Jovialis/Salento: Good thread, but I have a related question that I want your opinion on. I have my DNA results from Ancestry and NATGENO. I am someone that always wants to calibrate and find as many different sources when dealing with genetics, ethnic and ancestral origins. Obviously, I have like both of you been running my raw DNA vs. the Ancient Roman sample, Ancient Greeks, and used the MyTrueAncestry, so everything is is supporting who and what I am and always was and is.
23andMe as a company for DNA analysis and how it predicts Southern Italians, Sicily, etc. How do you all rate it? Does it generally do a good job? Early on I think they had fewer reference populations. My first cousin, my Fathers sister's daughter used 23 and Me (her Father was from Corleone, yes, that one!!!) and she got 94.8% European, 80.8% Italian the rest Greek/Balkan and broadly the Southern European and 3.7% North Africa/West Asia (which lumps a lot of populations together) and 286 of 397 Neanderthal Variants, which I guess means she is approximately 1.5% Neanderthal per 23 and Me Estimates.
So I have a sample of 1 and it looks good, from her test I know my Fathers mother (my Grandmother is mtdna H1) and it seems 23 and Me has more Neanderthal genome coverage. When I uploaded my ancestry DNA to YourDNAportal and had my Neanderthal sequence analyzed, it is clear that Ancestry does not test for the entire Neanderthal genome so my Neanderthal analysis is not using the full population or potential population of Neanderthal DNA.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts and suggestions, PT