Eurabia project.. is it possible?

Europe does not need immigration and in the future it will need even less.
And if so, only people with special skills should be allowed.
What enters Europe today are mostly unskilled people, 15 - 20 % is even completley illiterate.
Free immigration is utopia, it exists nowhere in the world and it would not be sustainable.
Belgium is 30.500 km² with 11 million inhabitants.
We would do fine with 7-8 million.
The same applies to the whole of northwest Europe.

I agree and disagree. From a point of view special skills are needed to attempt a job at administration, but what percent of native Europeans want to be street cleaners, McDonald workers or attempt any blue collar jobs. From a leaders view Europe *may need a new social class of unskilled workers in order to fulfill jobs that natives neglect.

Let's be honest - One of the main reasons why the European life quality (mainly the Western part) is above the World standard is because these nations still own significant shares of National and Multinational corporations still keep operating in Africa and Asia to gain profit. France still has interest to influence the North African and Malian policy include industries.

Most of the wars in West Africa still going on because of Western interests barely for it's citizens.

For France, the situation in Mali was a national security issue, because its nuclear industry depends largely on exploiting uranium in the Sahel. Moreover, France is one of the countries with the greatest dependence on nuclear energy because more than 75% of its energy production depends on its 58 nuclear plants.

So it is clear that behind the sophistry of the fight against Al Qaeda, what was sought with this war was to shelter uranium concessions of the French multinational Areva in the territories in dispute in Mali and Niger. Maybe that was why the United States and its European partners only offered timid logistical help, because they knew that what was intended was to safeguard the strategic interests of Areva, the State-owned conglomerate, a world leader in the field of nuclear energy.

Mali is the third gold producer in Africa and the eighth in the world, and for over a decade gold has become its main export product, whose holdings are controlled largely by French companies.

Mali and Niger are holders of one of the largest uranium reserves in the world and most of those sites are in the conflict zone and on the border between both countries. In the territory of Agadez in northern Niger, in the Mali-Nigerian border, Areva, through two subsidiaries, controls the uranium exploitation mines of Arlit and Akauta.
I agree and disagree. From a point of view special skills are needed to attempt a job at administration, but what percent of native Europeans want to be street cleaners, McDonald workers or attempt any blue collar jobs. From a leaders view Europe *may need a new social class of unskilled workers in order to fulfill jobs that natives neglect.

Let's be honest - One of the main reasons why the European life quality (mainly the Western part) is above the World standard is because these nations still own significant shares of National and Multinational corporations still keep operating in Africa and Asia to gain profit. France still has interest to influence the North African and Malian policy include industries.

Most of the wars in West Africa still going on because of Western interests barely for it's citizens.

the problem is an overgenerous social security system based on heavy taxing in Europe
people shouldn't be allowed to live on social welfare if they are able to clean the streets or have a McDonalds job
that goes for both autochtones and immigrants
the system attracts the unskilled immigrants and many of them never become productive in Europe

I don't share your point of view as if some form of post-colonialism would still be present in Africa
the main problem in these countries is corruption and internal struggles

afaik there is no immeadiate problem with uranium reserves worldwide which should cause nuclear power plants to fall without fuel the next decades
Europe does not need immigration and in the future it will need even less.
And if so, only people with special skills should be allowed.
What enters Europe today are mostly unskilled people, 15 - 20 % is even completley illiterate.
Free immigration is utopia, it exists nowhere in the world and it would not be sustainable.
Belgium is 30.500 km² with 11 million inhabitants.
We would do fine with 7-8 million.
The same applies to the whole of northwest Europe.

Finally some one with common sense! Europe will not need an extra foreign workforce in the future even if European population numbers go down. First if its numbers go down will not need to maintain current production rate since will have fewer people to feed. Second in case it needs to maintain the current production case that can be substituted by automation technology. Third family planning will eventually reach Arab world so they will not have extra people to export. Europe as it it is is a force of science. No Arabs needed, no Africans, no Indians and certainly no Chinese.
Let's be honest - One of the main reasons why the European life quality (mainly the Western part) is above the World standard is because these nations still own significant shares of National and Multinational corporations still keep operating in Africa and Asia to gain profit. France still has interest to influence the North African and Malian policy include industries.

