Debate Elon Musk a paternal descendant of the NPE Strydom line?


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Y-DNA haplogroup
Recently, Elon's Y-DNA was revealed to be O2b1 (O-F1150), which is East/Southeast Asian in origin. Elon's paternal great-grandfather according to the paper trail, Harry Musk, was born in England in 1863, however, there is no O2b1 in England except recent immigrants.

There is, however, a White South African family with O-M175, which O-F1150 is a subclade of. They descend from Jacobus Johannes Strydom (1814-1857). This line is itself an NPE line, most Strydoms are R1b-M269, which means that somewhere between Jacobus and the Strydom stamvader Joost, who arrived in South Africa in 1678, there was an NPE, with a male fathered by a man of paternal Asian origin receiving the surname Strydom despite not being a genetic Strydom.

So my theory is that either Elon's grandfather, Elon's father, or Elon himself was actually fathered by a member of this Strydom NPE line.

It seems more likely than Elon's British great-grandfather having undocumented Asian roots or Elon/his father/his grandfather being fathered by someone who was actually Asian (given their phenotypes).
How credible is this "leaked" information? There's nothing on the internet to corroborate this claim that Musk's Y-DNA is O-F1150. The only "source" that mentions that is the "esteemed" Apricity Forum. I guess the background to this story is the hacked user data from 23andMe. Elon Musk's "phenotype" does not confirm this claim. I'll believe it when it Musk confirms it personally.
How credible is this "leaked" information? There's nothing on the internet to corroborate this claim that Musk's Y-DNA is O-F1150. The only "source" that mentions that is the "esteemed" Apricity Forum. I guess the background to this story is the hacked user data from 23andMe. Elon Musk's "phenotype" does not confirm this claim. I'll believe it when it Musk confirms it personally.
I saw it in leaked 23andme data.
I know nothing about Musk 's paternal haplo. But I wonder since a long time if he had not a taste of 'eastasian' on the phoenotype side.