Do You Have a Favorite Painting ?

Nice one Angela!

Here's another one of my favorites:


The Tower of Babel

by Pieter Bruegel

Great one. Forgot about Bruegel.

You know, when I was a teen-ager, my teachers were intellectually oriented nuns from a French Canadian order: big emphasis on the French language, French philosophy (not just Descartes and Voltaire, but the existentialists. How many Catholic schoolgirls were reading "The Plague" in French, I wonder? :)) It extended to French art, mostly of the Impressionist school. I still like some of it, (again, really only in the flesh), but not to the extent I once did.

One of my old favorites which I still like:

Renoir: Girl by the Seashore

Renoir again:

Millet's "The Gleaners" is one of my all time favorites of any genre:


You're right. I couldn't begin to list them all, but certain styles, certain artists have appealed to me more at certain points in my life than at others.

I've quite gone off impressionist paintings of delicate women in long dresses in flower gardens, and as I'm sure you know, I love flower gardens, and as should be obvious here, I'm a sentimentalist and romantic. Maybe part of it is that so much modern impressionism consists of bad copies of the originals.

I prefer Michelangelo's Last Judgment. The Bosch is too grotesque and nightmare inducing. I always feel like I'm back in elementary school listening to the sister talk about how we're all going to hell if we don't go to Sunday Mass. For weeks I had nightmares that my father, who never went to church, and was a fierce anti-cleric, was in hell being tortured by devils. He almost pulled me out of the school.


I love his too:
The Birth of Venus: Botticelli. So beautiful. What the heck is wrong with the internet, btw. Is it too "lewd" for the whole painting to be shown? What an absurdity. I could find only one representation of the whole painting!


Spring: Pierre Auguste Cot

Fragonard...for the sheer joy of it.
