well, i could`ve argue about radio - it was invented (better say rediscovered) by Russian Alexander Semyonovich Popov
07.05.1895 was the 1st demonstration or radio reciever at S-Petersburg
in 1899 was established conection through 20 km distance during naval maneuvres on Black Sea
1899 discovered that signals could be recieved through the phone
in 1900 they had stable connection across 40 km, in 1901 over 150 km
Marconi was born in 25.04.1874 So, he just continued the work of his predecessors
sensor tube (coherer) was created by english scientist
the same case like Newton said : "i was standing on the shoulders of giants of the past, that`s why i was able to create a theory" (quoted freely)
we should`ve thank Hertz, Branley( sp?) as well