If you think that genetics is the only field free from ideological, nationalistic and political, including the Woke-Marxist movement, conditioning and distortions, you are very naive indeed, and not very knowledgeable on these issues. You show a blind faith in genetics that borders on fanaticism.
Of course not. However, I know how distorted the interpretations and conclusions can be, that's a very obvious thing. I'm talking about actual unambiguous results, like e.g. uniparentals from ancient DNA. Unless they don't manipulate the selection of samples or the results themselves, these stand for themselves.
I have argued with scholars in the past about theories and even though all the data was on my side, I couldn't deliver them the final blow, since they could argue even if all the data is against them: There was still no migration, no replacement, no genocide etc., but just a transfer fo ideas and ethnicity didn't matter to those people of the past. Now their view being completely refuted, whether they aknowledge it or not. And I myself can be sure I was right as well, because even if all the archaeological data is pretty straightforward, you never know it 100 % what's being hidden behind a specific burial and pot before you have tested the remains. That's the beauty of ancient DNA, you might be actually PROVEN right or wrong.
See my theory on E-V13 survival and expansion. I think I have a lot of good arguments for Channelled Ware into Stamped Pottery/Basarabi being the at the core of the movement of people with haplogroup E-V13, but before those groups and others aren't tested, we can't be sure about anything and some alternative theories, as bad as they might look, going by the currently available data, can still be proven right by ancient DNA and I would accept it.
If you let biased scholars
INTERPRET data as they wish, and then a biased journalist messes up the interpretation of this biased scholar in a much worse way, of course you can get ideological crap out all the time. But again, especially if its about the origin and migration of people, the actual data, if there is sufficient of it, is pretty much unambiguous, at least if the two people in question (like steppe vs. farmers) are clearly distinct from each other genetically, or if there is high resolution uniparental data available. I'm obviously talking about the data, not what scientists, and even worse journalists, ideologists and politicians, will make out of it.