Classification Request

uneasy to say - the old man have some archaïc features, between 'capelloids' and 'cromagnoids' (more cromagnoïde) - all the way, not 'near-eastern', 'not to alpine'
the three sahre something: robust jaws what could be seen as an archaïc trait - the young sportman could well have nevertheless some 'dinaric' tendancies of the old occidental model (Beakers of N-W Europe)- not"pure" - I confes it is difficult!

Well, if it's difficult for you, it's impossible for me!

There are a lot of these more "archaic" or rugged looking people in the mountains. I don't know if perhaps some relict traits have survived there because of the isolation.

As for the man and woman they are a very particular type that is pretty common in my mother's area. I've never known how to classify that long faced, robust jawed, strong chinned look. The long nose, broader at the tip, is always part of it, it seems, and if by dinaric, you mean a convex nose, then they aren't dinaric, because the noses are absolutely straight. These people are also usually on the tall side, women as well as men, and tend to have large skulls, but I don't think I've ever seen a flat occiput...the skull seems to be long and curved at the back, but just big.

Anyway, they just have never seemed to me to fit into any of these neat classifications...I thought I'd ask.

Thanks again.

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