Cognates between modern English and modern Italian languages


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I have noticed that modern English and modern Italian languages are having at least some cognates.
While I speak English quite well, I only understand most Italian words, but I do not speak Italian.

So, I will start:
EN -------------- IT

Cat - Gatta
Lake - Lago
Toast - Tostare

I have noticed that modern English and modern Italian languages are having at least some cognates.
While I speak English quite well, I only understand most Italian words, but I do not speak Italian.

So, I will start:
EN -------------- IT

Cat - Gatta
Lake - Lago
Toast - Tostare

Cat comes from Latin Cattus, Lake from Latin Lacus, Toast from Latin Tostare, and they all derive from Proto-Indoeuropean. There are many more such cognates.
Dar pisică sau mâță ?
For NonEnglish speakers,this is how you call Cat in Romanian.
Romanian,Albanian,SerboCroatian are something like :
mace Albanian
mačka SerboCrotia
Mâtză Romanian
So these are pre-ThracoDacian words from people that were here before ThracoDacians came
pisica is another term in Romanian but not used everywhere in Romania.Cognate with Kurdish pisîk.
My explanation:
Dacians took Cats from Persia/Iran.
Some Central Asia Turkic but not Turks have a term close.
They also took cats from Persia/Iran.
More cognates between modern English and modern Italian:

IT ------------------ EN

Abilità ------- Ability
--------- Brevity
Città — City
Durabilità — Durability
Felicità — Felicity
Generosità — Generosity
Maturità — Maturity
Pubblicità — Publicity
Qualità — Quality
Università — University

Memorabile --- Memorable

Adorabile — Adorable
Accettabile — Acceptable
Credibile — Credible
Eccitabile — Excitable
Flessibile — Flexible
Impossibile — Impossible
Possibile — Possible
Responsabile — Responsible
Visibile — Visible
Situazione — Situation

Attenzione — Attention
Celebrazione — Celebration
Comunicazione — Communication
Educazione — Education
Informazione — Information
Liberazione — Liberation
Organizzazione — Organization
Popolazione — Population
Reazione — Reaction
Probabilmente — Probably

Brevemente — Briefly
Costantemente — Constantly
Direttamente — Directly
Generalmente — Generally
Naturalmente — Naturally
Originariamente — Originally
Rapidamente — Rapidly
Semplicemente — Simply
Totalmente — Totally

Classico — Classic

Automatico — Automatic
Drammatico — Dramatic
Economico — Economic
Elettronico — Electric
Fantastico — Fantastic
Ironico — Ironic
Pacifico — Pacific
Pubblico — Public
Traffico — Traffic

Ottimismo — Optimism

Attivismo — Activism
Bilinguismo — Bilingualism
Eroismo — Heroism
Mechanismo — Mechanism
Multiculturalismo — Multiculturalism
Narcisismo — Narcissism
Ottimismo — Optimism
Organismo — Organism
Romanticismo — Romanticism
Vandalismo — Vandalism


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