Yeah, I can see why legitimate hunters wouldn't want to be misrepresented like that. A tv show that uses graphic violence, sensationalism, and portrays an isolated exaple of animal cruelty as the norm of hunting?
Gee, why would hunters feel alarmed at that?
Put it this way--why would it be bad to portray Jeffry Damer as the "norm" of humanity?
Clubbing baby seals indeed.
Better yet--lets find footage of a sociopath setting his cat on fire and use that as evidence against pet ownership.
By the way, kirei_na_me: Your suspicions were correct. I checked all of SVF's posts, and these are the only two that weren't either about animal rights or from his new anti-christianity thread were these:
strongvoicesforward said:
I would like to see the font style changed to a "Times New Roman" font at a 3 or 4 point size. A "Times" font is much easier on the eyes and the motion of the eye from left to right goes much more smoothly. There is a reason why all major newspapers choose the "Times New Roman" font, and that is what I just explained.
Doesn`t the following look better than the above?:
I would like to see the font style changed to a "Times New Roman" font at a 3 or 4 point size. A "Times" font is much easier on the eyes and the motion of the eye from left to right goes much more smoothly. There is a reason why all major newspapers choose the "Times New Roman" font, and that is what I just explained.
One more thing I would like to see is:
At the top of the main forum page menu on the right, have a list of the most recent 10 posts. That way people wouldn`t have to search for recent posts and people will click into categories that they may not be inclined to visit. This would increase discussion and broaden peoples' perspectives and interests as they visit other threads. The recent postings would always be changing so it would really give the board that "hopping and happening" image.
strongvoicesforward said:
Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to say "hi" to everyone before I started posting on topics that interest me. Looks like a lot of discussion going on here and am looking forward to jumping in.
I will mainly discuss vegetarianism and animal rights/welfare issues. I also enjoy religious discussion as well. That's it for now.
He claims to be intersted in Nihingo and martial arts, but after more than 150 posts, averaging 17.53 posts a day--not one of them has been on these subjects.
I never had any doubts, but in case anyone else did:
strongvoicesforward is only here to promote his political views, not become a meaningful participant in this community
That's not spamming...'s