Most of the wars in West Africa still going on because of Western interests barely for it's citizens.
Really? Again you are trying to understand 21st century using 19th century ideologies and measures. It won't work and it explains why you are lost in modern world.
Really? Again you are trying to understand 21st century using 19th century ideologies and measures. It won't work and it explains why you are lost in modern world.

Where would be the USA and the "West" without China and it's cheap workforce? Where would be the US without wars operation in Syria in order for Oil resources and to maintain control.
China had started it's operations in Africa just like the French did and still does in Mali. The distribution of the word's resources between leader nations and corporations still keep moving in.

A single nation can crash under the pressure of single interests. Very few people have control over millions and it's still even worse when it comes to Multinational corporations where only the investors interest is the dominant mechanism.
Someone like George Soros can control a single nation by a shorting option in the market. Wealth and it's distributions allow economic barons to maintain control over any nations.

Which nation today has an ownership over bank system? The simple answer is none according to my knowledge. All other banks share interest with FED (Federal Reserve System) which is a private corporation owned by a very few. This corporation has the right to "print" money in order to give loan to US, but how will the US pay it's owe to FED when all the psychical and virtual money the USA has controlled by the FED.
The same economical interests exist across the whole world and it's not a conspiracy but a fact admitted by many professional economists. How a nation can have own interests if their money is controlled by a private corporation and a nation's laws can't provide accountability.
Now let's see an other major problem today.
What's the International Free Trade is all about? Now the Multinational corporations even gain more rights when it comes to taxing and influence each region's laws. More and more rights been taken off a nation in favor an organization which can't be controlled.
Where would be the USA and the "West" without China and it's cheap workforce?
Isn't China better off than before? It is a beneficial relationship for both parties, not for one as you are trying to suggest. Now china is second or maybe the richest country in the world. Thanks to capital investment of the West and local culture of working hard, 400 million chinese moved from poverty level to middle class. And this in one generation time!

Where would be the US without wars operation in Syria in order for Oil resources and to maintain control.
Give us an example of US pumping Syrian oil or benefiting in any way off Syrian oil.

China had started it's operations in Africa just like the French did and still does in Mali.
First you have to explain how China got rich, when dealing with "imperial powers" of West/US in first place, to be in position to invest their own capital in Africa.
Here is information that you are missing. First of all, for any corporation to start working in Africa there have to be set rules. For example take a mining company. The corporation and the government first need to agree on royalty payments from corporation to government, some paid regardless if company makes a profit or not, some according to the profit. Next step, the corporation needs to invest billions of dollars in mining operation and port facilities, roads, railroad and even a power plant, because local infrastructure is inadequate or doesn't exist. Keep in mind that all of this is built by local people who are not slaves but free people make real money building it. So before a company can make a dollar they need to spend billions and take a big chance that all goes well and they make a profit in the future. And we know many situations in Africa when governement has changed and corporate investment got nationalized. Not mentioning millions or billions in extra bribe payments to local officials. I'm surprised more than not that corporations are brave enough to take such big changes. On top of it, countries where these corporations are registered with head office, let's say US or France, might not see a penny in taxation dollars or a resources from mining operation in Africa. There are no regulations forcing corporations to do that, when profit and mining is abroad. From perspective of US and France, they would love to see this corporation's capital to be invested in US or France, benefiting local jobs and government finances.
Also keep in mind that during mining activities of these foreign corporations local people have jobs and make money, then they spend all this money for goods produced in China, US, France, world and support local businesses and services. The benefit of mine flows to the rest of the local society. Many corporations build schools, hospital and housing projects, benefiting locals even more.
Now tell me. How can you be against all of this?

