7 Things you didnt know about Peta


The Angel of Justice
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Northeast Greenhills, San Juan, Manila, Philippine
Ethnic group
7 Things you didnt know about Peta


1) PETA president and co-founder Ingrid Newkirk has described her group?fs overall goal as ?gtotal animal liberation.?h This means no meat, no milk, no zoos, no circuses, no wool, no leather, no hunting, no fishing, and no pets (not even seeing-eye dogs). PETA is also against all medical research that requires the use of animals.

2) Despite its constant moralizing about the ?gunethical?h treatment of animals by restaurant owners, grocers, farmers, scientists, anglers, and countless other Americans, PETA has killed over 10,000 dogs and cats at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters. During 2003, PETA put to death over 85 percent of the animals it collected from members of the public.

3) PETA has given tens of thousands of dollars to convicted arsonists and other violent criminals. This includes a 2001 donation of $1,500 to the North American Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an FBI-certified ?gdomestic terrorist?h group responsible for dozens of firebombs and death threats. During the 1990s, PETA paid $70,200 to an Animal Liberation Front (ALF) activist convicted of burning down a Michigan State University research laboratory. In his sentencing recommendation, a federal prosecutor implicated PETA president Ingrid Newkirk in that crime. And PETA vegetarian campaign coordinator Bruce Friedrich told an animal rights convention in 2001 that ?gblowing stuff up and smashing windows?h is ?ga great way to bring about animal liberation.?h

4) PETA activists regularly target children as young as six years old with anti-meat and anti-milk propaganda, often waiting outside their schools to intercept them as they walk to and from class-without notifying parents. One piece of kid-targeted PETA literature tells small children: ?gYour Mommy Kills Animals!?h PETA brags that its messages reach over 2 million children every year, including thousands reached by e-mail without the permission of their parents. One PETA vice president told the Fox News Channel?fs audience: ?gOur campaigns are always geared towards children, and they always will be.?h

5) PETA has used a related organization, the PETA Foundation, to fund the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a deceptive animal rights group that promotes itself as an unbiased source of medical and nutritional information. PCRM's president also serves as president of the PETA Foundation.

6) PETA runs campaigns seemingly calculated to offend religious believers. One entire PETA website is devoted to the claim-despite ample evidence to the contrary-that Jesus Christ was a vegetarian. PETA holds protests at houses of worship, even suing one church that tried to protect its members from Sunday-morning harassment. Its billboards taunt Christians with the message that hogs ?gdied for their sins.?h PETA insists, contrary to centuries of rabbinical teaching, that the Jewish ritual of kosher slaughter shouldn't be allowed. And its infamous ?gHolocaust on Your Plate?h campaign crassly compares the Jewish victims of Nazi genocide with farm animals.

7) PETA has repeatedly attacked research foundations like the March of Dimes, the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and the American Cancer Society, because they support animal-based research that might uncover cures for birth defects and life-threatening diseases. PETA president Ingrid Newkirk has said that ?geven if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we would be against it.?h
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Thanks, Zauriel. Actually, this doesn't come as a surprise to me, as I think PETA is usually known as a radical animal-rights group that gives a bad name to every other decent environmental/animal-welfare-related group. It's embarrasing, really.

I think one of their unsuccessful campaigns involved trying to get some area's name to change from fishkill(?) to something else, not knowing that the "kill" part isn't referring to what we normally know it as.


Do most people regard PETA as a fringe group? I think the strangest thing is when they raid a lab and ruin years of research to "liberate" animals that end up dying anyway. Throwing blood on people wearing fur is pretty silly (and offensive, assaultive, and potentially dangerous.) Most people would balance any ethical treatment of anything against human utility. People do matter more to other people than Snowball or Fido.

I'm supposed to be a vegetarian, but I keep eating the little guys. Usually it's the little feathered guys or the guys with fins and scales. But a cheeseburger- mmmmmmm. Blood and guts for me...It's sad, sorry and unhealthy, (But sometimes it is also pastrami)

I used to give to the world wildlife fund until I got a brochure asking for extra money to save dogs endagered by picnickers in some asian country. Dogs aren't endagered. Eat up. Bon apetit. Cross me off the donor list. If you seriously want to save any land animal, put it on the menu and it will never go extinct.

