Dodecad & Eurogenes admixture for Sintashta & Corded Ware genomes


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After analysing Mesolithic and Neolithic genomes and a Yamna genome, here are genomic admixtures for the Sintashta and Corded Ware cultures, two R1a-dominant north-east European Bronze Age PIE cultures.

Keep in mind that the component names for the Eurogenes K36 admixture are not accurate and do not represent the region of origin, nor even the region where it is the most common today. One of the reasons fro comparing ancient genomes is to try to determine what these components really mean. For more information check the analysis of the K36 components.

Sintashta (RISE395, U2e, c.1850 BCE Russia)

Eurogenes K36

0.00% Amerindian
0.00% Arabian
0.00% Armenian
1.30% Basque
0.00% Central_African
11.91% Central_Euro
0.00% East_African
0.00% East_Asian
2.28% East_Balkan
0.00% East_Central_Asian
15.14% East_Central_Euro
0.00% East_Med
11.78% Eastern_Euro
7.39% Fennoscandian
10.84% French
0.24% Iberian
0.00% Indo-Chinese
0.00% Italian
0.00% Malayan
0.00% Near_Eastern
0.00% North_African
21.43% North_Atlantic
2.61% North_Caucasian
14.93% North_Sea
0.00% Northeast_African
0.00% Oceanian
0.00% Omotic
0.00% Pygmy
0.00% Siberian
0.00% South_Asian
0.15% South_Central_Asian
0.00% South_Chinese
0.01% Volga-Ural
0.00% West_African
0.00% West_Caucasian
0.00% West_Med

The same component are present as in Yamna, except for the Volga-Ural and Amerindian (which presently represent N1c- and Q1a-related admixtures). Two new component show up in Sintashta:

- East_Balkans: easily explained by Neolithic introgression from the Balkans into the Steppe and Volga-Ural region.
- French: this is more baffling as it was at 0% in Yamna, but also in Neolithic Germany as well as Mesolithic Spain and Sweden. So it surely has nothing to do with France. yet another mislabelled admixture.

Dodecad Dv3 (aka K12)

21.49% East_European
53.95% West_European
14.61% Mediterranean
0.26% Neo_African
8.65% West_Asian
0.56% South_Asian
0.00% Northeast_Asian
0.00% Southeast_Asian
0.00% East_African
0.00% Southwest_Asian
0.00% Northwest_African
0.47% Palaeo_African

The West_European admixture is also about twice higher than the East_European like in Yamna. The main difference is that Yamna had more West_Asian and South_Asian (two admixtures related to the Gedrosia in K12b) and virtually no Mediterranean, while Sintashta has 14.6% of Mediterranean, but almost no South_Asian.

Dodecad K12b

14.58% Gedrosia
0.00% Siberian
0.00% Northwest_African
0.00% Southeast_Asian
29.53% Atlantic_Med
54.94% North_European
0.00% South_Asian
0.00% East_African
0.00% Southwest_Asian
0.00% East_Asian
0.29% Caucasus
0.66% Sub_Saharan

Same pattern as with dv3. Sintashta has about as much North_Europe (aka West_European in dv3), but has less Caucasus and Gedrosia (aka West_Asian + South_Asian in dv3), but much more Atlantic_Med (corresponding roughly to Mediterranean in dv3).

This Sintashta genome is most similar to modern Scandinavians, but with it has about 7% more Gedrosian admixture than Scandinavians.

Corded Ware (RISE1, R1b, K1b1a, c. 2700 BCE Poland)

Eurogenes K36

0.99% Amerindian
0.00% Arabian
0.00% Armenian
14.54% Basque
0.00% Central_African
25.01% Central_Euro
0.00% East_African
0.00% East_Asian
0.00% East_Balkan
0.00% East_Central_Asian
22.93% East_Central_Euro
0.00% East_Med
0.00% Eastern_Euro
0.00% Fennoscandian
26.41% French
0.47% Iberian
0.00% Indo-Chinese
0.00% Italian
0.00% Malayan
0.00% Near_Eastern
0.00% North_African
0.00% North_Atlantic
0.00% North_Caucasian
0.00% North_Sea
0.00% Northeast_African
0.00% Oceanian
0.00% Omotic
0.00% Pygmy
0.00% Siberian
0.00% South_Asian
0.00% South_Central_Asian
0.00% South_Chinese
0.00% Volga-Ural
0.00% West_African
9.64% West_Caucasian
0.00% West_Med

Remarkable levels of East_Central_Euro , Central_Euro and especially French. So it now looks like that mysterious "French" component may actually be more Corded_Ware related, or at least R1a-related as it was also found in Sintashta (but the Sintashta culture partially descends from Corded Ware culture, so Corded Ware or the northern forest-steppe could be the source).

Very oddly there is no North_Atlantic or North_Sea, two admixtures that featured prominently in both Yamna and Sintashta (as well as Corded Ware Denmark).

Dodecad Dv3 (aka K12)

33.15% East_European
48.89% West_European
11.38% Mediterranean

0.00% Neo_African
0.01% West_Asian
6.57% South_Asian
0.00% Northeast_Asian
0.00% Southeast_Asian
0.00% East_African
0.00% Southwest_Asian
0.00% Northwest_African
0.00% Palaeo_African

Overall very similar to Sintashta, but with an inversion in the proportion of South_Asian vs West_Asian (6.5% and 0% vs 0.5% and 8.5% in Sintashta). This Corded Ware sample also has 12% more East_European.