What's the International Free Trade is all about? Now the Multinational corporations even gain more rights when it comes to taxing and influence each region's laws.
Give us a real life example how corporations have set taxation level.
Do you know why USA became so powerful so quickly? Because there was a free trade (relatively free trade) between states of US. If there were rigid trade barriers, labour movement barriers, capital movement barriers in US, US would have grown in much slower pace, like Europe despite much bigger population and being first with industrial production in the world. On this example we learn that if free trade is beneficial within a country, it must be beneficial for group of countries too. Hens, there is a push of making free trade in the whole world. There are growing pains and some people are unhappy with these new changes, but in long run we will all benefit.
If you have contrarian examples how free trade slows economic growth for any country, please feel free to share with us.
Isn't China better off than before? It is a beneficial relationship for both parties, not for one as you are trying to suggest. Now china is second or maybe the richest country in the world. Thanks to capital investment of the West and local culture of working hard, 400 million chinese moved from poverty level to middle class. And this in one generation time!

A relatively small percent of people in China benefits from investments made by corporations. You will say at least these corporations offer jobs for locals and give them a worth to live, but subjectively speaking kids at age 9 working 16 hours a day may be viewed as something which brings up the local's life quality even if they get paid less than a dollar after long hours of work.
We can't be sure how multinational corporations use it's human resources and we've seen couple of examples how these corporations obey local laws and make whole regions a local mess in the environment. Surely we can see the positive aspects of GDP growth, but who will get the benefits from it? The rich is getting richer and the poor becomes poorer in a very simple view. Don't forget even corporations are considered relatively "citizens" because the corporations made by investors have the same rights as a real human being and guess if i own 1000$ in a local corporation in China and later it'll be worth more than half a million then what will the local Chinese worker gain by it's benefits?
I own my shares in that corporation because i can gain profit by paying less for a Chinese worker than i had to in anywhere else in the World.

Being second in the rank doesn't define the life quality of the majority. We can assume China will sooner or later become the dominant nation, but it's still a local not a global power compared to USA relatively wise.

for any corporation to start working in Africa there have to be set rules. For example take a mining company. The corporation and the government first need to agree on royalty payments from corporation to government, some paid regardless if company makes a profit or not, some according to the profit. Next step, the corporation needs to invest billions of dollars in mining operation and port facilities, roads, railroad and even a power plant, because local infrastructure is inadequate or doesn't exist.

What governments Africa have? Most of these governments were made by local guerrillas who doesn't even know the basic rules. Modern Western Africa objectively speaking is a big mine where the money is at and the locals don't have the technology nor the power to take advantage each of these operations.

I do agree a company has to make significant investment like you said building roads which will impact the local infrastructure in a positive way and even give jobs for locals. But i doubt you'd consider how many locals been dying because a local corporation ruin their lands for oil and mine.
Talking about if there are slaves in Africa or not from my experience and I've talked with not one African from Senegal, Mali most doesn't have a job opportunity to being with and slavery still exists in Mali for instance.
Some corporations in fact has a positive on the infrastructure and will likely impact the locals life quality but most corporations will ruin it's locals life routine as many tribes get used to live on each land how to live and those people barely need any new "gift" from the First World, unlike what the media tries to portrait by describing the white man as saviors on those lands.
We can see how savior the Iberians were when they colonized the Caribbeans and Latin America killed and raped millions of the locals and enslaved them. Yes this was back in the XV century still we don't see much of a change.
Or we can see how many murders been made just by the US military in the Middle East for self interests and provoking wars to gain money by black operations.
We don't need the evidence for CNN to makes us believe sadly it's how the modern system works and i assume you read Zbigniew Brzezinski, Al Gore, George Soros or read about the the corporations that supported the Nazi Germany by selling them oil through South America.

There are no regulations forcing corporations to do that, when profit and mining is abroad. From perspective of US and France, they would love to see this corporation's capital to be invested in US or France, benefiting local jobs and government finances.

You'd think so? Many of these so called interests from a local government are based on the corporation's value. One of the most common way let's say the IMF offers money for an African country, the nation itself doesn't hold any value (money, gold) to pay for instead they pay with their local water, miles, and human resources (sadly) and after this process we'll see how the multinational corporations appear on a land and take away most of the profits the locals gained. (I assume you believe in Santa also if you think an African nation has the power to obey a corporation which money wise has 100 times more than the whole government and it's citizens together) Most people in West Africa were able to live on their own. Their cultural heritage and life view didn't need Western education, economic standards to live their lives. Many of these people still regret education nor wanna be employees in each of these corporations.

