Do you have an "Anatolian bump" at the back of your head?


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The Anatolian bump (also known as the Inion, and protuberantia occipitalis externa) is a bump at the back of your cranium right above your neck, it is called so since some people believe people of certain Turkic descent tend to have them, there is however no proof or research done as to whether this is true or not.
In Germany it was considered a sign of Aryanism, and in Sweden it's considered to be a sign to be of Walloon descent (since a lot of them emigrated to Sweden during the 17th century).

I'm myself Swedish, and I have one of these bumps. I'm asking this since a lot of people in Sweden have them (almost all males), and a lot of them claim it's a Walloon-thing.
I inherit this character from my father, but I don't think that it comes from the patrilineal line...And I'm not fond of phenotype-like analysis to determine one's origin.
I have the bump. Not sure where I get it Germanic/English/Scottish/Welsh/Irish...American mutt. I track with Norwegians, Icelanders, and Orcadians and have been told I have traits consistent with the Walloon. My haplogroup is from Germany. I share identical DNA on the X with a Swedish woman(unrelated) according to deCODEme. I am, however, female and not Swedish.
I have this, but I assumed all males had it :rolleyes2:

I am R1b1b2a1b4*
I doubt this has anything to do with Turkish descent. It's the first I've heard of it.
"it is called so since some people believe people of certain Turkic descent"

"I doubt this has anything to do with Turkish descent"

I doubt it too. And I have it as well.
Yes, there was a thread here about the bun being a neanderathal trait, but not Anatolian
I'm thinking of the Inion, not the Occipital bun.
Looks like this

It's possible that I have confused the Inion and Anatolian bump as being the same thing, the Anatolian bump seems to be described as being bigger than the ordinary Inion.

I have the bun you are talking about and yes it is a very common myth in Turkey, most people believe that having that bun is associated with having a Turkic origin. I personally don't believe it. Like stated above, there is no scientific research done on the subject to prove this myth.
The occipital bun is common among all Europeans, especially northern Europeans. It is virtually absent in other populations. Neanderthal had one too, which led me to think that this was among the traits that Europeans inherited from the Neanderthal admixture.
"Anatolian Bump" is just a word for a large inion. Koreans I know have these, but I think it is illogical to associate it with Turkic or Mongol ancestry, as they appear everywhere. I associate the occipital bun (which I lack) with higher aggression, mainly because all of my brothers and "assertive" friends seem to have one (quite a leap in logic, I know). I also blame my lack of spatial awareness on the fact that I am missing one.
I don't know about the "anatolian bump", but in my family we all have the occipital bun and so does my boyfriend. We are all from Crete.
Created an account just to respond. I don't know if it's a bun, but I have a fairly pointed occipital projection. Just researching now a bit and saw the Turkish link mentioned on the internet. My mother has English/Scottish/Finnish ancestry and my father is Ashkenazic Jewish. I'm actually the only one in the family with one though.
It has nothing to do with an ethnicity or a race. I know both Mongoloid and Europoid people having this on the back of head.
The Anatolian bump (also known as the Inion, and protuberantia occipitalis externa) is a bump at the back of your cranium right above your neck, it is called so since some people believe people of certain Turkic descent tend to have them, there is however no proof or research done as to whether this is true or not.
In Germany it was considered a sign of Aryanism, and in Sweden it's considered to be a sign to be of Walloon descent (since a lot of them emigrated to Sweden during the 17th century).

I'm myself Swedish, and I have one of these bumps. I'm asking this since a lot of people in Sweden have them (almost all males), and a lot of them claim it's a Walloon-thing.

I do have that same bump as beying explained. And I am Anatolian
I think the Anatolian bump is something that might have originated in America. The first time I heard this term was about 25 years ago when I was investigating my family genealogy. There is a population of people from Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky who are known as "Melungeons." Melungeons from all apparent genetic tests are bi-racial or tri-racial in makeup. A mixture of Native American, Caucasian and Negro populations.
350 years ago there wasn't any real slavery of black people in America, the first Africans that were brought to America were bond servants, and after 7 years they were freed. This was also common with many of the early British colonists to America, especially in Virginia where they were needed to work on tobacco and indigo plantations. They would pay for their passage by signing up for 7 years of bond servitude. It wasn't until an uprising of poor farmers and former bond servants (both white and black) 1678, that actual formal slavery of black people started.
Many of the black bond servants intermarried with Native Americans and white colonists from England,Ireland and Scotland. By the late 18th century these mixed people were very common in the mountainous portions of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky. Their dark complexions and eyes separated them from their Caucasian neighbors. These people claimed to have Turkish, Portuguese or Egyptian heritage. One of the supposed traits for these people was an "Anatolian Bump."
By the beginning of the 19th century they claimed this heritage not to hide that they had black heritage but to hide that they had Native American heritage. Since Native American populations were being deported out of Eastern America to reservations in the Indian Territory (what is now the state of Oklahoma.) Many tribes from the Eastern portion of America had bought into the "American Dream" of a farm or their own and being able to send their children to school. Some of the Cherokee and other Eastern tribes were very open to the "white man's culture" and some owned large farms and had black slaves working on these farms. They did not want to leave their homes and be deported to Oklahoma, so they claimed Turkish, Spanish or some Asian descent.
I have Melungeons from my maternal family line, although my MTDNA is European, some of my relatives have very dark complexions and very curly or almost kinky hair. I also have an "Anatolian Bump."
I have an Occipital bun
Yes I have, but not the only package I have.
I think the Anatolian bump is something that might have originated in America. The first time I heard this term was about 25 years ago when I was investigating my family genealogy. There is a population of people from Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky who are known as "Melungeons." Melungeons from all apparent genetic tests are bi-racial or tri-racial in makeup. A mixture of Native American, Caucasian and Negro populations.

Not possible. Many pure Europeans from Europe have this occipital bun.