Health Anti-vaxxer movement strongest in France

The issue of vaccine or not vaccine is a hot topic of where I live as well. I, after consulting with my Doctor, got vaccinated back in March (Pfizer). With this new Delta variant, my town has a video billboard at various parts of town that shows what the major hospitals have in terms of hospitalization and the numbers are like 90% unvaccinated to 10% vaccinated. So the evidence, again the evidence, suggest that the Vaccines do mitigate (not totally eradicate) the virus being transmitted.

Now I think once the FDA approves the COVID-19 vaccines, States individually and Feds Nationally are going to have the Constitutional standing to mandate vaccines. I consider myself a Judicial Conservative and seem Antonin Scalia, the son of Sicilian_Italian immigrants as a personal hero of mine. During this summer, Indiana University in Bloomington, a huge B1G 10 Research University mandated the vaccine. A group of students filed a lawsuit against Indiana University and ultimately the 7th US Circuit court 3-0 ruled in favor of Indiana University. The 3 judges who ruled on the case were 1) a Reagan appointee and 2) 2 Trump appointees. They cited a 1905 case of Massachusetts residents vs. State of MA which ruled that MA had the authority to mandate the Small pox vaccine. The Court ruled that there are conditions to attending a University that don't restrict rights, such as Tuition, Fees and yes other vaccines (Small pox, Polio, Tetnus, Rubella, etc).

So my theory is once the FDA approves the vaccine, the Government will mandate it and have 100% legal standing (Constitution sanctioned) to do so.

SCOTUS Associate Justice Barrett, another Trump appointee, read an appeal and did not think it needed to be taken to the Supreme Court which kind of signals where this will go once full FDA approval happens.

I was happy about this ruling.
68% of French people have been vaccinated. It's still a bit lower than the Western European average, but better than Germany (63%) or the US (59%). Yet the French anti-vaxxers are adamant and extremely angry about restrictions for the non-vaccinated. Protesters have taken to the street, which is almost a national pass time in France. They compare Macron to Hitler and the sanitary pass to the Apartheid. This is a minority, but a very vocal one. They are talking of civil war, and it may look like they may well be on the verge of causing one with their sheer bloody-mindedness and hysteria. Some demonstrators wore the tricolour clothes of the French Revolution while others wore yellow stars on which was written "non-vaccinated". It's more than just provocative.

The Economist has an enlightening article on the subject: Why so many French people fear dictatorship and civil war
68% of French people have been vaccinated. It's still a bit lower than the Western European average, but better than Germany (63%) or the US (59%). Yet the French anti-vaxxers are adamant and extremely angry about restrictions for the non-vaccinated. Protesters have taken to the street, which is almost a national pass time in France. They compare Macron to Hitler and the sanitary pass to the Apartheid. This is a minority, but a very vocal one. They are talking of civil war, and it may look like they may well be on the verge of causing one with their sheer bloody-mindedness and hysteria. Some demonstrators wore the tricolour clothes of the French Revolution while others wore yellow stars on which was written "non-vaccinated". It's more than just provocative.

The Economist has an enlightening article on the subject: Why so many French people fear dictatorship and civil war

The situation in France is so unfortunate. I'm happy that France has made such progress in vaccination, especially after all this loss of life it would be incomprehensible for me why the anti-vaccination movement is so strong.
1)Are the level of indemnification and safety of product, scaled in contracts? For example, the riskier the product the more contract clauses for indemnification?

Are International vaccine agreements between big pharma and governments open to public disclosure? Or are they made confidential for a period of years; (10 years for example)?
1)Are the level of indemnification and safety of product, scaled in contracts? For example, the riskier the product the more contract clauses for indemnification?

Are International vaccine agreements between big pharma and governments open to public disclosure? Or are they made confidential for a period of years; (10 years for example)?

  • Fears about link between the jabs and myocarditis have grown in recent weeks
  • Now the UK's drug safety watchdog has updated safety information for the jabs
  • It accepts that the condition is a possible side effect of both the Covid vaccines

[h=1]Myocarditis and Pericarditis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination[/h]
Now that the FDA is approving Pfizer the day after tomorrow, will you now accept that it is a safe and effective vaccine? Also will you get it?
Anything less than a release of full disclosure in clinical trials Pfizer 2 year vaccinated versus their non vaccinated control group for public viewing by 3rd party neutral medical experts will be very suspicious. If no data or pathology reports for peer review by scientists I hope this is not a repeat of the 1996 clinical trials in Kano Nigeria and the 2009 verdict by the US department of Justice.

