G-L42 Haplogroup


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Y-DNA haplogroup
G2a => L42 => YSC33
mtDNA haplogroup
Hello all,
I recently got my DNA test results and my Y-Haplogroup is G-L42. I was born and raised in Turkey but my father's family migrated from Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina in early 1900s. I always thought I would have some Eastern European genes but this subclade seems to be mostly in Central Europe.
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Greets. G-L42 is most common SNP of all G2a's in the Western Balkan. To be precise it's L42>YSC33 subclade. It possibly arrived here with some Celtic population in the time of the Urnfield culture, since our lowest known snp is YSC33* (fow now). Here it's most common among Serbs, especially in the eastern Herzegovina region near Trebinje, some areas in Montenegro and among Krajina Serbs (which roots are in Herzegovina). Are you tested on FTDNA or some other company?

Here we are on current L42 tree.

Hi, thanks for the information. I tested through both Ancestry and 23AndMe. Ancestry does not provide Haplogroup information but I was able to get an estimate for my Haplogroup by downloading the raw DNA data from Ancestry and uploading the file to some web site.
Now the question is how to find a genetic service (free or reasonable price) which can determine what branch under G-L42 I belong to?
Hi, thanks for the information. I tested through both Ancestry and 23AndMe. Ancestry does not provide Haplogroup information but I was able to get an estimate for my Haplogroup by downloading the raw DNA data from Ancestry and uploading the file to some web site.
Now the question is how to find a genetic service (free or reasonable price) which can determine what branch under G-L42 I belong to?
Test YSC0000033 at YSEQ:
I used the predictor on this site geneticgenealogist.net /2016/01/how-to-get-ydna-haplogroup-from.html but I get different results when I use the raw data file for Ancestry and 23AndMe. 23Andme raw data file gives me G2a3b1a2a1a1~1
G-YSC0000033 as the suggested terminal subclade whereas Ancestry gives G-L42. But since using the raw file from Ancestry involves an extra step of converting it to the 23Andme format, I believe 23Andme file is more accurate.
I used the predictor on this site geneticgenealogist.net /2016/01/how-to-get-ydna-haplogroup-from.html but I get different results when I use the raw data file for Ancestry and 23AndMe. 23Andme raw data file gives me G2a3b1a2a1a1~1
G-YSC0000033 as the suggested terminal subclade whereas Ancestry gives G-L42. But since using the raw file from Ancestry involves an extra step of converting it to the 23Andme format, I believe 23Andme file is more accurate.

I think best solution for You, considering you live in USA is test at FTDNA. Not just because they test markers, but you will also can see your matches and join G-L497 project, where project administrators will help You.

Serbian DNA Project L42>YSC33+
Thanks for the suggestions. I will definitely join the FTDNA project. By the way, I am somewhat perplexed at the fact that my 23andMe results show high percentage of Balkan ancestry but almost no Eastern European ancestry even though my father's family must have lived in Mostar for hundreds of years. Is there such a big genetic difference between Herzegovina and the rest of Bosnia or 23AndMe ancestry composition estimates may not be not very accurate?

European 75.3%

==Southern European --- 71.5%
======= Balkan ------------------------- 55.1%
======= Italian -------------------------- 10.3%
======= Broadly Southern European -- 6.1%
==Eastern European ------ 1.3%
==Northwestern European 0.1%
======= Broadly Northwestern European 0.1%
==Ashkenazi Jewish ------ < 0.1%
==Broadly European ------- 2.4%