What benefits would a local have by working 12-16 hours a day for cents which he can use to buy food at most. He's would rather be part of his community and live a lifestyle which his tribe been living for thousands of years.
A person's interest hasn't made by himself but major culture and society. As a local society changes new needs become important. Nobody would want to watch and consume if this wasn't a cultural norm in the West and i guess we'll blame third world nations why we see trash islands on the Pacific Ocean because our "way too developed" society still use plastics and other useless materials which ruin our Globe if we won't change basic customs and technology.

Do you know why USA became so powerful so quickly? Because there was a free trade (relatively free trade) between states of US.

The US today is rich and powerful because they have the right to set the rules in the Western world. Their political and military dominance allows them to control states weaker than them. What makes most of the profit in the US today? Many things from military industry to corporations which has the right to settle in any nation in the Western world. What benefits did Bolivians have when the government privatize water? The locals lost 25% of their earnings because their water was free, but the local government had the right to shot it's own citizens due the law of the local government. You're right trading is what makes a country to thrive economically but it's just one side of a coin we often see the complete opposite of these local operations and i can tell you from my own experience how the "great investments" made a whole nation lost it's factory jobs and manufacturing because the Multinational interests bought these companies and closed them after the first year and thousands of people lost their jobs.
A nation became "debt slave" because these great corporations has ruined the local systems in favor of their own interests. With money they had gained power by sponsoring politicians and parties whom set the advancing rules for their needs.
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Isn't China better off than before? It is a beneficial relationship for both parties, not for one as you are trying to suggest. Now china is second or maybe the richest country in the world. Thanks to capital investment of the West and local culture of working hard, 400 million chinese moved from poverty level to middle class. And this in one generation time!

Give us an example of US pumping Syrian oil or benefiting in any way off Syrian oil.

First you have to explain how China got rich, when dealing with "imperial powers" of West/US in first place, to be in position to invest their own capital in Africa.
Here is information that you are missing. First of all, for any corporation to start working in Africa there have to be set rules. For example take a mining company. The corporation and the government first need to agree on royalty payments from corporation to government, some paid regardless if company makes a profit or not, some according to the profit. Next step, the corporation needs to invest billions of dollars in mining operation and port facilities, roads, railroad and even a power plant, because local infrastructure is inadequate or doesn't exist. Keep in mind that all of this is built by local people who are not slaves but free people make real money building it. So before a company can make a dollar they need to spend billions and take a big chance that all goes well and they make a profit in the future. And we know many situations in Africa when governement has changed and corporate investment got nationalized. Not mentioning millions or billions in extra bribe payments to local officials. I'm surprised more than not that corporations are brave enough to take such big changes. On top of it, countries where these corporations are registered with head office, let's say US or France, might not see a penny in taxation dollars or a resources from mining operation in Africa. There are no regulations forcing corporations to do that, when profit and mining is abroad. From perspective of US and France, they would love to see this corporation's capital to be invested in US or France, benefiting local jobs and government finances.
Also keep in mind that during mining activities of these foreign corporations local people have jobs and make money, then they spend all this money for goods produced in China, US, France, world and support local businesses and services. The benefit of mine flows to the rest of the local society. Many corporations build schools, hospital and housing projects, benefiting locals even more.
Now tell me. How can you be against all of this?

Give us a real life example how corporations have set taxation level.
Do you know why USA became so powerful so quickly? Because there was a free trade (relatively free trade) between states of US. If there were rigid trade barriers, labour movement barriers, capital movement barriers in US, US would have grown in much slower pace, like Europe despite much bigger population and being first with industrial production in the world. On this example we learn that if free trade is beneficial within a country, it must be beneficial for group of countries too. Hens, there is a push of making free trade in the whole world. There are growing pains and some people are unhappy with these new changes, but in long run we will all benefit.
If you have contrarian examples how free trade slows economic growth for any country, please feel free to share with us.

