Immigration Ethnic groups in Italy

romanian is closer to central and southern italy and france
Romanians on northern vs southern european admixture are like northern italians, not like southerns.
Romanians on northern vs southern european admixture are like northern italians, not like southerns.

different people
"Southern Italians are a blend for the most part of Alpines and small Mediterraneans, while among the northern Italians the most important dolichocephalic strain is the Atlanto-Mediterranean. The association of relatively great blondism with brachycephaly merely indicates that both Alpines and Dinarics are characteristically mixed or intermediate in pigmentation. The few unaltered Nordics still found in northern Italy and in aristocratic families elsewhere are far outnumbered by Atlanto-Mediterraneans. [...] The binding element which is common to all sections is the Alpine, which has reemerged from obscure beginnings through a superstructure composed of Dinaric, Nordic, and various kinds of Mediterranean accretions."


Blond Hair 15% 6%*
Black Hair25%30%
Light / Mixed Eyes 65% 56%
Brunet Skin ~50% >50%
Average Height 168 cm 165 cm
Mean Cephalic Index** 83.5 79

PC analysis was also capable of highlighting intra-population differences, such as between the two Finnish and the two Italian samples, respectively. A low level of intra-population differentiation in Germany has been reported previously, and was confirmed here. In addition, we detected intra-population differences within the Czech and Estonian samples." [Nelis et al. 2009]
First ethnic digital tv channel in italy; Casamiatv ; about romenians in italy, you see it in this regions:
Mosques in Italy

Mosque of Rome

Mosque of Palermo


Mosque of Segrate near Milan


Buddist Temples in Italy

Institut Lama Tsong Khapa, near Pisa

Phu Hua Si, in Prato
Orthox Churches in Italy, many of those were built way before mass immigration from eastern europe in italy, today they are gaining importance thanks to eastern european immigrants here, as a centre of religion and socialization for them

San Giorgio of the Greeks, in Venice

Monasterio ortodosso di San Giovanni Theridis, in Bivongi (Reggio Calabria)

In Bari

San Spiridione, in Trieste



Personally, I don't have any problems with how others perceive me, so I can say openly that for me, what happens in Italy and indeed Europe along these lines is really just crazy. Simply too many immigrants in Western Europe - logistically, how can you include all of these people?! Who was consulted? I think that for such a fundamental part of life (who you will live with, work with, die with etc.) it's bizarre that the ordinary citizens can not make a choice concerning immigration (and of course, polls/questionnaires show that a majority in every country think that there are too many non-EU immigrants).
Where I study in London, it is possible walk around a neighbourhood full of minarets, pakistanis and Islamic banks. Who are these people? I'm a cultural chauvanist; I am happy to say that I don't like this culture and that I prefer it to stay in the East.
I'm a cultural chauvanist; I am happy to say that I don't like this culture and that I prefer it to stay in the East.

Why would an Italian "cultural chauvinist" choose to study in London? You must be absolutely unhappy.
Why would an Italian "cultural chauvinist" choose to study in London? You must be absolutely unhappy.
Well, you probably put together the fact that I said 'what happens in Italy' and the fact that I am ethnically Italian to mean that I am Italian in the truest sense of the word. Rather, my parents are Italian but my primary citizenship is British and have spent most of my life in the UK.
But when I say that I am culturally chauvinistic I refer of course to European, Judeo-Christian culture and everything that accompanies it. In this sense, the UK and, for example Italy, are very comparable countries. To pretend otherwise would be more than a little absurd.
I much prefer the way in which America conducts their affairs. It's a nation by immigrants for immigrants which is a beautiful thing, but not something Europe should be of course. The 'melting pot' is perhaps cliched but it genuinely works a lot better than the policies adopted over here. For now, people can simply ignore the 'cities within cities', but when 40-50% of London is Muslim, seriously, what can you do? It's insane to suggest that it's a regular situation and most people feel the same way, even in universities, the great bastions of relativist thought...
Moroccans in Italy, their percentage on total resieding population
Chineses in Italy, their percentage on total resieding people
A Youtube video about one of the first ethnic group to emigrate in italy

The Albanians, first landing in italian shores (Apulia) in 1991, on board of old ships
Hi Julia 90! The picture you posted in this forum reminded me of the pain that this massive immigration waves caused to many of us Albanians. But it reminded me of something else: Italians too have brought crowds like this to Albania, much bigger than this. They were crowds of Italian or Roman souldiers conquering and burning Albania. Imagine how Albanian have felt about it. At least they came to build not burn. But I must say that Italians are civilised people and treated this immigrants with grace and civility. Unfortunately in these crowds there were many hard core Albanian criminals that destroyed the reputation of hard working Albanians. I have heard that Albanians are well integrated in Italy. In Italy for one to succede must have connections so advancing in Italian society is hard. I want to thank the Italians for the tretment of Albanian immigrants. The reason I posted this is : I always thought that Maroccan immigrants are more in numbers than Albanians.

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