DNA has possibly found Europeans long lost brothers

ebAmerican i have looked to figure out exactley what they mean by light skin genes. It is not SLC24A5 it is then rs26654 then rs's alles A,A. Every human has SLC4A5 and under that rs26654 but what matters is their alles of rs26654. It is like that for all the genes they say that help cause pale skin in europeans. Also these genes are not specifically European. And defintley did not orignate in Europe and probably dont efffect skin color that much. a study done to prove Pale skin in Euro's and east asians is unrelated. They also tested north africans and mid easterns for these genes. They found the alles A,A in SLc4A5 rs26654 are just about as popular in north africans and mid easterns as they are in Europeans. But pretty much no one else in the world has them. Same witha ll the genes they say that cause pale skin in Europeans. This is not a surprise because since the 1800's Scientists have said Europeans,m north africans, and mid easterns form the Caucasian family and are very related. Aust DNA which tells full ancestry has proven this. Map of SLC4A5 rs166554 A,AIt may be confusing 30,20,18,15,17 that seem to go into China. Are Caucasin populations like Kalash, Pakistani, and Pashuten. It is pretty much the same story for all the genes that they say cause pale skin. Obviosuly they don’t cause for sure pale skin because mid eastern and northa fricans would be almost as white as Europeans. It is true that some are very pale skinned there is a lot of Muslims in my area most are from north india and Pkaistn. So they are dark because they have so much of the south aisan aust dna group in globe13 test which is non caucasin. But Iraq’s, Turkish, and Iranian people I have seen are uselly brownish like skinned but a lot of times they are just about as pale as Europeans. Same with North Africans so what I am trying to show in this thread. Is that west Asian the brother of Paloithic European North Euro is mainly around the Caucus mountains were Pale skin seems to be dominate. It is not extremely rare either to see non brown hair and eye colors. So possible they are very close relatives to Europeans.
Could you please write properly? It is hard for me to understand your posts in all threads...
Could you please write properly? It is hard for me to understand your posts in all threads...

It's the continental European system of no paragraphs

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