In what kind of relationship do people get HIV/AIDS more easily ?


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(EDITED by Maciamo) Split from original topic : Japanese morals

dude? you stopped talking to her??

if she's like that, she's a sure fark if you want when you're in japan! those things don't grow on trees you know!

personally i don't see what the big deal is... i haven't slept with 12+ girls, but it's not from lack of trying... (12+??? what an odd figure... i mean.. 10+ sure.. but why would you say 12+?)

and dont give me that "she's a slut, that repulses me" crap! if you're so stuck up you can't even let a girl have some fun, i guess that's just too bad...

just cuz SHE had sex with all those guys doesn't mean YOU get the cooties.. im sure she's showered inbetween -_-

besides, a girl that's had lots of sex is experienced.. she'll show you a good time like none the virgins can even touch..

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TwistedMac said:
dude? you stopped talking to her??

if she's like that, she's a sure fark if you want when you're in japan! those things don't grow on trees you know!

personally i don't see what the big deal is... i haven't slept with 12+ girls, but it's not from lack of trying... (12+??? what an odd figure... i mean.. 10+ sure.. but why would you say 12+?)

and dont give me that "she's a slut, that repulses me" crap! if you're so stuck up you can't even let a girl have some fun, i guess that's just too bad...

just cuz SHE had sex with all those guys doesn't mean YOU get the cooties.. im sure she's showered inbetween -_-

besides, a girl that's had lots of sex is experienced.. she'll show you a good time like none the virgins can even touch..


wow wow wow, hold up pal. You crack me up with your comments really you do :D :D :D
lol i havent stopped talking to her, we just aint spoken for months, cos we couldnt be botherd to type a e-mail out, man when im over in tokyo , ill get in touch with her again, lol geeez what you playing at slating me =P
lol your comments just make me laugh, 12+ guys when she is 18, ummm seems abit dodgy. But you cant tell me what i am, or i shud do. Its your opinion.We have differant morals and standards , we are differant pal. But no problem your a really funny person, keep the funny posts coming !!!
as it says in my sig "it's just my 2 Sen" ^^ i certainly hope everyone i rub shoulders with understands that everything i say (everything!) is just my opinion.. not something i expect people to consider as "the right thing" or even "the thing that is better than your thing".. i truly believe that ones own opinions are the best for ones own life, so whatever anyone believes, as much as it may go against anyone else beliefs, is the right thing for YOU...

this also applies if you change your mind.. if you reevaluate something it's the new opinion that's best for you.. anyone is allowed to change his or her opinion as often as they like...

i just voice my opinion alot because it makes me happy ^^ it's something i enjoy doing.. especially if i can humour someone at the same time... if i make your day just a tad brighter by amusing you, do tell me.. that'll make my day a bit brighter aswell ^^

and... oh yeah, i sorta misinterpreted you then ^^ gomen!

right, done ^^

*gives arch rep points for making me happy* I CAN REP POINT FOR WHATEVER I WANT!! XD
lol no problem m8y, !!!! i dint read your sig so now i understand. Anyways i really mean you do make me laugh !!!! keep them coming.
Anyways back to the topic....
Arch said:
umm i certainly see where you are coming from. I used to keep in a touch with a j-girl called Alice, she was a really nice girl. However she got into a conversation about relationships, and she said she had slepted with 12+ guys, while dating other guys. She was surprised that i had not slepted with 12+ girls, she seemed it was acceptable. I know its indvidual but it does say something about cultural gap, as in many other countires this would be seen as a bad thing. She siad she dint see what the problem was if know one got hurt.
But really it is down to your own morals and what you believe in. Thx very much for the post Maciamo very interesting and valid points.

Ouch... is this that common? I just can't understand this myself.
digicross said:
As for the girl who slept with 12+ guys.

Either she is really frank (almost to the bordering of psycho) or she is just a figment of someone's imagination.
No figment methinks. Basically Japan's sexual culture has been going through a rollercoaster of changes over the last three decades or so and it hasn't settled down yet. :souka:

They started off pretty secretive, repressed and (in a certain sense) ignorant and went through a steep drop towards open, 'loose' and (in a certain sense) experienced. (Although in other senses the amount of ignorance around is amazing.)