simply see the story of Mao, steel. mud, mosquito, small birds-sparrows, and airguns,
The term "Eurabia" is in itself a complete misnomer, because it pretends that there is a homogenity that is actually non-existent. There's a large share of Muslims living in Europe, both amongst the immigrant communities (for example, Turks, Kurds and Iranians living in Germany, or Pakistanis in the UK, etc.), as well as amongst the native population that's Muslim (Albanians and Bosnians), but not actually Arabic-speaking. Even with the immigrant communities from nominally Arabic-speaking countries (e.g. Algeria, Tunisia), if you look at 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants, you have a lot of people who are fluent in French but have little or no language skills in Arabic. Conversely you have people from the Levante (Lebanese in particular), who speak Arabic but are actually (Oriental) Christians, and with the events (esp. persecution / genocide) in Syria, you can assume that the latter number living in Europe is only going to increase.

In my opinion, the worst thing we could do is to assume that the above described ethnic groups form a single, homogenous mass.
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The term "Eurabia" is in itself a complete misnomer, because it pretends that there is a homogenity that is actually non-existent. There's a large share of Muslims living in Europe, both amongst the immigrant communities (for example, Turks, Kurds and Iranians living in Germany, or Pakistanis in the UK, etc.), as well as amongst the native population that's Muslim (Albanians and Bosnians). Even with the immigrant communities from nominally Arabic-speaking countries (e.g. Algeria, Tunisia), if you look at 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants, you have a lot of people who are fluent in French but have little or no language skills in Arabic. Conversely you have people from the Levante (Lebanese in particular), who speak Arabic but are actually (Oriental) Christians, and with the events (esp. persecution / genocide) in Syria, you can assume that the latter number living in Europe is only going to increase.

In my opinion, the worst thing we could do is to assume that the above described ethnic groups form a single, homogenous mass.
Now I remember how much I always appreciated your voice of reason. :)
I missed this post.

A relatively small percent of people in China benefits from investments made by corporations.
Since when 400 million people (the middle class) is a small percentage in China? Even the rest, the poor, yet to be a middle class, have better life than ever. Did you notice that they don't die of hunger anymore? Hunger was common during communist china.
Please get real life information for a discussion with me.

You will say at least these corporations offer jobs for locals and give them a worth to live, but subjectively speaking kids at age 9 working 16 hours a day may be viewed as something which brings up the local's life quality even if they get paid less than a dollar after long hours of work.
That's simply impossible. Education in China is mandatory for kids. And kids need time to sleep too, you know. There might be some instances of such abuse, but rare and not unusual for a developing country.
Please again, get real life information.

We can't be sure how multinational corporations use it's human resources and we've seen couple of examples how these corporations obey local laws and make whole regions a local mess in the environment. Surely we can see the positive aspects of GDP growth, but who will get the benefits from it? The rich is getting richer and the poor becomes poorer in a very simple view. Don't forget even corporations are considered relatively "citizens" because the corporations made by investors have the same rights as a real human being and guess if i own 1000$ in a local corporation in China and later it'll be worth more than half a million then what will the local Chinese worker gain by it's benefits?
What? Please present a proof, or a clue, that poor chinese now have less than 30 years ago. You are not living in a real world dude.

What governments Africa have? Most of these governments were made by local guerrillas who doesn't even know the basic rules. Modern Western Africa objectively speaking is a big mine where the money is at and the locals don't have the technology nor the power to take advantage each of these operations.
Is Nigerian government, in a country of 150 million people, created by guerrilla bands? Don't put all into one bag. You are generalizing and demonizing everything. Your dystopian view of the world is quite disturbing.

