Ben Shapiro is R1b

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And the maternal haplogroup???
I will guess is a K.

Also, where's thw video, isn't in YouTube
One of his relatives told me. It showed him in his relative list.

How do you know that it is the Ben Shapiro and not just a Ben Shapiro. For example, I've just search through my AncestryDNA matches, and there are several Ben Shapiro's.
How do you know that it is the Ben Shapiro and not just a Ben Shapiro. For example, I've just search through my AncestryDNA matches, and there are several Ben Shapiro's.

I don't really think he's R1b, he looks like a pretty average Jewish man to me...
How do you know that it is the Ben Shapiro and not just a Ben Shapiro. For example, I've just search through my AncestryDNA matches, and there are several Ben Shapiro's.
He received him the day he got the test a couple days before his initial tweet covering his 23andme results, so it was him. And his name was in-full Benjamin Shapiro and not "just a Ben Shapiro".
I don't really think he's R1b, he looks like a pretty average Jewish man to me...

Dumbest comment I have heard in a long time. There is a very large cluster of Shapiro and equivalent names at FTDNA under R-L584, so it's absolutely possible, if not likely. L584 was also found in an Ashkenazi cemetery where the victim had a blunt trauma wound to the head. His profile was more inline with a Mizrahi Jewish profile, but it looks like the European Jews came from several groups initially and some groups were winners and others losers in terms of genes which were passed on.
I agree the original statement shows a lack of knowledge or population genetics, but no need to come in guns ablazing and calling names. Some people may still be learning.

As for winners and losers in terms of yDna among the Ashkenazim, the Middle Eastern y won by a mile.

Not that I would look at it that way.

Rather, Jewish men carrying predominantly Middle Eastern yDna who lived around the Rhine may have had amongst them, not only a lot of descendants of European women, but a few y lines of European men. I'm sure they prefer to think the original carrier was a convert, but perhaps not, unfortunately.
I don't really think he's R1b, he looks like a pretty average Jewish man to me...

Y-dna is no more than like .001% of ones actual genome. It has little to do with most of your ancient genome that makes you up and phenotype as well. With that being said, paternal haplos are a good indicator for ancient migratory groups especially when they historically match certain time frames. Ie. My clade perfectly matches steppe migration and bell beakers into iberia. We know that 30-40% of our autosomal was affected by these people, and a a near 100% replacement of y-dna in iberia.
Y-DNA is the piece of DNA that defines traits subjected to gender dysmorphia, so the chromosome in itself makes people look different, it's logical that the mutations among haplogroups also make a difference.
Y-DNA is the piece of DNA that defines traits subjected to gender dysmorphia, so the chromosome in itself makes people look different, it's logical that the mutations among haplogroups also make a difference.

Some influence on height and a few other things. I find it highly doubtful that the mutations of a few SNPs that determine a haplogroup will affect a man's appearance, especially so as to render a physical similarity to all the men carrying that haplogroup.
R1b aside, Ben Shapiro looks clearly alien to the majority of continental Europe, as do many Jews of recent European origin, because they belong to an ethnicity that is indigenous to the Middle East. No woke whining will change that. It doesn't surprise me to see Roma who look non-European; why should seeing a Jew who looks similarly distinct? The Roma frequently have R1a, and some even have European branches of it/continental European Y chromosomes. Doesn't change that they have a majority of their ancestry from the Indian Subcontinent.
I hope you're being really sarcastic. You'd have to be mad as a hatter to think this face looks clearly alien to the majority of Europe.

I hope you're being really sarcastic. You'd have to be mad as a hatter to think this face looks clearly alien to the majority of Europe.

i agree with angela here
i was in spain recentley
he look like them
dont know if he is realy r1b
but he look southwest european
I find it highly doubtful that the mutations of a few SNPs that determine a haplogroup will affect a man's appearance

No. If Y chromosome mutations affect testosterone(and body mass index), they can indeed affect appearence.
Dumbest comment I have heard in a long time. There is a very large cluster of Shapiro and equivalent names at FTDNA under R-L584, so it's absolutely possible, if not likely. L584 was also found in an Ashkenazi cemetery where the victim had a blunt trauma wound to the head. His profile was more inline with a Mizrahi Jewish profile, but it looks like the European Jews came from several groups initially and some groups were winners and others losers in terms of genes which were passed on.

A lot of burials uncovered Western Jews with R-Z2103 (an upstream clade of L584 and a downstream clade of L23). Which implies Greco-Armenian ancestry. Ben Shapiro is probably a descendant of one of those Greco-Armenians specifically Hurrian or Mitanni (ie "Anatolians"). Now, you could refer that Middle Easterners have this aswell. but how did they acquire it is the question. Clearly there is an influence outside the Levant and even the Arab Peninsula.
I hope you're being really sarcastic. You'd have to be mad as a hatter to think this face looks clearly alien to the majority of Europe.


He does look a little Alien. Likeable to Greeks or Armenians in my opinion, but the Euro influence does show. Funny that I've thought he looked sort of Indian with his old hairstyle and his facial features (ie lips and nose) and the roundness of his head.
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