LATGAL,Thank you for our understandings.
There is obivous link of ancestry and gene flow between South Slavs in this case Slavic Macedonians and the north-east,i myself link this ancestry mostly with the Iron age,i think that in Iron age there was more "northern" migrations in the Balkans,and i link it with the Thraco-Cimmerian culture,that is the Thracian link with the north.
This will explain you why for example Romanians being maybe a bit more northern shifted than Slavic Macedonians still speak Latin but others Slavic,this ancestry links them,rather than the medieval Slavic,which according to genetics Romanians too should have spoken Slavic being same genetically with South Slavs or impacted the same way.To cut misunderstandings cause one might say that Romanians have around 20% or more Slavic words,the others however are almost free of Latin influence,plus Romanians were living under Slavic language influence for centuries,using even Old church Slavonic in churches.
The medieval migrations in this case Slavic in my opinion did not impacted that much the Balkan peninsula since in my opinion they were not coming from a far but lower Danube or Chernyakov culture zone,pretty much already similar ancestry and they were warrior groups instead "migrants" with wifes and kids.
The brown/orange zone.
Or the less likely will be that
only the Chernyakov zone people or Sclavenes (because i associate them with this area) or with the region from "
lower Danube to Dniester and east to Dnieper" contributed to this ancestry alone instead the Iron age.
and let me correct one mistake i am not linking them ancient authors does.
That is what i can say for right now,and that was and still is my opinion on this topic,we will wait more papers and see.