Dna reveals origin of first European farmers


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Hi to all,

I came across this very current article via Geneanet forum.

I'll try to string the URL, but , I sure hope it works


In a nut shell: This article published on line by Science Daily
A team of international researchers led by ancient DNA experts from the University of Adelaide has resolved the longstanding issue of the origins of people who introduced farming to Europe some 8000 years ago.

A detailed genetic study of one of the first farming communities in Europe from central Germany, reveals marked simelarities with populations living in the Ancient Near East (modern-day Turkey, Iraq and other countries) rather than those from Europe.

Project leader Alan Cooper, Director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA at the University of Adelaide. This overturns current thinking which accepts that the first European farming populations were constructed largely from existing populations of hunter-gatherers, who had either rapidly learned to farm or interbred with the invaders etc.

The Ancient DNA used in this study comes from a complete graveyard of Early Neolithic farmers unearthed at the town of Derenburg in Saxony-Anhalt, central Germany. etc.

If the URL does not work, perhaps a google search on the lead researcher (see above) and the tiltle will take one to the article

This was already posted and extensively discussed here.
Regarding this thread Macinano,

Thanks for letting me know that it's "old news":smile:

This was already posted and extensively discussed here.
Neolithic Agriculture has been introduced by different ways and in different modalities -
the advance along the Danube appears very quick and supported by a demic diffusion - here as everywhere annex sciences can help - the so moked metrics tell us that the LBK and associated neolithic cultures in Western and Central Europe (from Normandy to Bavaria/Bayern) presented a lot of pedomorphic 'danubian' phénotypes, gracile (but global gracility can be supported by way of life, nurture etc...) and with original details features - a study comparing the danubian or Central and South-East Europe metrics with those of previous neolithic sites in Turkey and in the Fertile Crescent, should have shown a big enough similarity between these European Peasants and those of Catal Hüyük in South-Est Turkey (internal and external similarities). Not too close to other Near East or Anatolian neolithic populations. This relative homogeneity seams to confirm a rapid and demic diffusion along the Danube from a modeste population: in other neolithic sites, it is not proved it has been alike. Demic diffusion take place too, I think, for the first 'cardial' sites (by sea and coasts) but here the origin human stocks could be more variated.