Euopean history mapped


What you have in this video is a demography and chronology of Europe (since 400 B.C.) History, as Vico said in the 18h century, is the story of the modifications of the human mind (or of the human brain, if you prefer), for "history" comprises what humans DO and MAKE, which in a society, constitute a "culture". Language and ideations are distinctively human and mark the beginning of human history; the earliest ideations are of what we call "gods" (which or who are named and are thus diffused, are developed, etc....).

PS.: Ideations and beliefs, and concepts in general, are made evident (to us) by the use of language which(for us,again) has to be written down. S o, in terms of evidence, tools, fire making, and other technology are the earliest manifestations of humanity.So, historiography begins with them.
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