Greatest Spanish contribution(s) to the world ?

What is/are the greatest Spanish contribution(s) to the world?

  • Spanish food (tapas, paella, tortilla, Iberian pork, churros, etc.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The classical guitar

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Spanish painting (Goya, Velásquez, Dali, Picasso, Miro, etc.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The invention of cigarettes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The epidural analgesia

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hay algo de sorna en ello, pero bueno tómeselo con sentido del humor, también hay que reconocer que los españoles nos tomamos muy a pecho nuestros temas, demasiado a pecho. Para inventar tanto como otros países también se necesita un espacio nacional de tranquilidad económica, cuando sobra la economía se puede soñar más y más tranquilamente y quizá a nuestro país le ha faltado esa estabilidad económica en los últimos tiempos necesaria para poder desarrollar ideas, porque imaginación desde luego no nos falta. Todo se andará, paciencia, ahora sólo hace falta erradicar los nazionalismos regionalistas, también acabar con esa lacra abobinable del terrorismo de E.T.A. y estabilizar la economía por fin, entonces los inventos españoles florecerán por miles, sólo necesitamos tranquilidad y dinero.
I selected painters, because I really love Goya, Picasso, Juan Gris... however, Dali is a Catalan so I really do not see why is he on the list. If you include Catalans as Spaniards, then it is a great shame that Antoni Gaudí, one of the best architects of all the time, is not included.
I selected painters, because I really love Goya, Picasso, Juan Gris... however, Dali is a Catalan so I really do not see why is he on the list. If you include Catalans as Spaniards, then it is a great shame that Antoni Gaudí, one of the best architects of all the time, is not included.

Well, as far as i know, Dali considered himself spanish and said so many times (in democracy) i don´t know why many people think that everyone in Catalonia is separatist.
Rastko Pocesta
I selected painters, because I really love Goya, Picasso, Juan Gris... however, Dali is a Catalan so I really do not see why is he on the list. If you include Catalans as Spaniards, then it is a great shame that Antoni Gaudí, one of the best architects of all the time, is not included.​

How dare you, but how awful is saying, is Spain, like other Spanish region, keep clear.
In my opinion there are 3 greatest spanish contibutions to world:
1-Spanish language-obviously
2-Catholic faith- spreading througouth latin america and some regions of africa and asia
3-Old Spanish Dollar- it was the first global currency in history. US dollar, Chinese yuan, Canadian dollar, Mexican peso and several currencies in Latin america and Philpines were initially based on the Spanish Dollar.

Besides ZARA, la SIESTA, Spanish horses and bulls, Bullfighting and The running of the bulls, Food (tapas, cheese, olive oil, wine churros, paella....Ferran Adria and many good chefs as well!!!), FOOTBALL and Sport (several most powerful teams in Europe are playing in La Liga, Alonso, Gasol, Nadal), Art and Literature (not only Cervantes, Baroque artists, writers and style as a result of Counter-Reformation, Spanish theatre: Corral de comedias, Costumbrismo style or poets such as Lorca o Machado), Music (not only the classic Guitar, Zarzuela or Flamenco, I encourage you to listen Manuel de Falla, Serrat or several modern rock bands) in Science (several inventions, Ramon y Cajal, the best and fastest Railway Industry AVE) in Laws and Economics the Renaissance School of Salamanca, in Philoshophy Ortega y Gasset, Products brought from America such as Tomatoes and Tobacco, the best pronuntiation of swearing and a very particular way of understanding life xD

soooooo many can spend a whole life studying this
The thinkers of the so called School of Salamanca led by Francisco de Vitoria and others who brought new ideas on sovereignty, legitimacy of conquering other peoples, treatment of Indians, human rights and the concept of Natural Law.
Some of the best ophthalmologists, such as the Barraquer family, who revolutionized the treatment of cataract surgery, the most common type of surgery performed today, or developped refractive surgery.
I wonder where in this poll is the Spanish poetry or the Spanish literature... Where is the Poem of the Cid, where the work of Alfonso the Wise, where Gonzalo de Berceo, where Jorge Manrique, where Juan de la Cruz, where Luis de León, where Lope de Vega, where Quevedo, or Bécquer? Where is the Libro de Alexandre, and Amadís, and La Celestina? I wonder, surely, where is Don Quixote and Cervantes?... Spain has given to the world, more than anything else, one of the most rich and complex literatures of Europe.
Does Miamondes count? He lived in Islamic Spain and was a Sephardi, do these facts disqualify him? What about sincere conversos? I heard that one of the first governors of Florida was a conquistador of Converso descent.
We, basques, in early modern period developed one of the most advance industries in the era, whaling
(add https:// at the beginnig of the links , as I cannot use them)

