Behore the Indo-European's arrival hunter tribes lived in Western-Europe
from the Upper-Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. Hans Gunther (German anthropologist) and Coone thought these hunters were descendants
of the ancient Aurignac (Bruenn) and Cro-Magnon men. It is supposed
that they had big skulls, blue eyes and fair/red hair. The Irish, the German
so called Faelish race (read Hans Guenther and Coon), very numerous
in Western Germany, Netherlands and Denmark) were descendants of
these hunters. But what has happened with these descendants?
Most of the inhabitants of the Lower Countries, British Islands, Western
Germany and Denmark belong to the haplogroup R1b. It is for me a
difficult thing to accept that this haplogroup originated from south Russia. But if this haplogroup shoud originate from south Russia, what has happened with the descendants of the West-European Cro-Magnons?
Who has been in the north of the Netherlands, West-German coast
areas (Ost-Friesland, Oldenburg) and Jutland? There are no areas
(also not in Sweden or Norway) in the world where you can find so
pure descendants of the West European Upperpaleolithics as there.
The rural populations had practically all real blue eyes and light fair/
red hair. In Friesland, Groningen and East-Friesland in the country
side dark eyes are totally absent. Maybe there are the purest descendants of the Germanic tribes which Tacitus described in his
from the Upper-Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. Hans Gunther (German anthropologist) and Coone thought these hunters were descendants
of the ancient Aurignac (Bruenn) and Cro-Magnon men. It is supposed
that they had big skulls, blue eyes and fair/red hair. The Irish, the German
so called Faelish race (read Hans Guenther and Coon), very numerous
in Western Germany, Netherlands and Denmark) were descendants of
these hunters. But what has happened with these descendants?
Most of the inhabitants of the Lower Countries, British Islands, Western
Germany and Denmark belong to the haplogroup R1b. It is for me a
difficult thing to accept that this haplogroup originated from south Russia. But if this haplogroup shoud originate from south Russia, what has happened with the descendants of the West-European Cro-Magnons?
Who has been in the north of the Netherlands, West-German coast
areas (Ost-Friesland, Oldenburg) and Jutland? There are no areas
(also not in Sweden or Norway) in the world where you can find so
pure descendants of the West European Upperpaleolithics as there.
The rural populations had practically all real blue eyes and light fair/
red hair. In Friesland, Groningen and East-Friesland in the country
side dark eyes are totally absent. Maybe there are the purest descendants of the Germanic tribes which Tacitus described in his