I'm not sure how a modern Ligurian is supposed to be any more "Celtic" than an ancient Ligurian, or viceversa, probably that could be the subject of another thread anyway. Just, out of curiosity, could you please make an example of a Corsican stop?
I was not clear enough, sorry. At first concerning Corsica I spoke of ancient Ligurians, and for me modern Ligurians are no more a full Ligurian pop. It's my todate position.
ATW substrata are not always easy to put some clear ethnic label on them. I think since a logn time that some western pop of Europe has had strong enough effects on IE phonetic, which effects have left traces on SOME Romance languages as well as on modern Celtic languages, traces that were not found so clearly on other IE languages, this maybe since the step from CA to BA. True or false, in my mind what I call 'Ligurian substratum' could even be a pre-Ligurian substratum. But it's not an allover Mediterranean substratum.
All that is a personal opinion. Some linguists refute any great substrata effect and speak rather of changes in languages structures: question of "religion"...
Corsican stops in pronounciation (according to someones):
lénition ou sonorisation (voicing) of hard (unvoiced) stops between vowels, even at the begining of words, except after accentued final vowels (accentuated in writing, not by force with stress) surely finals with lost of an ancient consonnant). So the writings is closer to standard Italian than the pronounciation:
northern Corsican (roughly said and turned into pseudo-phonetic)
'O piaceri!' > [o bya'djeri] -
'u viaghju durava dui ghjorni' > [oo wi'adyoo oorawa 'ooi yorni] -
'Cù quellu battellacciu di Marsiglia' > [koo 'kwelloo watel'latchoo (h)i mar'selya] : no lenition of 'quellu' after 'cù' ('u' accentuated, from ancient 'cun' - no lenition between vowels for double stops -in southern Corsican the lenition would less frequent, and some southern traits appear (like -dd- for -ll-).
I'm not a specialist as you know, I just read this in Corsican anguages methods.
Nevertheless I 'll read what Wikipedia saids about this matter.