I have four cats and two dogs. If I needed to, I guess I would eat the dogs. But I'm not killing or cleaning them. (The cats are disgusting on the outside...I would hate to see what the insides look like.)
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Hmmm. I guess those guys won't find these articles very amusing.

Animal-Rights Activists Release 71,000 Cows Into Wild

"Cows do not belong in dairy farmers' pens. They belong out in the wilderness, where they may run free with the wolves and bears," PETA spokesperson Linda McCune said. "This raid was an important first step toward returning the proud, majestic cow to its natural environs."

New, Delicious Species Discovered

"We still need to complete an accurate population-density study," Keller said. "We assume that their habitat is limited to the Amazon and that their total number is very small. We need to gather data quickly, as the species is almost certainly facing extinction. I mean, it's that good."

And I'm guessing they won't like this one either:

McDonald's Drops 'Hammurderer' Character From Advertising

The Hammurderer's Jan. 11 debut ad?\in which he seizes and devours the McDonald's Happy Meal Guys, oblivious to their frantic screams?\earned poor marks from parents and child-development experts, who feared the spot might send the message to children that killing is acceptable. Several weeks later, more controversy erupted over the promotional coloring book "Shivved In The McRibs," in which the Hammurderer decapitates Mayor McCheese and eats his head.

Sorry if these articles were in poor taste :blush:

That's just awesome.

Although, “blowing stuff up and smashing windows” is “a great way to bring about animal liberation.” is actually pretty acurate--if you mean the animal liberation of a civilized human being.

We are animals after all.

Yeah, the distinct problem I have with PETA and similar organizations (other than the fact that they're morons, what do you think we have canine teeth for? Halloween?) is that they seem to forget that humans are animals.

While I don't know if PETA was involved, there was a recent--highly illegal and underhanded--incident in my area where a martial artist and blacksmith was threatened by local animal control agencies with huge fines and the destruction of his home unless he "did something about all those cats your wife has".

What they wanted, was for him to pay them several thousand dollars a cat for them to collect and take to their shelter about twenty formerly feral cats that his wife was caring for.

I've seen the massive habitat she built for those cats, and I garauntee you--lions in the San Deigo Zoo have it worse.

He didn't have the money to meet the animal shelter's demands, and the threats and harrassment grew steadily worse as the deadline they had given him approached...

...so he ended up doing the only thing he could: He euthanized the cats with a .22 callibur rifle. One shot each, expertly placed to insure death was instant and without suffering.

Now he's been convicted of animal cruelty charges--due in part to an animal control officers perjurous testimony that there were "No roofs" on the structure known as "Cat Haven".

As I've said, I saw Cat Haven--and the name fits. Aside from it's many other features, were corrigated steel roofs covering the sleeping areas.

Cat haven was bigger than his house and these bastards are going to send an old man do die in jail because he couldn't pay their ******* protection money.

No, that's not accurate--"protection money" would have been if they were going to protect cat haven if he paid them. No, what they wanted was for him to pay them for doing the service of kidnapping his wife's pets.

Did I mention that this was the man who started the Rennisance festivals here in California?

A more brilliant and talented man I have never met. His skill at crafting medieval armor is unbelievable--and being forced to kill those animals hurt him deeply--and now he's being sent to jail for it.

He's old, and suffering from the after effects of a massive staph infection his doctors did not believe he would survive--jail will kill him.

Which brings me to my point: Humans are animals, so why is it PETA and other animal rights groups don't seem to place any value whatsoever on human life or welfare?

This man's reputation in our community has been destroyed--he never had a chance in court. Not with every so called "animal lover" in town screaming for his head and the heads of anyone who tried to defend him in the editorial section of the local papers.

Comments like "get off my planet", and "Why don't you euthanize yourself with one of those bullets" wouldn't be acceptable under any other circumstances--but oh my god, he shot poor little kitties, the ******* monster.

Sometimes I feel like doing some "euthanizing" of my own.
I love the Renaissance Faire- and I first attended back in 1976. Sometimes people just need to back off a bit and find out all the facts behind a story.
PETA kills.....that is all.

Doc :wave:
Frankly, I don't think they'd care even if they knew the facts--it's kind of hard to justify shooting cute little kitties to some people...

...just one more form of prejudce we ususlly don't recognize.
Even though I was a vegetarian for nearly 4 years, Peta still scares the **** out of me. Always has, always will. I suspect that one day they're going to burst threw my door and haul me off for switching the pescatarianism.

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