Dna of King Bela III of Hungary

We (L-664) are an exclusive bunch...Not many of us around. There's a group of them bunched in southwestern England, don't know if they have a common source or not. I show some STR markers that are traditionally Norse, particularly DYS19 and DYS594, unusual for English L-664s. And I have a bunch of Norwegian/Swedish distant matches on YFull, so maybe some Norse mixed there as well.
If I send to you the results, can you tell me which group do I stand closer to?
Cousin, I looked over your results and your DYS19 reading is the same as mine. The late Dr. Kalik Wiik asserts that this reading is indicative of Norse ethnicity. I didn't see any reading for DYS594, which reading Dr. Wiik states is a reliable determinant for Scandinavian ethnicity. You may want to Google Dr. Wiik's paper, called "R1a Maps and Tables."
Where does the information: Z93>Z2125>Z2123 come from? The original paper does not refine R1a. Is it from some prediction algorithm??? I am interested in any further information.
We Hungarians think about slavs as a rather homogenic set of people, but it is not necessarily true:

The first written use of the name "Slavs" dates to the sixth century, when the Slavic tribes inhabited a large portion of Central and Eastern Europe. By that century, native Iranian ethnic groups (the Scythians, Sarmatians, and Alans) had been absorbed by the region's Slavic population.[2][3][4][5]
On the south and east, it borders the area of Iranian river names (including the Dniester, the Dnieper and the Don).[49] A connection between Proto-Slavic and Iranian languages is also demonstrated by the earliest layer of loanwords in the former;[43] the Proto-Slavic words for god (*bogъ), demon (*divъ), house (*xata), axe (*toporъ) and dog (*sobaka) are of Scythian origin.[50] The Iranian dialects of the Scythians and Sarmatians influenced Slavic vocabulary during the millennium-long contact between them and early Proto-Slavic.[51]
The eighth-to-third-century BC Chernoles culture, sometimes associated with Herodotus' "Scythian farmers", is "sometimes portrayed as either a state in the development of the Slavic languages or at least some form of late Indo-European ancestral to the evolution of the Slavic stock."[98]"
(source: en_wikipedia_org_wiki_Early_Slavs)

This could explain that the Árpád House kings (III. Béla) belonged to R1A haplogroup which is frequent in Slavic nations too (Ukrain, Poland, Slovakia) thus could mean the relatedness between Hungarians and Scythians/Alans/Sarmatians who were Slavonised

I completely agree with you. I have polish(polak) with my maternal branch (Y chr: R1a-M458-L260-YP415) and many polish people think that they are descendants of the sarmatians or the scythians. The linguistics and the genetics also support his.
And just an additive.

I completed all of my 8 great-great-grandfathers Y-haplogroup definition, with the help of their direct male descendants, and the help from YSEQ.

The results:
R1a-L664-S2852 (not complete yet)
I1A-L22-CTS11603 (not complete yet)
I2A-L621-Y4460 (not complete yet)

Until today, I thought, I haven't hungarian ancestors. But I read Angela's post, and I found the linked file from Neparaczki, and now I guess, through my german lines (R1a-L664, R1b-U106, I1A-L22) yet I found my hungarian roots. Strange...


I noticed R1b-U106 - DF98 in one of your great grandfather's y-lines? The DF98 group is called the King's Cluster (because it contains the House of Wettin from Thuringia from Germany - but the DF98 mutation is an old relation - Bronze Age - to put it in perspective - but still a cool relation! I am in that group because I carry the DF98 mutation etc) and the subject of this pdf maintained by Dr. Iain McDonald here if you didn't know about it. Your GGF is probably in there? If not have whoever is the carrier of that line to join the U106 DNA project at FTDNA and U106 yahoo forum! We need many more testers from Europe and especially Eastern Europe (for example a descendant of DF98 - a burial in the early Unetice culture of near Prague - is DF98 and SNPs S1911 and S1894/S1900 under that)... note this link is to the update... Dr. Iain is still working to update the Wettin part of this document: http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/~mcdonald/genetics/kings-cluster-draft.pdf

Thank you, but I know. I talked to Iain about it.

My oldest known ancestor this S22069 line is Janos Dobi born: 1758 (I don't know where) died 26. 01. 1799. Balkany, Szabolcs county, Hungary. I found another Dobi family, also in Balkany. I made a test with a male member of this family, and he was S22069+ too. It means the relationship between the two Dobi family is real, and older than 1758.

We talking to Iain about making a BigY or a Whole Genom Sequence, but it is too expensive for me. If will be a major price reduction, or somebody gets into a part of the cost, I make one. Unfortunately donors are not interested in such things. I'm glad they were willing to give samples. They liked them when I said that: we have a 3000 years old common father with King George V.

I hope to succeed soon.
I just see that Iain placed us on the map. Page 11. Dobi family. It feels good to see the results of my work.
uralic/turkic tribes assimiliated to scythians inside

and we must be know Hungarians and Turks dont have asian genetic today. because asian males dont choice by girls. dominant and high testosterone males always going high on populations.

i think this is reason hungarians and turkey turks why not have y-dna connection with their ancestors

this is same happened in america. latin and black population gonna be more dominant and high on the future.


on the future european and american people dont see any connection with their ancestors like us today. middle eastern dominant males, and immigration going to everywhere today europe and all the world going mix
Where does the information: Z93>Z2125>Z2123 come from? The original paper does not refine R1a. Is it from some prediction algorithm??? I am interested in any further information.

it was 3.Béla's SNP, STR subgroup. From a bronze aged Srubna man, found in 2015 near to Volga river . A pre-Scythian mutation, find in Karacaj, balkar , South-Osethia, Afganistan, Volga tatar, India, C. Asia, E Anatolia, N Caucasus:good_job: