Danshaku Sadako
Since we're talking rape here, I'd like to share these emails from my friend...
It's pretty long but it has the best of intentions...
Now on to the pills...
It's pretty long but it has the best of intentions...
Ladies, please take extra care when going to the washroom.
Recently the sister of my officemate was a witness to an
attempted rape incident at one McDonalds branch. According to
her, she heard some noise from ladies' room and at one point,
saw a guy at the ladies' washroom when the doorway partially opened.
So she told the crew immediately. Based on the victim's story,
she was shocked when she saw a guy enter the CR, so she
tried to leave immediately, but the guy suddenly pulled her
hair tried to cover her mouth with his hand and started
trying to rape her. The rapist almost escaped when the the crew
came to the rescue. The rapist had Php 10,000 with him, a celfone and
some pills. So ladies please make sure you have someone
else with you when you go to the washroom. You can have a
guy friend wait for you outside the washroom as protection.
Now on to the pills...
Hope that is helpful.Please read it and circulate to your friends.
Better you know now than be a victim.
Pass this message around to people with
daughters, especially teenage girls. Ladies, be
on the alert of this issue & be on your guard.
For party goers, please be careful.......
Ladies, please be more alert and take extra
caution when it comes to this issue of drinks
offered by some guys. Guys out there, please
kindly forward this message to your lady friends.
There is a new drug that has been out for less
than a year. Progesterex is essentially a small
sterilization pill. The drug is now being used
by rapists at parties to rape AND sterilize
their victims. A friend's mom works at a
pharmacy and she said the drug is available
exclusively to veterinarians to sterilize large
animals, but have heard that the drug is being
used with Rohypnol(also known as Roofies), a
rape drug. With Rohypnol, all they have to do is
drop it into the drink. The girl can't remember
a thing the next morning as to what had
happened the night before. Well, now Rohypnol is
not being used alone. Progesterex, which
dissolves in drinks just as easily, is being
used with it so that the woman doesn't conceive
from the rape and the rapist needn't worry about
having a paternity test identifying him months
later. But the drug's effects AREN'T TEMPORARY.
Progesterex was designed to sterilize horses.
Any woman who takes it WILL NOT HAVE CHILDREN
EVER IN HER LIFE. All those guys have to do to
get this drug is to know someone who is in
the Vet school of any university. It's that
easy, and Progesterex is about to break out big
on campuses everywhere. Believe it or not, there
is even a site on the internet for the drugs
telling people how to use it. Kindly pass the