, General and one of the unifiers of Italy


I would think the odds are that Hitler was also E-V13 given that about 10% of the people in his native area carry that lineage, and other E1b1b there would be rare.

So, you have two.

I think George Stephanopoulos, Greek-American political operative and now tv commentator is also E-V13.
Excuse me for being off topic, but I read a long while ago that a direct descendent from the royal house of Savoy was E-V13. However there is no trace of this anymore anywhere. Was it just a rumor?
Excuse me for being off topic, but I read a long while ago that a direct descendent from the royal house of Savoy was E-V13. However there is no trace of this anymore anywhere. Was it just a rumor?

Sorry, I can't help with that because I never heard that rumor, nor that anyone had suggested a certain yDna lineage for them.

Even if one of the few males left tested, I wouldn't go betting money that it's the yDna of the original founder of the line.

Anyway, from my vantage point they're one of the worst supposedly "Royal" houses in Europe and I doubt they have an ounce of actual "Italian" or even real "Savoyard" in them by this time. Pity they let them return from exile. On the other hand, it's let Italians with any sense whatsoever see how truly trivial and worthless they really are, for anyone who had forgotten.
Sorry, I can't help with that because I never heard that rumor, nor that anyone had suggested a certain yDna lineage for them.

Even if one of the few males left tested, I wouldn't go betting money that it's the yDna of the original founder of the line.

Anyway, from my vantage point they're one of the worst supposedly "Royal" houses in Europe and I doubt they have an ounce of actual "Italian" or even real "Savoyard" in them by this time. Pity they let them return from exile. On the other hand, it's let Italians with any sense whatsoever see how truly trivial and worthless they really are, for anyone who had forgotten.

I really cannot remember were I read it, but it must have been in one of the foras around when I started getting interested on the subject. Many posts are just mere gossip with no scientific basis or based on surname projects that could prove multi ydna lineages anyway. Example same has been speculated about Slobodan Milošević that he is E-V13. I'm not familiar with house of Savoy and their rule.....maybe I should read their history :)
Not sure if its a good idea :/ :).............

That rumor was based on someone who claimed to be descendant of the Savoy. Some Italian genealogists tried to verify, but it was quite impossible. The problem is that anyone can take a test and claim what he wants. Therefore these claims, also in FTDNA lists or any other site, should be taken with great caution. Italian genealogist sites are full of Italians, usually descendants of Italians who migrated abroad, who are convinced to be descendant of noble and illustrious Italian families only because they have a similar surname. Savoia is a common surname in Italy
That rumor was based on someone who claimed to be descendant of the Savoy. Some Italian genealogists tried to verify, but it was quite impossible. The problem is that anyone can take a test and claim what he wants. Therefore these claims, also in FTDNA lists or any other site, should be taken with great caution. Italian genealogist sites are full of Italians, usually descendants of Italians who migrated abroad, who are convinced to be descendant of noble and illustrious Italian families only because they have a similar surname. Savoia is a common surname in Italy

total agree
This Garibaldi is predicted to belong to E-FGC11457 using the Nevgen STR predictor.
I have heard Serbs also brag about Miloshevic being e v13. They have a facebook page about it
That rumor was based on someone who claimed to be descendant of the Savoy. Some Italian genealogists tried to verify, but it was quite impossible. The problem is that anyone can take a test and claim what he wants. Therefore these claims, also in FTDNA lists or any other site, should be taken with great caution. Italian genealogist sites are full of Italians, usually descendants of Italians who migrated abroad, who are convinced to be descendant of noble and illustrious Italian families only because they have a similar surname. Savoia is a common surname in Italy

It's the same in my mother's ancestral area. Malaspina, the name of our local barons, is not uncommon at all. It's all over my family tree. Carrying it means, as far as I'm concerned, that you're as likely to be descended from their grooms and tenants as you are to be descended from the family itself. By the same token, someone bearing a different name could indeed be descended from them You'd need ancient dna and/or the dna of the current descendants to be sure.

At any rate, even if I descend in part from some of them, it's probably so diluted by this point that it's highly unlikely I actually possess any dna from them.

Fwiw, that's more than fine with me. They were parasites, like most aristocrats, bleeding our area dry for hundreds of years.
I thought there was a move to dna test the remains of Garibaldi in the island off Sardinia. Garibaldi had sons from his Brazilian wife and from his mistress, he had a grandson of the same name born in Australia, he could have had sons. It would be better to track those descendants for dna than some obscure man supposedly a cousin of some sort who had the same surname from Liguria. What about Garibaldi's father? He must be buried somewhere in Italy or France considering Garibaldi was born in Nice.
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Possibly, although I am not entirely sure.

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