Dodecad K12b

6.56% Gedrosia
0.00% Siberian
0.00% Northwest_African
0.00% Southeast_Asian
17.21% Atlantic_Med
73.38% North_European

0.00% South_Asian
0.00% East_African
0.00% Southwest_Asian
0.00% East_Asian
2.85% Caucasus
0.00% Sub_Saharan

The highest North_European score so far. It translates in lower levels of Gedrosia and Atlantic_Med than Sintashta.

This Polish Corded Ware genome is most similar to modern Lithuanians and Belorussians, except that it has more Gedrosia and Atlantic_Med and less Caucasus.

Corded Ware culture (I0103, W6a, c. 2400 BCE Germany)

Eurogenes K36

0.24% Amerindian
0.00% Arabian
0.00% Armenian
0.29% Basque
0.00% Central_African
8.89% Central_Euro
0.00% East_African
0.00% East_Asian
3.03% East_Balkan
0.00% East_Central_Asian
2.82% East_Central_Euro
0.00% East_Med
12.58% Eastern_Euro
18.07% Fennoscandian
1.89% French

0.01% Iberian
0.00% Indo-Chinese
0.00% Italian
0.00% Malayan
0.00% Near_Eastern
0.00% North_African
15.28% North_Atlantic
14.18% North_Caucasian
20.04% North_Sea

0.00% Northeast_African
0.00% Oceanian
0.00% Omotic
0.00% Pygmy
0.00% Siberian
0.00% South_Asian
2.67% South_Central_Asian
0.00% South_Chinese
0.00% Volga-Ural
0.00% West_African
0.01% West_Caucasian
0.00% West_Med

A typical Steppe genome, very similar to Yamna except for the 8.9% of Central_Euro.

Dodecad dv3 (aka K12)

18.17% East_European
54.70% West_European
9.69% Mediterranean
0.52% Neo_African
13.76% West_Asian
3.08% South_Asian
0.08% Northeast_Asian
0.00% Southeast_Asian
0.00% East_African
0.00% Southwest_Asian
0.00% Northwest_African
0.00% Palaeo_African

This admixture falls somewhere between modern Swedes and Finns.

Dodecad K12b

20.15% Gedrosia
0.02% Siberian
0.00% Northwest_African
0.00% Southeast_Asian
20.66% Atlantic_Med
55.29% North_European
0.00% South_Asian
0.00% East_African
0.00% Southwest_Asian
0.00% East_Asian
3.51% Caucasus
0.36% Sub_Saharan

No modern equivalent. The North_European falls in between modern Germans and Scandinavians, but both have about 13% more Atlantic_Med and 13% less of Gedrosia.

Corded Ware Estonia (RISE00, H5a1, c. 2600 BCE)

0.00% Amerindian
0.00% Arabian
0.00% Armenian
0.02% Basque
0.00% Central_African
3.11% Central_Euro
0.00% East_African
0.00% East_Asian
1.36% East_Balkan
0.00% East_Central_Asian
16.87% East_Central_Euro
0.00% East_Med
6.52% Eastern_Euro
9.30% Fennoscandian
7.65% French
3.82% Iberian
0.00% Indo-Chinese
0.00% Italian
0.00% Malayan
0.00% Near_Eastern
0.00% North_African
26.58% North_Atlantic
0.00% North_Caucasian
24.76% North_Sea
0.00% Northeast_African
0.00% Oceanian
0.00% Omotic
0.00% Pygmy
0.00% Siberian
0.00% South_Asian
0.00% South_Central_Asian
0.00% South_Chinese
0.00% Volga-Ural
0.00% West_African
0.00% West_Caucasian
0.00% West_Med

This Corded Ware individual is very different from the Polish one. It is closer to the German Corded Ware and to Yamna, but without the North_Caucasian and South_Central_Asian components. The most similar is actually the Sintashta genome.

Dodecad dv3 (aka K12)

18.84% East_European
58.61% West_European
16.19% Mediterranean
0.30% Neo_African
4.87% West_Asian
0.52% South_Asian
0.34% Northeast_Asian
0.00% Southeast_Asian
0.00% East_African
0.00% Southwest_Asian
0.02% Northwest_African
0.32% Palaeo_African

Dodecad K12b

9.77% Gedrosia 0.27% Siberian
0.00% Northwest_African
0.00% Southeast_Asian
32.00% Atlantic_Med
56.98% North_European
0.95% South_Asian
0.00% East_African
0.00% Southwest_Asian
0.00% East_Asian
0.02% Caucasus
0.00% Sub_Saharan

With this calculator too, the Sintashta genome is the most similar.
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all the way,I'm tempted to see here the confirmation of the Konitsev opinions (based on cranimetrics) of a sharing between Sintashta people and M/LBA Europeans of North-Center and East, confirmed by auDNA in some scholars studies; (somemore EEF compared to West-asian); History for I know is (or were) dumb about these appearingly late migrations? it's not Yamna; Western Catacomb late input?