Religion A world without religion

Taking a stab at that very thoughtful question--and since I have not seen much on that specific element, could very well be in error here--I'd say that evolutionary psychology puts that emotional element as a by-product of group bonding needs. (not that is has any direct and specific function in itself) That, in turn, is perhaps more largely (if not totally) due to having more prefrontal cortex, and a larger brain.
First you would have to determine if this sense of awe and predetermined desire to worship are indeed an intrinsic part of the human psyche. It seems like that to me, but I have not seen any data to back up this assumption.
Yes, I agree. Let's see what we can find in that line of thinking. I'll post what I find on the 'R&S' thread--or was it 'S&R'? Wow can't even recall the order of words on an OP that I myself started....but I think you know which one I'm talking about.

Where's that fountain of youth, now....I need to clear up my memory capabilities...
Responding to the OP, I agree that a world without religion would be a better place. Religion has caused more problems than it has provided solutions for.
Blututh said:
Responding to the OP, I agree that a world without religion would be a better place. Religion has caused more problems than it has provided solutions for.

Religion in itself is not the problem. What causes all the misery we attribute to religion is the people who abuse it to justify their greed/ambition/megalomania/whatnot. How many times have you seen leaders use religion to justify their cause? The declaration "It is the will of God!" has probably condemned legions of people to death or privation.

Like all things, religion has its positive and negative aspects. It is a great source of comfort to millions of people. It gives people the strength to face adversity especially in times of crisis. It gives people direction when they feel lost. It unites families, communities, and nations. Yet, At the same time it is the cause of suffering of untold millions. Wars were fought because of it. People are persecuted and killed because of it.

A world without religion would seem great at first glance considering the past. However, I believe a world without religion to be a dark uncomforting place. People need to believe in something/someone higher than they are. People need to believe that there is meaning in life. People need faith. People find all these in religion.

Ultimately the problem lies not with religion but in those few who use it for their ends.
Talk about a boring place. I can think of dozens of positive contributions... Switchfoot, Third Day, and Casting Crowns are three of them.
Generally, those who think that the world would be better off without religion seem to have made some vague claim, such as:
Religion has caused wars, acts of terrorism, murder, discrimination, and genocide.
Religion has caused more problems than it has provided solutions for.
Mycernius has listed some atrocities in the name of religion. No-one has made any serious attempt to prove this claim that religion does more harm than good. How about we start with casualties of war? This site has very detailed breakdowns of the casualties in 20th century conflicts and some stats for earlier wars and genocides too.

To pick out a few of the usual suspects, here are some death tolls from primarily religious conflicts:

Rise of Islam - less than 700,000
The Crusades - at most 5,000,000
Witch hunts - realistic estimates no more than 100,000
Spanish Inquisition - at most 32,000 deaths, at most 341,000 punishments
English Civil War - at most 100,000, including deaths not directly from conflict
Holocaust (Jews) - 6,000,000
Pakistani independence - at most 1,000,000
Northern Ireland - 3,500
Jonestone - 913
Waco - 72
9/11 - approx 3,000

compare these to primarily non-religious wars and genocides:

WWI - 15,000,000
Russian Civil War - 9,000,000
Stalin's regime - 20,000,000
WWII - 49,000,000 (since we counted 6m Jews under religious wars)
Chinese Civil War - 2,500,000
Mao Zedong's regime - 40,000,000
Fascinating numbers, although most of the non-religious massacres, wars, etc took place in the last century. I'm not exactly sure when the world's population exploded, but it would be interesting to get those numbers and compare those numbers to them.

At the very least we can deduce that humans need not religion to kill or maim each other.

To add to that, which conflicts were fought on a purely religious basis, and which also had socioeconomics as a motivating factor?
I think it is an indication that we tend to kill each other for whatever reason we find convenient: An ideal, a flag, a religion... you need something to rally your guys around and make the other guys less than human. Colonialism, Nationalism, Communism, Imperialism, Fascism... Last century and a half we killed each other over "isms." Wars fought over independance from colonialism, from slavery, oppression, ... and now sectarian fragmentation-- race, tribe....and religion again becomes important.

We never blame culture (ideas of cultural supremacy) or music or language-- although those play a part in most conflicts and we never blame the technology and science that each employs to better kill the other.
:blush: I was amazed always to confidence of people that "Doctrine" based their religious practice is one and too with their "Cult"...
People frequently "appropriate" the Doctrine and treat it how it "seems" to them...
And to them "everything" can "seem"...
In an antiquity it was known, that anyone " the Doctrine about the Supreme " - " the Hidden Doctrine "... Such " a cube - Rubik "...
Only " the recognition of Authority of Time " and following of "Way" could lead to to " assembly of it " cube-Rubik "...
Find though one " the Doctrine in the World " kept in an original form... Without conjectures and thoughts of people... (?)
To this, that " know all and people " created knowledge " think is " them...
It and concerning culture of " a free society "...:blush: :angel:

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