I am getting tired of the obsession, which verges on the mental illness, that many hobbyists have about making southern Italians as middle easterners as possible: if the resolution is too low, the PCA can be found on page 65 of the supplementary data of the paper from which the sample under discussion is from, and it's clear that it doesn't plot on a PCA close to Venetians, but to Tuscans. Let's compare it with the available Daunian samples, and it falls in their range; it has been noticed that it is linked to the eastern adriatic coast by his paternal line, so it's safe to say that it is Iapigian-like as far as DNA goes.
As it is patent by the available data, south Italy was initially populated by Sicily_BA-like people and then, by the turn of the 1st millennium BC, it received conspicuous genetic from the Balkans and then Greece- no need to postulate a biblical migration from the near east either from the Levant or anywhere else (at most some Anatolian gene flow, still mediated by Greeks with some Anatolian introgression). The idea that south Italy was north Italian-like before the empire is simply ridiculous.
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