9,000 year-old ancient European pyramids ?

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We have had to wait until October 2005 to realise that the 213m high Visočica hill in Bosnia was actually an ancient man-made pyramid, part of the so-called Bosnian pyramids. Bosnian-American author Semir Osmanagić has suggested that these Bosnian pyramids could have been constructed as early as 12,000 BCE, but most probably in a period ranging from 12,000 BCE to 500 BCE.

The complex would have comported 3 pyramids, the 220m high Sun Pyramid (one third taller than the Great Pyramid of Giza), as well as a smaller Moon Pyramid and (Bosnian) Dragon Pyramid.

Excavations are still under way and are expected to be completed for 2012, by which time we should know more about the actual age and function of these remarkable monuments. Agriculture came to Europe from the Middle East and Anatolia about 9,000 years ago. It first spread to South-Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Greece, and the rest of the Balkans), so Bosnia was among the earliest argicultural society in Europe (around 7000 BCE), before Italy. This would make it unlikely that the pyramids were built before 7,000 BCE. The absence of mention by the Romans and Greeks would mean that it was probably not used anymore by 1,000 BCE. That still leaves a timespan of 6,000 years...

History books may soon be teaching that the greatest pyramid on earth was not that of Cheops, in Giza in Egypt, but that of Visočica in Bosnia.
old news lol

I'm not so up-to-date with this, but I believe discussion about these ''pyramids'' is going nowhere. I'll check it and post. and some pics too, if you're interested.
sorry, didn't mean to sound rude.

anyway, about pyramids - it is not confirmed that they are really it. Visoko used to be one of the kings town, so these maybe just remains. we will see. i truly hope for it, but doubt it.
It seems that this piece of news was a hoax after all. Indeed, how could they have built a pyramid 1/3 taller than the Great Pyramid of Giza several millennia before agriculture or domesticated animals reached the region ?
I watched TV program couple of years ago about these pyramids. It turned to be a scam created by Semir Osmanagić, just to make few millions in donations from overexcited supporters.
Is this possible? I think Yes.

But is it true? I think they must make excavations, if there is any pyramid it will be very interesting.

It's another thing which Balkan share with Egypt: Haplogroup E-M78
Is this possible? I think Yes.

But is it true? I think they must make excavations, if there is any pyramid it will be very interesting.

It's another thing which Balkan share with Egypt: Haplogroup E-M78

The Balkans share haplogroup E-M78 with Egypt, but not Bosnia-Herzegovina, which is a hotspot of I2a2, because the Neolithic reached this isolated region much later than Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia or Albania.
The Balkans share haplogroup E-M78 with Egypt, but not Bosnia-Herzegovina, which is a hotspot of I2a2, because the Neolithic reached this isolated region much later than Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia or Albania.
The place where is thought to be the pyramid, is so near Serbia border, that we cannot know exactly if it was E or I haplogroup.

In old times the population moved often and masively, to find better hunting, or new lands for cereals.

So, for such a distance as it is some 30 km, we cannot know exactly.

And in old times it must have been enough one person to tell another population his secrets of sciense etc,
And another question:

Is there any link, between Lion of Aurignacian and the Sfinxes of Egypt??
It will be nice to have in Europe a country which also have those remarcable kind of constructions....













Word Largest Pyrmid:

Pyramid of Cholula. Unfortunatelly buried, and with a Catholic church on the top :( .


"Oh, great Quetzalcoatl, our true God that sleeps inside the pyramid,
wake up and destroy with a bolt that damned church from the catholic mafia.
Your sons need you, and that your wrath fall also against similar churches,
and their false religious leaders, and also against these currupt and traitor politicians,
that keep Your people in the oblivion."
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This is 100% Man made Pyramids that have said all Worlds Experts
that was in Bosnia and have see this Pyramids.

All Peoles who saif this is 100% absolut not hanmade this are only
haters of Bosnia.
lol, when you say "all Worlds Experts" then I know immediately you are full of......
I'm sure expert Daniken would agree with you.

All Peoles who saif this is 100% absolut not hanmade this are only
haters of Bosnia.

So I have to agree with you 100%, otherwise I'm a hater of Bosnia. Where is the logic????!!!!
I said all Experts of the World who was in Bosnia and not all Experts in the World and thats not People like Däniken.

You must not be agree but to say thats absolut not Handmade that said all about you.

You are a Serb or Croatian or a supporter of them and nothing other.
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