History and Destiny of the Portuguese and Brazilian Y DNA J1b


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Brazilian Portuguese Founder
Y-DNA haplogroup
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Y DNA haplogroup J1 is one of the elements in the individuality of Portugal. We can find all types of J1 in Portugal and that’s a singularity of Portugal. The Medieval County of Portucale and the County of Coimbra had specific types of J1. The support of Dom Mendo Alão, the local Warlord of Bragança, was decisive in the creation and the Independence of the Kingdom of Portugal. The Braganção- Alão family in Northwestern Portugal was related to the Alans and we can also find historical documents of the presence and influence of the Alans in the old Lusitania during the fall of the Roman Empire. The Alanic influence in Portugal can had brought some rare SNPs like the Northern J1 types from Northern Iran, Eastern Anatolia, Georgia and Hyrcania to Western Iberia. The rare Western Iberian J1b M365 type is connected to Northern Iranian haplotypes with the TMRCA 2000 years ago approximately. It's very rare to connect any Western European haplotypes/SNPs with Iranian haplotypes/SNPs. The old alliance of the Suebis with the Alans can be observed in old references and in the proper Blazon of Coimbra. The Suebi Kingdom of Gallaecia was the first Post-Roman Polity in Western Europe with the capital in Braga. The Portuguese language is the ethnic language from the Minho and the Warrior Kingdom of Portugal was the first modern Christian Ethno-National State in Europe built with the participation and identity of the Portuguese specific haplotypes and SNPs including the distinctive Portuguese J1b types who took part in the maritime network and in the expansion of the continental frontiers of this formation. The Portuguese language and the Portuguese State fought hard in Western Iberia and in South America to keep and expand a new Project. The Portuguese Empire was the first Empire where the sun never settled, a maritime Empire in Europe, Africa, America and Asia. The biggest product and the Geopolitical Heir of the Portuguese Empire is Brazil, a World Major Polity among the "Top 5" in terms of population, territory and economy in this century. The Brazilian J1b is one of the founder haplotypes of Brazilian Portuguese and we can find this type in the conquest and colonization of every Brazilian region.
Fascinating stuff, thank you!
Archaeological Indo-European and Iranian Y-DNA J1 - Database
When Yamnaya Steppe Culture DNA was discovered a big question remained unanswered, the origin of a part of the admixture: Depending on the interpretation - CHG_NearEastern_Iran
Now we have found another Male vector in some of the oldest groups : Y-DNA J1

I6221 - Mongolia_Chalcolithic_1_Afanasievo - Bayankhongor aimag, Erdenetsogt sum, Shatar chuluu kurgan 2 mtDNA U5a1+@16192 / The Genomic Formation of Human Populations in East Asia Wang et al. bioRxiv 2020.
SHT002 - SHT002.A0101 SHT002.A0101 M U5a1 J1a (J-CTS5368) A dynamic 6,000-year genetic history of Eurasia’s Eastern Steppe - Choongwon Jeong et al. bioRxiv 2020.
Two preprints with the same investigation.

Yamnaya-Like Khvalynsk Y-DNA J1 - Dispersals and Diversification Linguistic and Archaeological Perspectives on the Early Stages of Indo-European - Ancient DNA, Mating Networks, and the Anatolian Split. By: David W. Anthony - We don't know the branch !

The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia via Pribislav :
I1784; 2201-2031 BC; Gonur; Turkmenistan; BMAC; J1-L620>PF4816>ZS6599>ZS4428>ZS6592
I12481; 3500-2800 BC; Geoksyur; Turkmenistan; Geoksyur_EN; J1-L620>PF4816>ZS6599>ZS4428>ZS6592
I8504; 3092-2925 BC; Geoksyur; Turkmenistan; Geoksyur_EN; J1-L620>PF4816>ZS6599>ZS4428>ZS6592

Gonur Tomb 2380 sample 17 (I1784): Dateof 2201-2031 calBCE (3720±30 BP, Poz-83485). Genetically male. Nicknamed the ‘Tomb of the Warrior,’ this was skeletally a male, 40 to 50 years old at the time of his death, flexed supine and oriented north-northwest. The neck of the man was broken, and this was the probable cause of his death. He was buried in a shaft grave on the southeast edge of the large cemetery. This very rich grave was accompanied by one bronze knife, one silver plate, one bronze vessel (diameter 16 cm and height12 cm), one bronze mace head in the form of a horse head, one bronze mace head with four spikes, one bronze semi-cylindrical artifact near the head, one bronze leaf-shaped arrowhead near the pelvis, and one bronze plate with perforations wrapped in linen cloth near the right shin.
Quintessential IE.

Of course PIE was not invented at once or invented immediately, just like several other family of languages PIE had a long history during the Mesolithic. I defend the position that Y-DNA J bushy Mesolithic branches were related in the past to several previous separations of PIE.

I have always researched, written and demonstrated the association of some specific J1 branches with the modern and ancient Iranian populations.
The Eastern side of the Westernmost Europeans: Insights from subclades within Y-chromosome haplogroup J-M304

J1-L620 was formed around 18300 ybp and downstream of L620 we have FGC6064 formed 15600 ybp (I discovered with my test FGC5987 to FGC6175 [188 new SNPs] and PF4816, so almost 3.000 years from L620 to FGC6064/PF4816. More 1000 years to reach L136 formed 14600 ybp. Upstream of L620 we have Z2217 and the next closest are Z2215 and Y6305 (modern J1b and Satsurblias's branch) all formed formed 18300 ybp with different groups, ethnicites and languages, so we have the location, bifurcations and trails of J1 branches after the LGM Renaissance and the Bølling–Allerød warming around 14,500 BP-13,000 BP. FGC6064, PF4816 and L136 were formed in Northern Middle Eastern and they also had and transported autosomal components from that region to the South when a new branch J1-P58 expanded to Southern Mesopotamia, Levant and Arabia afterwards. We can relate Iranian components with J1 moving to the South, just like other J1 and J2 who moved to the West, to West Anatolia, the Meditarranean, Greece, Southern Italy, "The spread of steppe and Iranian-related ancestry in the islands of the western Mediterranean" and to Africa, "West Asian sources of the Eurasian component in Ethiopians: a reassessment". M365 was an ancient SNP discovered in the first days of J1 exploration but as in other SNPs it is recurrent in other haplogroups, so we can use other SNPs as well. We don't have a good article about Iranian J1 SNPs (ou any other major Iranian haplogroup) and the best source still is (extinct) SMGF samples only with STRs.
Don River Basin - Another Y-DNA J1 from the steppe: NEO163 Vasilyevskiy kordon 17 Russia CentralEasternEurope Russia_Neolithic 52.9 40.03 thisStudy 5,721 5,486 5,604 direct XY J1 J1 0.23 0.990 0 DonRiver_5800BP_5300BP Europe_15000BP_4000BP HG_EuropeE . Population genomics of Stone Age Eurasia. Allentoft et al. 2022 preprint

About some Northern basal J1 clades I wrote that last year: September 25, 2021- Preprint Open Access - Missing Links in Paternal Haplogroup J1-M267. Filling in the J1-M267 Phylogenetic Gap. Two Mesolithic Clades of Human Y chromosome haplogroup J1-M267: J1-FGC6064 and J1-ZS6599.

A world map with the "former J1b" types, were J1-M365, now J1-FGC6064: http://tinyurl.com/5owkuh
J1 branches and historical locations
