Considering intimate body piercing?


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Consider again!

Body piercers 'suffer in silence'


"Of those who took part in the study, 43% had nipple piercings, 25% had genital piercings and 32% had both.

The team found that 66% of people with nipple piercings and 52% of those with genital piercings had developed health problems.

The most common problems with nipple piercings were sensitivity (37%), skin irritation (21%) and infections (21%).

For male genital piercings the top problems were urinary flow changes (39%) and sensitivity (31%)."
The study result is not surprising; having a foreign object pierce thru that part of the body where the blood flows, how could it not hurt, how could it not irritate, not swell, or not cause infection ?

What puzzles me is that about 90% of the people were satisfied in spite of it. Are they into self-induced pain ? Masochist psychology ? I don't understand how they can be that way.
BBC News said:
people should only go to an accredited practitioner to get a body piercing done...It is not just about things that might go wrong.

"For instance there are issues such as whether it is safe to use condoms with pierced genitals."
This part of the article also puzzled me. Are there piercers of cosmetic surgury that are licensed to perform such modifications on the body ? And if they do it, will the symptoms mentioned in the article be prevented ? To what degree ?

The final remark is also problematic. It probably meant having pierced genitals has negative effects on the safty expected from using condoms. It should have just said, "using ordinary condoms may not be safe enough. Use double-strength condoms, or contracting STDs is near certainty."
I am not normally a squemish person, bu the thought of genital peircing makes me shudder. And for it to go wrong ARRRRG!!! I don't think some of these people will be satisfied until they can pierce their head. I have no piercings and quite happy with this.
(I mean through your......-shudders-.. no!)
lexico said:
This part of the article also puzzled me. Are there piercers of cosmetic surgury that are licensed to perform such modifications on the body ? And if they do it, will the symptoms mentioned in the article be prevented ? To what degree ?
I can answer this one only for Germany: there is no officially accepted training/education as piercer. The customers have to be very careful which studio to chose. Piercing studios can voluntarily invite checks by the health authorities, though. This may help to find a "good" one.
I had an eyebrowpiercing for 2 years.It was not difficult to keep clean, but facial piercings can be a burden (getting stuck in girlfriends hair) and after losing numberous cones,balls +taking it out for my weekendjob were enough to keep it out for good. but I would not get any other ones, and not in other places.
bossel said:
Consider again!

Body piercers 'suffer in silence'


"Of those who took part in the study, 43% had nipple piercings, 25% had genital piercings and 32% had both.

The team found that 66% of people with nipple piercings and 52% of those with genital piercings had developed health problems.

The most common problems with nipple piercings were sensitivity (37%), skin irritation (21%) and infections (21%).

For male genital piercings the top problems were urinary flow changes (39%) and sensitivity (31%)."

No. Not me, not now, not ever. Hell, I don't even have a tattoo!
RockLee said:
I had an eyebrowpiercing for 2 years.It was not difficult to keep clean, but facial piercings can be a burden (getting stuck in girlfriends hair) and after losing numberous cones,balls +taking it out for my weekendjob were enough to keep it out for good. but I would not get any other ones, and not in other places.

Ah but Rock, I'm sure it looked good on you no? :blush:
i've considered it but never would...i had my ear piercing stretched one size up from a standing piercing...and that was a piece of cake and is absolutely fine (but i 100% trust my tattooist/piercer!).
i do think 'intimate' piercings look kinda sexy (being terribly male again, sorry) but i wouldn't expect anyone to get one because i like it!
@ RockLee: Sorry for the strong wording. I was mainly talking about the pain factor, but as for the good-mood factor, I can't be judgemental! :sorry:
I have invented a piercing of my own. it belongs to the category of extreme piercings, and I will pay good money for the entertainment value of seeing anyone tryit. Pain is fun. Especially other people's pain.

You take a bolt and smack it right through both of your nuts. you then proceed to take the metal nut and screw it on to the bolt as hard as you can.

(lots of screwing and nuts there.)

If that other thing is a Prince Albert, then mine is a King Edward!
TwistedMac said:
If that other thing is a Prince Albert, then mine is a King Edward!

Wow, thanks for that mental picture Mac... *looks for a drill to bore the image out of his head*


On a more serious note, a friend of mine got a PA and he didn't seem to ever have a problem with it (he is the kind of guy who would go around announcing it if he was). I am not surprised by the survey results either. I do like to think, however, that my friend is... "special".
The only time I ever submitted to a piercing (at the age of four), it was brought about by a clumsy fall, a pitchfork ... and my left knee !

I still have the scar ... but, I decided that the pitchfork was too large to carry around all the time !

Think about it twice before you do it, guys ! :sorry:


A pitch fork ! I can only think of blood and extreme pain !

Be also reminded that with piercing you may not be allowed to do high-altitude flying or space travel because the blood vessels might burst under extremely high or low G's. Finding out one day that you could have gone to Mars if you hadn't had that piercing could be crushing...or life threatening. Just think about the Japanese section on Moonbase. :p
I have seen piercing studios both in Okinawa and in the States. The ones in the States are inspected by the health department (they are usually located close to a tatoo parlor). I am unsure as to whether they go through any special license training to do what they do though!

I myself will not get one, but I have to say that they do look rather sexy on women!
i have a nipple piercing,, i dont have many problems with it.. sensitve a bit ( nice with the sex...... :p dont worry i spare you the details...)

just sometimes i have a problem when i hit a wall. or a door ( how do i do that... uuuhhh do no know :relief: )

i clean it good.. no problems

friend of mine she got 2 nipple piercings... 1 belly, and 1 clit piercing.. :silly:

to much for me haha
Sensuikan San said:
The only time I ever submitted to a piercing (at the age of four), it was brought about by a clumsy fall, a pitchfork ... and my left knee !
Mine was not as scary as a pitchfork, but I've gotten a knitting needle stuck in my shin once from a falling accident when I was like 10, which I pulled it out by myself; I was afraid to tell my mother.

My ears got irritated after I pierced them 3 times when I got drunk.:gulp::gulp::gulp: Took them for about a month to completely healed, so I assume piercing on other parts of your body could be more difficult to handle.
It's been over two years since I stopped wearing any earrings, but I can still feel the holes on my ears.
Intimate body piercing? The only thing pierced on me are my ears. But I have heard that piercing a private part can be an aphrodisiac. I'm not saying it's true, it was just something I heard. :bluush:
I don't have a tattoo or piercing ever, maybe will have one in a short time...