Abortion: Pro-life or Pro-choice?

Should Abortion be allowed?

  • Should not be allowed at all

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • Should be allowed only when medically necessary

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • Women should choose for themselves

    Votes: 42 66.7%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
I'm all for a woman to choose. BUT, there should IMO be some kind of "punishment" (for both parties), especially for people who is just to damn lazy, drunk or horny to bother to protect themselves. There should be a really damn good reason to have an abortion, that's my opinion.
WyteAnjal said:
My opinion on this is..

1. If a girl is ready to have a sexual relationship then she should be old enough to understand contreception and birth control.

2. If a girl gets pregnant she should be forced to have the baby unless for specific reasons. Abortion is murder the same.

3. If a girl is raped I believe that she should be able to have an abortion because this was not a decision made by herself and having the baby could cause sever mental effects.

4. If a girl can not physically carry a baby I feel they should be allowed to have an aborition.

{personal edit: Call this point or statement 5.} Okay now think of this. A woman in Texas shot herself in the stomach trying to kill the baby inside her. She went to jail for murder because the baby died. So why is it legal for doctors to kill a baby with a womans consent and not okay for a woman to kill her own baby. No matter how you look at it a baby inside you is still a life and no one should have the option to just throw a life away without a very good reason.

1. A fair amount do. A fair amount don't, usually by fiddling from people with similar opinions as yourself (such as the US Department of Health which at thismoment only teaches abstinence. Some people know of condoms and birth control pills, but what about things like "le st?rilet", a t-shaped metallic object that automates rejection for about 30 months. Therefore for someone to unilaterally decide such a standard is ethically unacceptable. In french, also, there is a difference between "rapport and relation sexuelle", which sexual relationship means that there's more to it than a casual *bleep*.

2. Your statement is quite obstinate. I will make one of my own. Murder the parents for not teaching the child to keep her legs shut. Both yours and mine are true-felt feelings but are not applicable to the real world. Obviously, you've never heard of infanticide. Want to promote that instead ? Killing not blastocysts or embryos, but babies who have been brought to term, born and then cut up into mincemeat, poisones or shot and thrown into dumpsters... I await your answer on this one. Do you prefer killing babies who have actually felt, breathed or is an embryo that runs a natural risk of rejection anyway that gets aborted an acceptable alternative to infanticide ?
(Please do not use the age-old "but birth and sustained life is better" Because we both know that with the appropriatre resources, it is, and when you don't have them, it isn't. Stick to abortion vs its alternative infanticide.)

3 and 4 are inconsistent to your feelings expressed in 2. It's ok to murder if raped because rape isn't a voluntary decision... And in 4, some states past this "24 weeks" BS force the mother to carry out to term. It may be nice that you think that 9-12 year olds should be allowed to abort due to bodily issues, but what about the older women who were fine before the pregnancy but carrying it out could mean their direct death ?

As for 5, too bad it wasn't Old England. That could be viewed as a suicide attempt,and "the crime of attempting to suicide" (since actually carrying out means you are dead) "was to be put to death". A mother like that should have went for an aborion instead of filling herself with Vitamin Lead.

While I am pro-abortion, I am not pro-abortions. I say counter-measures for people who get abortions on a repeated basis should be after 2, the "st?rilet" , put a brake on it for 24-30 months. I do not think the Indiana Project type solutions are proper in today's society, therefore imprisonment if they reach 4. No conjugal visits that enable fluid transfers either.
Hard topic.
I would never wear a T-Shirt which said anything about abortion.

Although abortion seems morally wrong, I can't place abortion in the same category as murder. I'm not certain a the State should decide this matter.

I wish no woman would ever have to, want to , or feel compelled to have an abortion.

I wish all children were born knowing that they are wanted and loved.
I think abortion should be fully acceptable if decided on within a week or so of the woman finding out that she is pregnant. That would be quite early in the pregnancy, and definitely not late enough that the fetus could be considered an independent person.
Melkor said:
I think abortion should be fully acceptable if decided on within a week or so of the woman finding out that she is pregnant. That would be quite early in the pregnancy, and definitely not late enough that the fetus could be considered an independent person.

Unfortunately, even though a woman or a couple may decide to abort at a particular time, it is the doctor's call as to when to perform the procedure. Oftentimes, the doctor will make the woman wait until a certain number of weeks.
I don't think abortion should be aloud..then again ppl have their right to make their own decisions about it...so I'm not sure..
I'm pro-choice, but I do believe there should be strict guidelines and rules. Abortion is NOT a form of birth control.

