How much of a Neanderthal are you ?

Thanks for the link, but my IE doesn't work with their Interpretome. :(
I believe that most descendants of Neanderthalers live in northwest Europe. Coon describe the so called Anglo-Saxon type
with bony and steel forhead, blue eyes and flaxen/red hair. The German Prof. Virchow thought that he saw
in Friesland (Netherlands) real Neanderthalers (with eye brows).
Svante Pääbo: DNA clues to our inner neanderthal

"Sharing the results of a massive, worldwide study, geneticist Svante Pääbo shows the DNA proof that early humans mated with Neanderthals after we moved out of Africa."

watch video
Great find Edao. That was my understanding all long that groups of people mixed through history whenever they were in contact. It is true now and it was true then.
Yes, thanks for sharing that Edao. It is an excellent explanation.

Sooo, all those racial purists out there no longer have a leg to stand on? It is Africans who are the pure ones (if there is such a thing) and it is everyone else who are the mongrels. Ha, love it.
First of all I believe that Africans also mixed with other types of humans. I don't think that Africa was entirely populated by homo sapiens only at the time a bottle-neck of humans entered Asia. There were quite some archaic sapiens around Africa, too. Maybe also some descendants of homo rhodesiensis.
And concerning the racists, this new find doesn't make things any better, as white supremacists will now claim that they became superior THROUGH the Neanderthal-admixture.
I have ocipital bone ; my scull is vertical - east Asian ; do not have empty space behind wisdom teath ;my eyebrow bone is strong and my eyebrows are conected ; my eyes are round , but average sized; my nose fits description , aldo it is very narow , but my mother nose is broad ;I am not realy shore is it a triangle betwen my cheeks and nose; my chin is small but my mothers chin is even smaller; yes my cheeks are red during exercizes and when it is cold , aldo I have seen people with constantly red cheeks ; my shoulders are bend forvard, aldo I am not shore is it more than average; I wouldnt say my finger tips are flat and broad but my tong is more than 1,5cm whide;I was born redheaded , so is the sons of my uncles ( mother brothers ) ,then it changed to blue , and now it is brown with some red my moter has blond hair and father brown and they relatives some dark some light, I dont have any preckels ; my eyes are brown so was of all in my father familly ( my sister,2 aunts , 2 uncles , grenma , grenpa , grenpas father, father of grenpas father - I dont have any more pictures ), in my mother familly all have blue eyes ( grenma , grenpa , 2 uncles , grenma mother had brown eyes) , my skin is realy pale like most in my father familly , my mothers family had white skin but not pale
My legs are long , dont have hair on backs at all , nobody in my familly have or had curly hair
My mthDNA is X2 , and I am Rh+ . So how much of Neanderthal is in me ?
I always thought Neandethals didnt interbreed wih Homo Sapiens... Seems i was wrong. But its very intresting !
But i dont have any of those features, so i think its safe to say that i don't have Neandetal DNA.

Neanderthal DNA Boosts Your Immune System 

When our ancestors mated with Neanderthals and Denisovans, a recently discovered archaic human group, they picked up some of their genes. Now researchers say that DNA inherited from these extinct hominids may have fortified the modern immune system. A team at Stanford University focused on human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class 1 genes, which play a vital role in rallying the immune system to fight off bacteria and viruses. Because diseases can be endemic to specific regions of the world, these genes exist in thousands of versions, known as alleles.
To analyze the origin of these alleles, the scientists looked at bone marrow registries containing the HLA genes of millions of people from all parts of the globe. By comparing DNA from modern populations with the reconstructed genomes of Neanderthals and Denisovans, they discovered that several HLA variants from the archaic groups are still around. For example, the ancient gene for HLA-A, which helps the body resist viruses like Epstein-Barr, is present in half of all modern Europeans, more than 70 percent of Asians, and up to 95 percent of people in Papua New Guinea. Other ancient alleles are involved in the regulation of natural killer cells, essential for immune defense.
Our ancestors’ liaisons with Neanderthals and Denisovans may have made them less susceptible to local infections, proposes Stanford immunologist Laurent Abi-Rached, giving them a survival advantage as they migrated out of Africa to Europe and Asia. “Breeding with our evolutionary cousins may have facilitated the spread of modern humans by preventing them from getting sick.”
Now it is official. Chuck Norris is the last Neantherthal.

Although I must say that Chuck is more robustly built than 70k year old specimen.
ROFL @ post above.

My ears and face turn extremely red in cold, and my head starts to get noticably very warm. My rate of thought also increases when this happens, so i actually feel smarter in winter, and get drained in summer very quickly. Sucks living in Australia without air conditioning.

My father, and his father had very large finter tips, i used to jokingly call them frog fingers, because their finger tips reminded me of the suction pads on frogs feet. They both also had very pronounced foreheads. All had black hair, strangely, but would shine red in the sun.
Gulp!!! I have a small but noticeable bump at the back of my head, centred just above the neck. My thumbs are more than a centimetre wide, I have brown hair and blue eyes. But then someone suggested that there is a higher proportion of Neanderthal DNA in Eastern European/West Asians than in Western Europeans, and I carry yDNA Hpg D, which is almost exclusively Japanese although small groupings used to exist in northern Mongolia and Tibet.
Gulp!!! I have a small but noticeable bump at the back of my head, centred just above the neck. My thumbs are more than a centimetre wide, I have brown hair and blue eyes. But then someone suggested that there is a higher proportion of Neanderthal DNA in Eastern European/West Asians than in Western Europeans, and I carry yDNA Hpg D, which is almost exclusively Japanese although small groupings used to exist in northern Mongolia and Tibet.

Wow, that's interesting, you're a D2 carrier and you're ethnically western european??
I carry yDNA Hpg D, which is almost exclusively Japanese although small groupings used to exist in northern Mongolia and Tibet.
You must be the outcome of English Empire meeting Japan history chapter, form 200 years ago. Perhaps the furthest Mongolian invasion into the Europe, or silk trader having some fun in Britannia, selling the rest of of silk there. :)
I am curious as to how different (Physically) are modern European traits from Cro-magnon. Everyone is always comparing Neanderthals with humans but what about Cro-Magnon. Also everyone tries to say Europeans have the biggest browridges on earth, but why then do Europeans have, also to me at leas, the hugest chins on earth?
How's this for a supraorbital torus.


This is a good example to me of how people over exaggerate Neanderthal traits. This guy has a prominent brow ridge, however is head is not long or norrow at all. He has a protruding chin and is quite dark. His skull resembles cro magnon far more than Neanderthal. Also I am not too huge in to cranial comparisons because diet, nutrition, and even pregnancy and birth hugely affect skull shape
Brock Lesnar


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