Huns, were they turkic, asian or indo european ?


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there are serveral theories regarding the hunnic language. what were they really?
also what did they look like ? i tend to imagine them as peoples similar to mongolians.
Judging by their descriptions in ancient texts, the safest explanation would place their origin in Central Asia, and made them a hybrid of Mongoloid-Caucasoid mixture. I imagine them as Tatars. Possibly related to Bulgars or Turks, and possibly part of Scytian empire/conglomerate of tribes.


Charles Bronson
there are serveral theories regarding the hunnic language. what were they really? also what did they look like ? i tend to imagine them as peoples similar to mongolians.
do you mean the asian Xiongnu or the so calles 'Huns' of Europe?
I remember watching House of Wax and his name was then Buchinski. Then in the Magnificent Seven he became a star. I watched all his violent after he married Jill Ireland.
I remember watching House of Wax and his name was then Buchinski. Then in the Magnificent Seven he became a star. I watched all his violent after he married Jill Ireland.
Changing names to english is sadly still ongoing process in Hollywood, though not that much as before. English names to cater english audience, for marketing reason.
I like his movies. I'd say Jill Ireland is very beautiful.
around 2000-3000 BC the asian steppe tribes had blonde hair and blue eyes and were genetically close to eastern europeans (lookup Afanasievo culture). Now granted that the huns appeared in europe around 400 AD, I still picture them looking like russians. dna was probably mostly R1a. And charles bronson is not mongoloid, lol.
Yul Brynner is part Mongolian and Tatar. He admitted he was Mongolian. He is famous for portraying Ramses II in the Ten Commandmants with Charlton heston as Moses and Yvonne DeCarlo whose real name was Middleton born in British Columbia, as Zephora. He was the star in the Magnificent Seven that made Charles Bronson and others movie stars - Steve McQueen, Horst Buchholz, James Coburn, and "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." Robert Vaughn whose partner David McCallum was married to Jill Ireland. It is a small world.

Of course he was the King in "The King and I" a role only he could play so well. "Shall we dance?"
around 2000-3000 BC the asian steppe tribes had blonde hair and blue eyes and were genetically close to eastern europeans (lookup Afanasievo culture). Now granted that the huns appeared in europe around 400 AD, I still picture them looking like russians. dna was probably mostly R1a. And charles bronson is not mongoloid, lol.
we are talking about much later periods, and not the 2000-3000 BC.. 'European' Huns of Pannonia were at least 25% Asian. Before they absorbed Iranian Alan's and German Goth's the Asian component was larger. It was even larger before the Xiongnu retreat to lake Aral region or wherever. The Asian Xiongnu were mostly Asian. The West-Eurasian component was around 10%., basically assimilated IE relics of western Mongolia and those of the Yuehzi, who were forced to became Xiongnu.
Those are Mongolians. The Huns were a mix but mostly European looking. It was Genghis Khan that changed the complexion of Central Asia. You need to study more history. What Romans who wrote were biased against Huns so they wrote all the bad things against Huns and Scythians. They looked more like Vladimir Putin
Huns were considered as Ogurs, mostly Turkic Tatar semi-mongolian culture, non Uraloid population,

it was a hunic tradition to save and adopt small kids, and raise them with their culture. so when they enter Europe they were changed a lot due to that custom.
I think that the Huns were not an ethnic group, but a confederation. A bit like the Swiss in fact. :wary2: Based on what I read the Huns originated somewhere around Mongolia. They assimilated all kinds of people on the way to Europe, including Germanic tribes in Eastern Europe. By the time they invaded the Roman Empire who knows how much Mongolian blood was left in them ?
Mongolians are Hg C a very old ancient group and small and to tar Asia as mongol is racist as most are Hg O completely far from Hg C in terms of mutations. Hg C were violent Hg O were not.
I 'll not do remarks about the "violent C" versus peaceful "O" ...
I think as some others that when entering eastern Europe after having passed through the steppes, Huns was a "medley" of tribes where mongoloid people had seen their importance decrease progressively, but sureley some tribes had better kept their ancestral features (a composite mongoloid mix yet) -
if I rely on the studies about the Hungarians of the Avar period in Hungaria (as the problem of mixing and elites are the same) they show the all mongoloid component was only 19-20% of the total, as a MEAN; but scientists say the elite (based upon the tombs) was more mongoloid, which could prove the earlier purer tribes was rather on the mongoloid side, even if not 100% pure... about language I 'm aware of nothing: turkic? perhaps somebody could help me on this side?
the mongol type of central Asia is large faced, long enough spite broad and projecting cheekbones , and short and high enough skull, very diffrent from more rounded or squared broad and short faces of other mongoloid strains - I have the impression the 'hunnic deformation of crania could be an effort to magnifiy this central mongoloid morphology as it was becoming rarer, but i'm not sure -
when I spoke of language, I was speaking about the Huns language. Sorry
The use of mongol and its adjectival forms is racist as it implies violence while mongols are a minority its use is to classify a large part of the continent as violent. The early racial theorists were racists anyway and to use their language only creates racists thoughts and unnecessary conflict. Their theories led to eugenics and Hitler's killing of "sub-humans" such as Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, Russians and others. Hitler wanted to wipe out the Slavs as he considered them impure and to take over their land for an expanded Germany. Wow, this coming from Hg E Hitler.