WyteAnjal said:
My opinion on this is..
1. If a girl is ready to have a sexual relationship then she should be old enough to understand contreception and birth control.
2. If a girl gets pregnant she should be forced to have the baby unless for specific reasons. Abortion is murder the same.
3. If a girl is raped I believe that she should be able to have an abortion because this was not a decision made by herself and having the baby could cause sever mental effects.
4. If a girl can not physically carry a baby I feel they should be allowed to have an aborition.
{personal edit: Call this point or statement 5.} Okay now think of this. A woman in Texas shot herself in the stomach trying to kill the baby inside her. She went to jail for murder because the baby died. So why is it legal for doctors to kill a baby with a womans consent and not okay for a woman to kill her own baby. No matter how you look at it a baby inside you is still a life and no one should have the option to just throw a life away without a very good reason.
1. A fair amount do. A fair amount don't, usually by fiddling from people with similar opinions as yourself (such as the US Department of Health which at thismoment only teaches abstinence. Some people know of condoms and birth control pills, but what about things like "le st?rilet", a t-shaped metallic object that automates rejection for about 30 months. Therefore for someone to unilaterally decide such a standard is ethically unacceptable. In french, also, there is a difference between "rapport and relation sexuelle", which sexual relationship means that there's more to it than a casual *bleep*.
2. Your statement is quite obstinate. I will make one of my own. Murder the parents for not teaching the child to keep her legs shut. Both yours and mine are true-felt feelings but are not applicable to the real world. Obviously, you've never heard of infanticide. Want to promote that instead ? Killing not blastocysts or embryos, but babies who have been brought to term, born and then cut up into mincemeat, poisones or shot and thrown into dumpsters... I await your answer on this one. Do you prefer killing babies who have actually felt, breathed or is an embryo that runs a natural risk of rejection anyway that gets aborted an acceptable alternative to infanticide ?
(Please do not use the age-old "but birth and sustained life is better" Because we both know that with the appropriatre resources, it is, and when you don't have them, it isn't. Stick to abortion vs its alternative infanticide.)
3 and 4 are inconsistent to your feelings expressed in 2. It's ok to murder if raped because rape isn't a voluntary decision... And in 4, some states past this "24 weeks" BS force the mother to carry out to term. It may be nice that you think that 9-12 year olds should be allowed to abort due to bodily issues, but what about the older women who were fine before the pregnancy but carrying it out could mean their direct death ?
As for 5, too bad it wasn't Old England. That could be viewed as a suicide attempt,and "the crime of attempting to suicide" (since actually carrying out means you are dead) "was to be put to death". A mother like that should have went for an aborion instead of filling herself with Vitamin Lead.
While I am pro-abortion, I am not pro-abortion
s. I say counter-measures for people who get abortions on a repeated basis should be after 2, the "st?rilet" , put a brake on it for 24-30 months. I do not think the Indiana Project type solutions are proper in today's society, therefore imprisonment if they reach 4. No conjugal visits that enable fluid transfers either.