MiddleEastern & North African 21.6%
EastAsian & Native American -- 1.4%
Sub-SaharanAfrican ------------- 0.7%
Unassigned ----------------------- 0.9%
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The Balkans designation is an amalgamation of autosomal DNA seen in the Balkans. It most likely contains some some % Balkans mesolithic hunter gatherer (I2), some Balkans specific East European clade (R1a), and some amount of Neolithic farmer (G2a) and some E1b1b among other possibilities.
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I was able to transfer my raw DNA file from Ancestry to FTDNA free of charge to be able to join FTDNA projects. When I tried to transfer my 23andme file, it said something like unsupported file, could have something to do with new v5 chip that 23andme is using. Anyway, I am very excited to have finally joined the G-L497 project :)
Hi, thanks for the information. I tested through both Ancestry and 23AndMe. Ancestry does not provide Haplogroup information but I was able to get an estimate for my Haplogroup by downloading the raw DNA data from Ancestry and uploading the file to some web site.
Now the question is how to find a genetic service (free or reasonable price) which can determine what branch under G-L42 I belong to?


You can try to go further by using your 23&me raw data by looking at SNPs on Y chromosome.

For example, when looking to haplogroup G tree, you see that under L43 you have Z30642.
Then you look in SNP index, on ISOGG 2018 Y-DNA Haplogroup G, for Z30642 and you note the position : 23.631.793
After that, you search this position in your raw data and you look what code you have. For me, at this position, it's G but if you have A you can conclude you are Z30642.
After that, you can try to go one step further and so on !

It's what I have done. 23&me tested me as G-L497 but I have found the following sub clades :

From ISOGG 2018 Y-DNA Haplogroup G:

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 0"]
[TD]Other Name or Names[/TD]
[TD]RefSNP ID (not complete list)[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Y-position (GRCh37)[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Y-position (GRCh38)[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]G[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]17353144[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]15241264[/TD]

From Raw DNA File:

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 200"]
[TD="align: center"]# rsid[/TD]
[TD="align: center"] chromosome[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]position[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]genotype[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]rs34136765[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Y[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]17353144[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]T[/TD]

So, since raw DNA file has T at this position, I must be positive for YSC0000033 as I was expecting. Thanks a lot for your clear instructions.
Next step is marker testing. :)
I wasn't aware 23andMe v5 tests some validated SNPs below L42. Great!
Do I need further tests to know for sure that I am YSC33+?
No. You are confirmed YSC33. But If you are interested to compare your markers to Serbs who are YSC33+ and to try to calculate our TMRCA, markers are of course good solution.
No. You are confirmed YSC33. But If you are interested to compare your markers to Serbs who are YSC33+ and to try to calculate our TMRCA, markers are of course good solution.

Yes, I am very interested but I am not sure exactly which test to order. Is it the STR test that this paragraph is mentioning? My raw data from 23andme and Ancestry definitely does not have this information right?

[FONT=&quot]"SNPs offer a definitive answer to a potential relationship. When one person is positive (derived) for an SNP and the other person is negative (ancestral) for the same SNP, they are not related in genealogical times. On the other hand, if both men have matching SNP results, their STR (short tandem repeat) marker results determine how recently they are related."[/FONT]
Yes, I am very interested but I am not sure exactly which test to order. Is it the STR test that this paragraph is mentioning? My raw data from 23andme and Ancestry definitely does not have this information right?
Your data from 23andMe and Ancestry is about your positivity for Y-DNA SNP's, without marker values. It detected your lowest SNP; YSC33, and on all known SNPs bellow it you are negative, what is normal considering that there are no known SNPs bellow YSC33 that someone from Ex-Yu is positive on it.

I think that best solution for you is 25 or 37 FTDNA marker test, because most of Serbian YSC33's are tested on 23 and 37 markers. It will be enough for the start to determine you clossest match. I guess that you will be clossest to YSC33's from Eastern Herzegovina considering Your paternal place of origin.
Hello all,
I recently got my DNA test results and my Y-Haplogroup is G-L42. I was born and raised in Turkey but my father's family migrated from Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina in early 1900s. I always thought I would have some Eastern European genes but this subclade seems to be mostly in Central Europe.

My family are Bosniaks from Herzegovina and I got G-L42 as well :)
Hi Atlantische — That’s a great L42 chart. Do you have a larger chart showing the rest of G2a-PF3345?