I do agree a company has to make significant investment like you said building roads which will impact the local infrastructure in a positive way and even give jobs for locals. But i doubt you'd consider how many locals been dying because a local corporation ruin their lands for oil and mine.
Talking about if there are slaves in Africa or not from my experience and I've talked with not one African from Senegal, Mali most doesn't have a job opportunity to being with and slavery still exists in Mali for instance.
Some corporations in fact has a positive on the infrastructure and will likely impact the locals life quality but most corporations will ruin it's locals life routine as many tribes get used to live on each land how to live and those people barely need any new "gift" from the First World, unlike what the media tries to portrait by describing the white man as saviors on those lands.
We can see how savior the Iberians were when they colonized the Caribbeans and Latin America killed and raped millions of the locals and enslaved them. Yes this was back in the XV century still we don't see much of a change.
Or we can see how many murders been made just by the US military in the Middle East for self interests and provoking wars to gain money by black operations.
We don't need the evidence for CNN to makes us believe sadly it's how the modern system works and i assume you read Zbigniew Brzezinski, Al Gore, George Soros or read about the the corporations that supported the Nazi Germany by selling them oil through South America.
For god sake, let's burn and bomb this sick world. Nothing is worth saving or living for!

You'd think so? Many of these so called interests from a local government are based on the corporation's value. One of the most common way let's say the IMF offers money for an African country, the nation itself doesn't hold any value (money, gold) to pay for instead they pay with their local water, miles, and human resources (sadly) and after this process we'll see how the multinational corporations appear on a land and take away most of the profits the locals gained. (I assume you believe in Santa also if you think an African nation has the power to obey a corporation which money wise has 100 times more than the whole government and it's citizens together) Most people in West Africa were able to live on their own. Their cultural heritage and life view didn't need Western education, economic standards to live their lives. Many of these people still regret education nor wanna be employees in each of these corporations.
Be a Gandhi and lead us to cave life, where there is no sick civilization, polluting corporation, and everyone is happy, good and loves everyone.

What benefits would a local have by working 12-16 hours a day for cents which he can use to buy food at most. He's would rather be part of his community and live a lifestyle which his tribe been living for thousands of years.
A person's interest hasn't made by himself but major culture and society. As a local society changes new needs become important. Nobody would want to watch and consume if this wasn't a cultural norm in the West and i guess we'll blame third world nations why we see trash islands on the Pacific Ocean because our "way too developed" society still use plastics and other useless materials which ruin our Globe if we won't change basic customs and technology.
You can't even stay on the subject, can you. Your mind always wanders to the worse images you can have in your head. Do you recognize that? If I read one more of your posts I will need to go the the shrink to get therapy.

The US today is rich and powerful because they have the right to set the rules in the Western world. Their political and military dominance allows them to control states weaker than them. What makes most of the profit in the US today? Many things from military industry to corporations which has the right to settle in any nation in the Western world. What benefits did Bolivians have when the government privatize water? The locals lost 25% of their earnings because their water was free, but the local government had the right to shot it's own citizens due the law of the local government. You're right trading is what makes a country to thrive economically but it's just one side of a coin we often see the complete opposite of these local operations and i can tell you from my own experience how the "great investments" made a whole nation lost it's factory jobs and manufacturing because the Multinational interests bought these companies and closed them after the first year and thousands of people lost their jobs.
A nation became "debt slave" because these great corporations has ruined the local systems in favor of their own interests. With money they had gained power by sponsoring politicians and parties whom set the advancing rules for their needs.
It is useless to give you real life examples or economic explanations, as you don't really register what I say, or are able to argue points of discussion. Once again, you brain wandered away to dystopian and sick visions of the world in your head. How can you function with such visions? Your thoughts are extremely dark.
Give us an example of US pumping Syrian oil or benefiting in any way off Syrian oil.

Are you waiting a clear decleration from White House?

Mowaffak al Rubaie is a former Iraqi Governing Council member

Al Rubaie stressed “no shadow of a doubt” about Turkey’s full knowledge and involvement in what’s ongoing. Responsibility goes right to the top. Reports suggest that Erdogan’s son, Bilal, is actively engaged in illegal smuggling, selling and profiting from stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil, facilitated by Turkey’s security apparatus and intelligence.

Erdogan’s regime treats wounded ISIS terrorists in Turkish hospitals in border areas and Istanbul. Daesh recruits are trained in Turkey by CIA operatives and US special forces. They move freely cross-border to and from Syria and Iraq.

Al Rubaie said “no terrorist organization…can stand alone without a neighboring country helping it.” Complicit with Washington, Turkey is directly involved along with other NATO countries, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Israel.


