Dominique Strauss-Kahn in custody on charges of sexual assault

Tout d'abord tu n'as aucun commentaires à faire sur ma famille, d'accord?!!
Tu ne les connais pas donc tu ne juges pas...

France has lost sanity.... the country is completely out of touch with reality and this is why it will collapse
What is "reality" for you?
Capitalism is the "reality"?
Trading system is the "reality"?

Et je suppose que comme tout tes potes boursiers ou banquiers tu es contre la taxation des transactions boursières?
Mais quelle équité!!!
Quelle justice!!!
Tu sembles me définire comme "socialiste", mais je suis juste dégoûté par la corruption qui règne dans notre société, et cela à tout les niveaux. Et toi, ta réponse à ce fléau c'est: "les Français ne connaissent rien à la réalité qui nous entoure", "on est de grosse feignasse", alors pourquoi on est l'un des pays avec le plus haut taux au monde en matière de production de richesse par habitants?
Ca c'est la réalité pour moi, produire quelque chose et non spéculer sur de possibles faillites d'Etats...
On le voit bien actuellement avec la pression boursière qu'est entrain de faire les USA, à chaque fois qu'un de leur politique ouvre sa gueule on perd 4% en Bourse, tu trouves ça normal?
J'espère que t'as suivi la réunion des ministres Européens de ce week-end, ils n'ont pas cédé à la pression des marchés et ça j'en suis très fier...
Et tu craches sur nos droits sociaux et notre mentalité de méchant Français communistes mais c'est grâce à ce genre de mentalité que l'on a fait avancer les droits sociaux dans notre pays...
Restes à New York, tu as trouvé ta place...
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@Bertrand.. Did you pick up some virus in New York?

Europeans that move to the USA are a type that always seem to end up more conservative than the common man in the USA themselves. Or, should I say, a normal European won't even think of emigrating to the USA.

Canada maybe. It has a good economy. But the USA is a financial disaster.
And it is the American government from Nixon on, and the banks, and the military industrial complex that made the USA a terrible mess. Clinton was on the right track, so conservatives used the sex trick. Because there was no other way they could get him.
There's actually a lot of sense in all Bertrand said. I have lived in France for a year, I've met lots of people living one way or another off the state and still complaining about how little they get. In France, people expect the state to provide, and, yes, socialists despise the rich and big companies, who provide work and create wealth that is redistributed to the folks spitting on them.
I also had the opportunity to spend 7 years in Ireland when the country was booming, and saw the difference in work ethics and culture. All I can say about my own experience is that in the anglo-saxon working culture, you're responsible of your own career (I doubled my salary in the first six months in Ireland), while in France (as in Belgium, and in Germany where I work at the moment), you're stuck to your workplace because of locks impeding you to get a payrise based on productivity. I cannot stop thinking that the most competitive countries are where the unions are weak. Is it an accident?
As for the USA being a mess, Reinaert, let's wait and see where this crisis will end, the biggest losers might not be the ones everybody thinks... The US will still have the privilege to keep printing dollars regardless of the situation, and they do not pay people to stay home doing nothing and pay their healthcare bills.
typical arrogant europeans, always generalizing... what's wrong with chavez?? he has minimize poverty in venezuela... he is helping his people but of course that is against the will of the repugnant european and north-american corporations...

european lidership:


it's ridiculous how europeans feel superior... the rest of the world laugh at your arrogance.

That photo seems like a ghetto where South American immigrants live. Europe should not allow them to exist.
well according New York review of books
and a journalist named Edward Epstein
Seems like the DSK case was set up

I really don't know what evidence are these but a possible scenario about a trap on DSK 'favorites' always existed,

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