Besides, we make a delicious drink, the patxaran, mmm.
What else?

ah, basque pilota, sure you have seen it at tv,

Tungsten was discovered by two basque brothers

one basque made the first circumnavegation of the world

jesuits, but this doesn't play

In early times cooperativism

There are much more things, most of them cultural, groupal.

We are a little country of about 2 million people.
The Other regions in Spain also have their culture and their contributions. Just look in depth
No such contribution!

I believe The Spanish have no such great contribution to the world, like Germans and Americans. Among European countries, Germans have contributed lot to modern world.
Molotov cocktails :grin:

Spanish writers are very good. Just a question. Are there any memorable Spanish contributions to science?
Yeah, Servet was great.

Also, Don Quixote written by Cervantes is one of my favorite novels ever. I love that book very much!
Yeah, Servet was great.

Also, Don Quixote written by Cervantes is one of my favorite novels ever. I love that book very much!

Spain is not one nation.
Its actually a federation.the Spainards discovered the new World.
They are the first who built the gun. In its earliest crude forms.
They were the first to build a working helicopter.
They were the first to study human nervous system.
AN artistic nation in architecture, literature, painting, music.
And a lot more that we foreigneres dont know
Molotov cocktails :grin:

Spanish writers are very good. Just a question. Are there any memorable Spanish contributions to science?

The early medieval precursor to blast furnaces (the "Catalan forge"), the school of translators of Toledo (responsible for preserving and introducing to Latin Europe much of philosophy and science of antiquity and the Middle Ages), first European description of pulmonary circulation (Servet), first steam engine water-pump (Ayanz), first air conditioning (Ayanz), first successful diving suits (Ayanz), discovery of platinum (Ulloa), tungsten/wolframium (Elhuyar) and vanadium (del Rio), first successful heart surgeries (Romero), first engine-driven submarine (Monturiol), first electric submarine (Peral), first successful rotorcraft (de la Cierva), the "father of modern Neuroscience" (Ramon y Cajal), first public cableway (Torres Quevedo), first computer game (Torres Quevedo)
Extensive cattle ranching that gave rise to the vaquero/cowboy culture: American cowyboy, Spanish vaquero, Argentinian cowboy, Venezuelan vaquero...
Novel mining techniques to increase productivity of silver mines. Including the first air conditioning system, and the amalgam system.
The development of the first global currency, the Spanish peso or real de a ocho which originated the US dollar and all the other currencies denominated peso in the Americas and the Philippines.
The epidural
Early formulations of just warfare and human rights in the context of the defense of the rights of the native Americans by intellectuals of the School of Salamanca like Francisco de Vitoria.
First circumnavigation of the Globe.
Disposable syringe
Philantropic expedition of 1804, smallpox vaccination in the Americas and the Philippines

Missions systems in the Americas
First global maps describing the Americas and other findings by Juan de la Cosa (who was the first to realize that America was a new continent).
Advances in cosmography such as the attempts to determine longitude throguh magnetic derivation
Botanical expeditions of the 18th Century to the Amercias by Celestino Mutis or Malaspina, Antonio de Ulloa, Félix de Azaraamong others
Anthropology: the first systematic efforts were made by Bernardino de Sahagún's studies of the nahuatl peoples in the 16th century.
Discovery of RNA by Severo Ochoa
First description of the neuron by Ramón y Cajal
School of Translators of Toledo
Fligh experiments in the 10th Century by Ibn Firnas
Economics: first formulation of quantitative theory of money by Izpilcueta
Engineering: first operating submarines developed by Cosme García, Narcís Monturiol and Isaac Peral; de la Cierva's autogyro predecessor of the helicopter
First archaelogical excavations in Pompeii under king Charles III and Spanish military engineer Roque Joaquín de Alcubierre
Foundations of optometry by Benito Daza de Valdés
Proof of blood circulation by Miguel Servet
Modern cataract surgery technique developed by José Antonio Barraquer Roviralta