Al-Qaide was created by US
Hamas was created by Israel

Israel's military-led administration in Gaza looked favorably on the paraplegic cleric, who set up a wide network of schools, clinics, a library and kindergartens. Sheikh Yassin formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya, which was officially recognized by Israel as a charity and then, in 1979, as an association.

Yassin's Mujama would become Hamas, which, it can be argued, was Israel's Taliban: an Islamist group whose antecedents had been laid down by the West in a battle against a leftist enemy.

Let's think Who create ISIS ?
Are you waiting a clear decleration from White House?

Mowaffak al Rubaie is a former Iraqi Governing Council member

Al Rubaie stressed “no shadow of a doubt” about Turkey’s full knowledge and involvement in what’s ongoing. Responsibility goes right to the top. Reports suggest that Erdogan’s son, Bilal, is actively engaged in illegal smuggling, selling and profiting from stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil, facilitated by Turkey’s security apparatus and intelligence.

Erdogan’s regime treats wounded ISIS terrorists in Turkish hospitals in border areas and Istanbul. Daesh recruits are trained in Turkey by CIA operatives and US special forces. They move freely cross-border to and from Syria and Iraq.

Al Rubaie said “no terrorist organization…can stand alone without a neighboring country helping it.” Complicit with Washington, Turkey is directly involved along with other NATO countries, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Israel.

You really believe in this garbage? I don't like Erdogan either but to claim that he knowingly helps IS is a bit too much for me. IS is helped but by sympathetic Turks but not by Erdogan. He controls a lot but even he was surprised by a coup.

Lol, please tell me you know the difference, between US created Al-Qaide, and US used to help Al-Qaide or Bin Laden fight Russians. And regardless of the past, you can't claim that in recent past and now Al-Qaeda or Hamas is controlled by US and Israel, can you?

Yassin's Mujama would become Hamas, which, it can be argued, was Israel's Taliban: an Islamist group whose antecedents had been laid down by the West in a battle against a leftist enemy. Let's think Who create ISIS ?
By law of six degrees of separation, you created IS. Please aquainte yourself with this law and understand that is wrong to argument this way.

In the map you posted, we read that IS pumps oil off Conoco oilfields. Again, please tell me that you understand that this fields belong fully to IS now, and no personnel of Conoco is involved in this operation. What creators of this map meant, and you missed, is that these oilfields were developed and operated by Conoco before the war. Now IS "nationalized" these fields and it belongs fully to IS and is operated by IS. Generally I agree with this map, it makes sense, it just need to be read the right way, without confirmation bias.
You really believe in this garbage? I don't like Erdogan either but to claim that he knowingly helps IS is a bit too much for me. IS is helped but by sympathetic Turks but not by Erdogan. He controls a lot but even he was surprised by a coup.

Till a year ago Erdogan did support ISIS. He helped them smuggle oil out of Irak and Syria and his friends even made a profit on that.
That is why he shot that Russian fighter plane.
He tought ISIS would be his allie to fight the Kurds.

Now he understands that he can't trust ISIS and that he would get isolated internationaly if he supported ISIS to openly.
He even came to terms with Putin again.

There is no straight line in what Erdogan is doing.
Always calculating.
There's no need to US involvement in the Near East when there you have an ISIS which does the "bad job" and prevent US and European citizens in a war which has no point to be involved. I don't think there's a direct support by US but the way this organization had the power to maintain it's power so long brings a lot questions alone.
What's the purpose of this supposed "terrorist organization" and what would motive it's actions towards Syria and other Syrian sympathized states (Iran, Russia) but not Israel or USA?

The Near East was always been the center of conflicts and likely will be for a long time. Generalizing wise the USA has been supporting terrorist organizations to prevent "enemy nations" to reach more power and force them to remain as local powers or even make a total chaos like we have seen it in Libya and Afghanistan.

What is clear that most ISIS actions support US and Israeli needs, and logically vise of something helps me against my enemy why wouldn't i give benefits to a group which support my interest?