You can't view what they have now as a stable culture, sometime now they (specifically the youngsters) are going to go back the other way a bit.
lol whatever, i was only stating an example of my experience of what a japanese girl had told me, i stated my opinion and i got slated for it.
Well when i go over there, ill have to do what a mans gota do :lol:
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whatever you know about Japanese "culture"...forget about it...cause the movies ARE NOT is a very common thing in Japan...and not so "secretively" anymore than it used to be :p ....

guys we had a thread about this let's stick to the moral thingies :relief:
I want to know the view of Japanese towards death. It seems, to me, as they take it with a sort of cavelier attitude. Can anyone elaborate ?
yep...movies, j doramas, anime may reflect what is going on in da land, but hardly anybody in J-land equate that to reality....except for those exceptional people who have a hard time distinguising reality from fiction...
also think that the nature of good and evil may be very dependent upon the individuals spoken to...when in a group environment, I find the Japanese will give a generic answer that everybody can agree upon, but in private, they are more independent upon what they truly believe, and that can vary widely, just like any other person from any other country...
the constants I have found is that:
1) in groups, they form a consensus on the topic at hand.
2) in private they have varying views that may contradict with what was said in #1.
3) in companies, they vote by the corporate will.
4) the clueless folks are truly clueless
5) I know nothing....

taken with these constants in mind, the answers you may get will vary :D
PaulTB said:
No figment methinks. Basically Japan's sexual culture has been going through a rollercoaster of changes over the last three decades or so and it hasn't settled down yet.

I wonder how Japan will deal with the challenges AIDS will pose if the free and loose attitudes continue. Will sex become more of a moral issue? I can't find the news article now, but Japan's AIDS problem is getting bigger. Unlike in the past, AIDS is not attacking through foreign sex workers, but between Japanese themselves. Tests are still hard to find and people would rather avoid discussions. Still, sex education at schools is about where it was in the US about 20 years ago (cursory, not a lot of time dealing with SDTs, how to be safer) - it seems as if they don't want to admit their young people are having sex, and almost no one wants to talk about it.
as much as i believe sex should be free to be had at every opportunity by those that wish to do so, i'm also a big fan of testing yourself for STDs..

it's every person responibility to make sure they're not passing on anything nasty...

other than that condoms are a must imo..
Mandylion said:
I wonder how Japan will deal with the challenges AIDS will pose if the free and loose attitudes continue. Will sex become more of a moral issue? I can't find the news article now, but Japan's AIDS problem is getting bigger. Unlike in the past, AIDS is not attacking through foreign sex workers, but between Japanese themselves. Tests are still hard to find and people would rather avoid discussions. Still, sex education at schools is about where it was in the US about 20 years ago (cursory, not a lot of time dealing with SDTs, how to be safer) - it seems as if they don't want to admit their young people are having sex, and almost no one wants to talk about it.

Fact is Japan doesnt have the drug problem it does back home with heroin etc using needles. This is a big problem with AIDS. And then there are GAYS. Sure Japan has gays too but they are mostly in the closet. You may see an increase in the Gay community....perhaps. But not on a wide spectrum. You see AIDS is not a hetorosexual problem. However Japan does have a HUGE problem with STD`s such as Clymidia etc etc. Japanese hetorosexual couples also are not big fans of anal sex......which is the danger when it comes to AIDS.
Amazinggrace said:
You see AIDS is not a hetorosexual problem

what kind of [use your imagination] comment is that!?!?
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Um...interesting views Amazinggrace... :okashii:
TwistedMac said:
what kind of [not words of great praise or admiration] comment is that!?!?

Speaking of which, how on EARTH is Amazing still posting here? Especially after his last post on this thread. Get rid of this guy already please.
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TwistedMac said:
what kind of [la la la la ]comment is that!?!?
Making the eagle scream again, Twisted? Drawing the long bow?
It may just be a lack of education. Don't kill, but educate!

(Sorry for the idioms, but just found them on M-W & couldn't resist)

For Amazing..., take a look here:

& about Japan:

Quote from one of the news articles there:
"Numerous surveys demonstrate that most men and women in their 20s do not use condoms. Kihara points to a lack of AIDS education for young people, whose ignorance about the subject she describes as "frightening." AIDS education in primary and middle school, which began just last year, focuses on eliminating HIV discrimination rather than teaching safe sex, AIDS activists complain. Activists and some academics also highlight a culture that discourages female assertiveness."

Japan may not have a big problem yet, but if ignored long enough AIDS/HIV will be a problem!
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