Didn't Know I Was Unamerican

Well, First time i seen it. I liked it! :wave:
How do you find thise things? :?
EscaFlowne said:
Well, First time i seen it. I liked it! :wave:
How do you find thise things? :?

This one came by email in my inbox!! Cool, huh? Glad you liked it too! :cool:
That made me get kind of teary-eyed... :(

Especially the part about how much money has been spent on the war($138 billion) and how it could have been used:

Enough money to put 3.4 million children in Headstart.

Enough money to provide healthcare for 10 million children.

Enough money to house 350,000 families.

Enough money to pay full college tuition for 600,000 at risk kids.

Enough money to immunize every child on earth.

Enough money to feed 200 million starving children.
kirei_na_me said:
That made me get kind of teary-eyed... :(

Especially the part about how much money has been spent on the war($138 billion) and how it could have been used:

Enough money to put 3.4 million children in Headstart.

Enough money to provide healthcare for 10 million children.

Enough money to house 350,000 families.

Enough money to pay full college tuition for 600,000 at risk kids.

Enough money to immunize every child on earth.

Enough money to feed 200 million starving children.

I agree. This coming election really has me worried! If Bush gets elected, I'll probably think about moving to another country. :eek2:
Isnt that the truth :(
Its a shame of what money could be used for but instead used needlessly....Thats sad...
You guys act like we've wasted money just this time around.

Its always happening like that. We ALWAYS have money that we put elsewhere, instead of the 'good' places.

Kerry would be the same way. It wont change.
Exactly Winter. By reducing the money we spend on our military, we could feed, clothe, provide shelter and give adequate healthcare to all poor people in the US. If the other large economies did the same we could easily care for all of the poor on the planet without raising taxes or lowering our standard of living. I think the US alone has the capacity to grow enough food to feed every person on the planet.

I think Bucky Fuller showed how there's more than enough potential hydro-power on the planet to provide clean energy to everyone, but it woudl require the cooperation of every government to distribute.

No politicians are willing to do much of anything to help the world's poor. But it's not just our politicians - the governments in many of the very poorest countries would be unwilling to allow their own people to rise to decent standards of living - it would affect the power of those in charge. Once people have enough to eat, they begin to learn and become not quite as ignorant as before, and educated people are much more difficult to bully.
I know that we've always wasted money and I'm not saying it would change with Kerry. I don't think it'll ever change. As long as I'm living, anyway.

Just kind of depressing to think about it.
Never say never. Life is much more enjoyable if I remain optimistic that some day people will wake up and help each other out. It may not be a dream with a high probability of occurring, but many things with a low probability of happening happen.
Wont happen. Dare I say, never.

Unless all great societies fall, that is.

But reason why it wont happen now, is because the US is still the last superpower on the planet. Needless to say, we've got a couple enemies, clipping at our heels waiting to take us down for whatever reason.

To maintain our 'superpower' status, we've got to have a heavily armed military. Thats just how we've set up our society for ourselves, and alas, thus is life.

Put that money into more important domestic issues, then our international defense issue will become the new 'crisis' that goes ignored; after that, its the headlines "US embassies around the globe fortified under new command; US soil invaded!" and yadda yadda. Want that to happen? Then hope the gov. decides to use that money for health care for our kids, cause they'll definately need it after our schools are blown to bits, with our children in them. And while you're at it feeding the starving nations with your newly found surplus monies, better horde some of those rations for our children, after the inevitable invasion births countless more starving, homeless, and orphaned children.

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