There is more diversity of I1 in Finland than anywhere else, second only to Norway and much more than Sweden. There are only two possible routes for a migration into Scandinavia for Mesolithic people, Finland or Denmark, and given our distributions a Denmark migration is highly unlikely. We know I is very old in Europe and there have not been any N finds at all, also if N was older in Finland than I we should see more N spread into Scandinavia and Europe instead of seeing its limit there. I see hapogroup N arriving in the Neolothic with the Pit Comb culture around 3200 B.C., I1 being much much older.
I agree for the most
the Comb-Ceramic people seems have beenphenotypically a mix of roughly caucasoids-mongoloids – based upona scarce panel I think they were already a bit more on the caucasoidor europoid side -
the mt-DNA of northeastern Europe(about the 4200 BC ? later?) was strongly asiatic by origin, as opposedto the steppic people's one, their nevertheless closer neigbours inSouth -
I know nothing about their Y-DNA whatis not saying I 've no opinion -
concerning Finno-Ugric people, if theirfarthest origins are debated (feet in the Keltiminar culture or onlyinfluences from the Keltiminar people ? I think Keltiminar wasrather indo-european, albeit at recent stages, but if we suppose asmany linguists, contacts between ancestors of the Finno-Ugric peopleand the other ancestors of the Indo-Europeans, we are obliged toimagine a contact region somewhere...around Samara ? Kazan ?Surroundings on a band of lands stretching far enough?
Still about phenotypes, Hungarianscholars thought the ancestors of first Hungarians were a mix ofeuropoid 'cro-magnoids A' (their naming) and Ouralians of mongoloidstock, even if less typical than the East-Asians – their'cro-magnoid A' seems a broadly Est-Baltic type so 'cromagnoid' onthe way of brachycephalization, a kind of reduced 'west-borreby' type(the less brutal)... but these Hungarians were maybe not exactly thesame as the Finns who colonized Europe in North, partial ancestors ofFinns of Finland, Estonia and Lappland (Saami) – today ouralic(finno-ougric) tribes show very different means of looks mixture, andoften enough, this 'east-baltic' type dominates the 'mongoloid' typesin the crossing -
&: I speak here of the trueeuropoid element in 'east-baltic', strongly affiliated to a« non-brutal, non-brünnoid » 'borreby'– but somereconstructed pictures given in the thread here show also brutalfeatures and too broad cheekbones compared to less broad jaws -
the today Finland population showgradual clines between West and East, and too, North and South
as a whole, the mt DNA is strongly« european », being the Y-DN very more variated, andhere again, presenting different %s from West to East (and surelyNorth to South) Y-N is very stronger in East (E : 60 to > 70%vs W : 15-20%), Y-I1 stronger in West (W : 30 to >50% vs E : 15-20%); – the fact that mt-DNA is very often more« autochtonous » than Y-DNA, we can suppose firstdwellers of Finland were predominantly of european hunters-gatherersstock AND AT FIRST ANALYSIS NOT FINNIC SPEAKING (supposed substrataof proto-basque and a proto-satem language in the Saami's finnic,even if Lappland is not exactly the same as Finland story) – thefinnic languages were send from East I suppose at « late neolithic »times according to our more southern criteria, around the 4200/3000BC (here again material culture and language are not easy to link)-the preceding culture of Finland are considered as come from West Askola 9000 BC and Komsa : reindeers hunters of Magdaleanculture from North Germany –
I 'm almost sure the Y-N bearerswere finnic speakers, and arrived later than the Y-I1 bearers (theselast giving more mothers to the today population) – the Y-I1quality as concluded surveys is specific enough to Finland and farfrom being an exclusive gift of western Scandinavians orpre-Scandinavians -
at the beginning of the I-Ean era camethe Battle Axe people from West and South into Finland : notonly cultural loan, but demic moves according to scholars ;surely not overwhelmingly dominant in number ! - an Y-R1aelement + some rare othrs, sure enough, we can say more present in Estonia than inother neigbouring countries-
Saami present more Y-I1 as a whole evenif they are not so strong as the Osterbothnia region for it – theirphysical type is not homogenous, even if drift augmented somepeculiar features leading to more homogenous aspect - their prototypewould have been in Western Oural regions, between 'east-baltic' and aspecial 'proto-mongoloid type, and they mixed with western Europepopulations of unsure origin (mesolithical N-Spain as farthestorigin?) - all the way, even the majority of their dark hairedindividuals showed a head-hair quality NOT mongoloid -
I conclude this personal opinionssaying the Baltic people OF TODAY are a mix of Finnic AND finnicizedpeople and Indo-Europeans :
the lack of Y-I1 is not a lack ofautosomals which were born by Y-I1 people some time ago – but,the Finns males took at some time the strong side upon the firsthunter-gatherers (not by physical force but by material and weaponsadvantages), before being subjected by I-Eans (Y-R1a dominant) andlearning the proto-baltic language.
all that roughly said
In french : « ça vaut ceque ça vaut »...