Importance of sleep. Dreams explained.


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This is a great eye opener program about newest research into great value of a good night sleep. Explaines sleep from many angles together with meaning of dreams. A must watch for all. 45 min that can save you from life of health problems.

In case the link doesn't work look for: The Nature Of Things While You Were Sleeping
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This is a great educational and eye opener program about newest research into great value of a good night sleep. A must watch for all. 45 min that can save you from life of health problems.

In case the link doesn't work look for: The Nature Of Things While You Were Sleeping

Very convincing presentation.

I wonder if there are individual differences in terms of how much sleep deprivation affects functioning. I've always known that I have to have at least seven hours sleep and preferably eight hours to be at my best, yet am constantly hearing people say they can function perfectly well on just five hours or less.

Cramming has never made sense to me. I've had too many experiences when the answer to a seemingly intractable problem totally eludes me at 11 PM, but at 8 AM the next morning the right way to frame the argument is suddenly crystal clear.

My hunch is that the kind of sleep people get from sleeping pills doesn't have the same beneficial effect, or from drugs or alcohol for that matter.
Very convincing presentation.

I wonder if there are individual differences in terms of how much sleep deprivation affects functioning. I've always known that I have to have at least seven hours sleep and preferably eight hours to be at my best, yet am constantly hearing people say they can function perfectly well on just five hours or less.
For me too. Minimum to function through the day 7 hours, 8 hours to be rested and feel good. I think that people who claim to sleep only 5 hours are routinely catching few naps during a day. They mean 5 hours in bed only. There is a fashion for some time now to project oneself as a vigorous and hard working person, this means to treat sleep as a waste of time and exaggerate length of it. I know few people like this bragging very often how little they sleep. It is hard to be sure how long they actually sleep though. I believe one can train one's body to function on 6 or maybe even 5, but the health consequences might be severe after couple of decades. From time to time I could see some research correlating lack of sleep with many maladies, but can't find anything interesting quickly to post.
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I believe the amount of sleep we need will all depends on the quality of it. That would also depends on the amount of physical exercise we do during the day. People who are more active during the day seem to get into deeper sleep therefore they have a better defregmentation process during the sleep. Quality of sleep depends on various factors and not always a very straight forward thing to do.

We also seem to be entering an age of new conditions like Chronic fatigue and fibromylagia which are still very poorly understood and in my opinion are very much linked to this issue of quality of sleep besides other factors

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