I 'll not do remarks about the "violent C" versus peaceful "O" ...
I think as some others that when entering eastern Europe after having passed through the steppes, Huns was a "medley" of tribes where mongoloid people had seen their importance decrease progressively, but sureley some tribes had better kept their ancestral features (a composite mongoloid mix yet) -
if I rely on the studies about the Hungarians of the Avar period in Hungaria (as the problem of mixing and elites are the same) they show the all mongoloid component was only 19-20% of the total, as a MEAN; but scientists say the elite (based upon the tombs) was more mongoloid, which could prove the earlier purer tribes was rather on the mongoloid side, even if not 100% pure... about language I 'm aware of nothing: turkic? perhaps somebody could help me on this side?
the mongol type of central Asia is large faced, long enough spite broad and projecting cheekbones , and short and high enough skull, very diffrent from more rounded or squared broad and short faces of other mongoloid strains - I have the impression the 'hunnic deformation of crania could be an effort to magnifiy this central mongoloid morphology as it was becoming rarer, but i'm not sure -