All these teens getting pregnant (and even some adults) who think abortion is some kind of failsafe are wrong. All other options should be considered and tried before an abortion is deemed acceptable. A child living with a foster family is better than a child never given a chance to live. Also, it should not be legal to perform an abortion after the fetus has "become a living child", if that's how you want to put it (if the female chooses to abort, the doctor should be required to choose a time which fits this guideline).

I'm not going to say abortions should be limited to rape victims, because there are honest "accidents". These accidents should be admitted and dealt with as soon as possible, however, instead of put off for an unreasonable amount of time.
It's an old thread (over 5 years old !) but there is no need to start a new topic when it already exists.

I just want to add a few sentences by Richard Dawkins on abortion. It is from a discussion on the Guardian's Science Blog.

Our ethics and our politics assume, largely without question or serious discussion, that the division between human and 'animal' is absolute. 'Pro-life', to take just one example, is a potent political badge, associated with a gamut of ethical issues such as opposition to abortion and euthanasia.

What it really means is pro-human-life. Abortion clinic bombers are not known for their veganism, nor do Roman Catholics show any particular reluctance to have their suffering pets 'put to sleep'. In the minds of many confused people, a single-celled human zygote, which has no nerves and cannot suffer, is infinitely sacred, simply because it is 'human'. No other cells enjoy this exalted status.

He then raises the important question of the limit between humans and animals. Where in evolution did apes become human ? How would we treat a half-chimpanzee half-human hybrid ? But more interestingly, would pro-life Christians who defend the right to live of a few human cells in an embryo apply the same logic for a mouse with partial human DNA ? It's not a theoretical question. Such mice do already exist (e.g. with the human version of FOXP2).

Richard Dawkins said:
3. An experimental chimera in an embryology lab, consisting of approximately equal numbers of human and chimpanzee cells. Chimeras of human and mouse cells are now constructed in the laboratory as a matter of course, but they don't survive to term. Incidentally, another example of our speciesist ethics is the fuss now made about mouse embryos containing some proportion of human cells. "How human must a chimera be before more stringent research rules should kick in?" So far, the question is merely theological, since the chimeras don't come anywhere near being born, and there is nothing resembling a human brain. But, to venture off down the slippery slope so beloved of ethicists, what if we were to fashion a chimera of 50% human and 50% chimpanzee cells and grow it to adulthood? That would change everything. Maybe it will?
Pro-choice... But, abortion should never be treated as a form of contraception.
Pro-choice... But, abortion should never be treated as a form of contraception.

Of course. An abortion is not something to be taken lightly. It can be psychologically traumatising, it can cause physical damage leading to sterility, and too many abortions increase the risk of ovarian, breast and uterine cancer.

Yet abortion should be an option because accidents do happen, especially with less experimented or more careless teenagers. There is nothing worse than a unwanted baby raised by a single mother who does not have the means to support a child and is still too emotionally immature. That's an extreme case, but in general unwanted babies who are a burden on the parents are less well taken care of, less loved, and have more chance of becoming deliquents. It has been proven that 20 years after abortion was legalised in the USA the crime rate has been steadily decreasing. Aborted unwanted babies did not grow to become criminals. That's very important to keep society safe and healthy.
To Kill, abort, euthanize, the bottom line is if it's beneficial to society, neutral, or not much destructive, it will be tolerated by our egalitarian nations. Just get use to it. We always excused killing enemies, though they are humans. We can kill in self defence and defending others, kill sick if they ask for it, kill life to help women have an easier life. Life goes on....

I know how to legalise abortion or killing kids in any cases. Parents should patent their DNA. I'm not kidding, their are DNA patents already or at least pending. Therefore any combination of parents DNA will be treated as their invention. As such they should have rights to do whatever they want with their kids/creation. It should even excuse tribal/honor killings.
Damn, it's so Darwinian...it might work.
Life starts when the sperm hits the egg. Abortion should be allowed only when medically necessary. Ask your self if you would have liked to be aborted?
Don't forget to ask fetus (new human) too?
What? You took it's rights to choose away? Hypocrite!
I'm pro abortion, but afet watching this video, it's not so simple to form an opinion

very touching and beutiful video.. the myracle of life

this part is one of the most fashinating... the Spermatozoos race, to reach the ovolus
(in italian) -Complete video af the creation of life-
Geminis playing in the womb!

this is also cute!
In the USA too many women died from unsanitary and clumsy methods. How the opponents can call themselves pro-life is beyond me. I would prefer to see a grown woman live and be healthy than worry about a foetus. Let sanity continue to prosper in the US as long as possible.
Honestly I am pro-life except for pregnancies caused by rape or incest.