  • Fears about link between the jabs and myocarditis have grown in recent weeks
  • Now the UK's drug safety watchdog has updated safety information for the jabs
  • It accepts that the condition is a possible side effect of both the Covid vaccines

Myocarditis and Pericarditis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination

I think the risk from long covid, and indeed covid-19 in general, is far greater than the risk of myocarditis. Plus, myocarditis can be treated.
I think the risk from long covid, and indeed covid-19 in general, is far greater than the risk of myocarditis. Plus, myocarditis can be treated.
I'm pro vaccine. Those of us who have loved ones who have taken this and seen them experience fatigue and headaches want answers before we take it. There is no better time to show the benefits of this technology by the FDA by releasing statistical information for neutral scientific third party review and debate. If there is no information like statistics and pathology of VAERS patients are we to conclude that secret agreement has been signed to not release this data? Release the data for the public scientists to peer review. Show the public how it differs from a Ivermectin like India used. Or how Sweden 0 deaths differs from Finland.
Anything less than a release of full disclosure in clinical trials Pfizer 2 year vaccinated versus their non vaccinated control group for public viewing by 3rd party neutral medical experts will be very suspicious. If no data or pathology reports for peer review by scientists I hope this is not a repeat of the 1996 clinical trials in Kano Nigeria and the 2009 verdict by the US department of Justice.
So already you have a new excuse, than. I had a feeling you would still not accept it. Just keep moving the goal post. Don't worry, it is only a matter of time before Canada and the US makes it mandatory to get the vaccine in order to live a normal life.
So already you have a new excuse, than. I had a feeling you would still not accept it. Just keep moving the goal post. Don't worry, it is only a matter of time before Canada and the US makes it mandatory to get the vaccine in order to live a normal life.
Peer reviewed autopsies by pathologists for mrna vaccine deaths is not moving the goal post. If no data is released mandate or no mandate I would be concerned for the health of those who are now facing a third shot. You understand it is not normal to vaccinate the control group right?
The whole idea of having Pfizer one shot or two at the most, is to stop the spread and mitigate the health effects of those in the highest risk group. The fact that Israel is so far into Pfizer vaccines and needs more shots sounds a little disturbing. Was there a secret agreement signed to keep this vaccine regiment going regardless of the data?
[h=1]Israeli doctors find severe COVID-19 breakthrough cases mostly in older, sicker patients[/h]

Will everybody-100% receiving the same mrna vaccine in the middle of a pandemic, help to return to the normal way of life? Time will tell. FDA can release the data, that is all that is required, to convince people they are not partaking in some wild experiment.
Hopefully the FDA will clarify the trend in Israel and why 2 Pfizer shots are not stopping the spread or helping those over 60. No more excuses of mutations; there will always be the potential for mutations to arise, since the reservoir can be different animals like bats, birds, mammals etc, or different populations that have not used mrna vaccines like China, or that have used Ivermectin, like India.

Israel has one of the world's highest daily Covid-19 infection rates, despite high vaccine uptake

Covid 80% of Israeli adults are fully vaccinated against Covid-19,
When you figure out who is collaborating with the FDA and owns shares in mrna companies, everything will make sense.
[h=1]Israel struggles with COVID surge despite mass vaccinations[/h]

f you were to ask me two months ago when we had only 100 cases a day, I would have said we don’t need to go with a booster,” said Professor Cohen.
“But in the meantime, we moved from 100 cases a day to 8,000 cases a day and I won’t be surprised if in a couple more days we see more than 10,000.......More than 1.3 million Israelis out of a population of 9.3 million have received three doses of Pfizer so far, but there have been “breakthroughs”: some people have become infected with coronavirus despite having received three shots.
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Breakthroughs are expected, and the amount is infinitesimal. We have known this from day one.

This is from July 29th:

In total, 2.6% of the healthcare workers had breakthrough COVID-19 infections, 67% of which were mild and 33% of which were asymptomatic.

67% were mild, and 33% were asymptomatic OF the 2.6%.

The overwhelming vast majority of people infected were UNVACCINATED, and they have been hospitalized or died.
Jovialis, let them be skeptics. The news is full of skeptics and conspiracy theorists that did not get vaccinated and ended up dying.To the skeptics, I really don't care if you live or if you die. You had your opportunity and you blew it. I just hope that you do not discover how wrong you were on your death bed because it would be too late. I will take a booster shot as soon as I am able.
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