Not really shocked and that is totally besides the point anyway. The point is its very silly for anyone to say Trump does not care about EU and does not have anti EU sentiment with such comments. Is it difficult to understand?
I generally agree with you but one can't forget that as an individual, Trump is a blustering, uninformed idiot
and flip flopping opportunist. Not only does he generally lack a complete and total understanding of the most important issues facing the world, but he also changes his stances and opinions depending on the room he's in--with people like this, it's hard to ever truly know what they
actually support or do not support.
When he was in Scotland, he didn't
intentionally support Britain's decision to leave the EU, knowing that Scotland voted to remain. In true Trump fashion, he didn't
know that Scotland voted to remain and was merely speaking out of his ass, as he is wont to do. He tweeted this the day after the referendum: "Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!" He's simply fed right-wing talking points by his handlers and he repeats them like a less intelligent Mynah bird--usually, his handlers point him in the right direction and set him loose but this time, someone messed up (most likely Trump himself).
And again, aside from his idiocy, he is a professional flip flopper. This is Trump in 2013, speaking on the need for European/International economic interdependence:
"The near meltdown we experienced a few years ago made it clear that our economic health depended on dependence on each other to do the right thing.
We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term -- we work with each other for the benefit of all.
I think we've all become aware of the fact that our cultures and economics are intertwined... It's a time for working together for the best of all involved. Never before has the phrase "we're all in this together" had more resonance or relevance."
"We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability...
Europe is a tapestry that is dense, colorful and deserving of continued longevity and prosperity. There are many pieces that must be carefully fitted together in order to thrive.
Our challenge is to acknowledge those pieces and to see how they can form a whole that works together well without losing any cultural flavor in the process. It's a combination of preservation along with forward thinking."
Does that sound like someone who'd support Britain leaving the EU? lol He is a joke. I do agree that,
now, he seems to hold nativist, anti-EU views but my overall point is that we can't be sure that he authentically holds these views or if this is just another bout of political expediency. His past comments tend to support the latter. But who knows when he will next alter his position.