How come Gaddhafi, Saddam Hussein were supported members by the US and Western states, but by short period of time these states and it's leadership turn out to be completely terrorist and anti democratic out of nowhere.

We know that the US investigation and war in Iraq was based on a false statements and propaganda which claimed that Iraq has nuclear weapons. Did they find anything? No

We've seen so many false flag attacks, as we know history is repeating itself.
Till a year ago Erdogan did support ISIS. He helped them smuggle oil out of Irak and Syria and his friends even made a profit on that.
That is why he shot that Russian fighter plane.
He tought ISIS would be his allie to fight the Kurds.

Now he understands that he can't trust ISIS and that he would get isolated internationaly if he supported ISIS to openly.
He even came to terms with Putin again.

There is no straight line in what Erdogan is doing.
Always calculating.
Yes, he definitely played a double game, and surely IS fighting Kurds was sort of his friends in this endeavor. Having said that it is not clear if Erdogan was involved in smuggling IS oil. As we know Turkish very long boarder is very porous and some corrupt local officials could have done it instead.
Yes, he definitely played a double game, and surely IS fighting Kurds was sort of his friends in this endeavor. Having said that it is not clear if Erdogan was involved in smuggling IS oil. As we know Turkish very long boarder is very porous and some corrupt local officials could have done it instead.

he didn't smuggle himself but I can't imagine it happening without him closing an eye to it
it was not just smuggling some small parcels, but lots of full tanker trucks

the day after the Russian figther plane was shot the Russians retaliated by bombarding in the same area were the plane had been shot
Turkmen showed some unclear videos claiming 'their villages were bombarded'
the Russians then showed some other videos with tanker trucks for oil transport on a big parking lot bombed and completely burned
these Turkmen are not Syrian, they have nothing to do in Syria, they were infiltrants and friends of Erdogan
Yes, he definitely played a double game, and surely IS fighting Kurds was sort of his friends in this endeavor. Having said that it is not clear if Erdogan was involved in smuggling IS oil. As we know Turkish very long boarder is very porous and some corrupt local officials could have done it instead.
Turkey's minister of energy is his son-in-law.

"Hacked emails: Erdogan's son-in-law imported ISIS oil

Contrary to his denials, the son-in-law of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is tied to the company accused of importing oil from ISIS, according to an archive of nearly 58,000 emails released by WikiLeaks.

Berat Albayrak, who is Turkey’s minister of energy, has insisted he has had no involvement in Powertrans, the company implicated in ISIS oil imports to Turkey.

The archive, however, shows Albayrak wielded authority in Powertrans beginning in 2012, which was when the government gave the company the right to transport oil.



Erdogan is still DAESH / ISIS. That's why Erdogan and Turkey will be held accountable for a genocide committed on Ezdi Kurds on August 3 2014. When there will be a tribunal in the Hague, Erdogan together with Barzani will be brought to justice. Either this or both are going to be killed. Think of Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, corrupt dictators in South America and Central Asia. When they are not needed anymore they are got exterminated/retired. Same will happen to Erdogan and Barzani. Their crimes will never be unpunished.

Of course the US (and their intel) knows every singel action Erdogan and Barzani did in the Middle East. It is not really a top secret, lol.
Erdogan is still DAESH / ISIS. That's why Erdogan and Turkey will be held accountable for a genocide committed on Ezdi Kurds on August 3 2014. When there will be a tribunal in the Hague, Erdogan together with Barzani will be brought to justice. Either this or both are going to be killed. Think of Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, corrupt dictators in South America and Central Asia. When they are not needed anymore they are got exterminated/retired. Same will happen to Erdogan and Barzani. Their crimes will never be unpunished.

Of course the US (and their intel) knows every singel action Erdogan and Barzani did in the Middle East. It is not really a top secret, lol.

I hope so, but since the failure of 'Arabic Spring' the west (i.e. America because Europe isn't able to play any role) has lost its grip on the events.
Symptomatic is the fact that hypocrit Angela Merkel had to make a pact with Erdogan to stop the refugee flood.
You really believe in this garbage?

Let me show you some garbage (Nayirah)

It is a good example of value of society on the rulers eyes.

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