Atypical Romanian 23andme results?


Junior Member
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Hi, i am from Romania (Galati) and i got a bit of anatolian and west asian in my 23andme results. My question is why among my relatives, i am among the only one that gets it and at such a bit quantity? I score 3.1% anatolian and 0.9% broadly west asian. I checked thoses chromosomes location at gedmatch and they do not seems atypical compared to the rest, they do not evwen have any west asian so why 23andme assigned my anatolian on chromosome 9, 15 and 20?
Salut. Nu mi se pare ceva exceptional. Am mai vazut nu numai romani ci chiar si nord si vest europeni cu ceva procente vest asiatice. Ce alte procente mai ai in rezultat, si ce haplogrupuri?

Maternal haplogrup este k1c2. Paternal haplogrup este R-L2. Sar putea sa am oleaca de sange evreu dar atat, dar turc nu am nici o ideii. Cred ca cauculatorul de 23andme nu este inca pus la punct. Am 70.1% greece and balkan, 25.3% eastern european, 3.1% anatolian, 0.9% broadly west asian, 0.2% chinese, 0.1% native american si 0.1% unassigned. Am facut si myheritage, si am transferat la gedmatch, DNA Land si Family tree dna.

I don't think the results are too atypical, 3.1% Anatolian and 0.9% broadly West Asian.

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