Iran Joins the Nuclear Club!


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I know this has some people worried. What do you think? Is this a cause of concern? (Anyone here from Iran?)
Iran is a nation of it's own. It's going to want to develop nuclear-powered technology too. I think they should have been doing this decades ago. The US isn't a baby sitter for the world.
I'm concerned about it, but what Thor says, Bush is not a baby sitter.

The U.N. should arrange this, and when I hear about BushHushHush Hush RUn his plans, I think... WHy
How come no ones concerned with the USA having nuclear weapons =)
moffeltoff said:
How come no ones concerned with the USA having nuclear weapons =)

You really, seriously, sincerely have to ask that? Or was that a rhetorical question?
I have the feeling that the international community has let Iran develop its nuclear programme so that they can find an excuse to isolate and punish it (e.g. Us-led invasion). Wait and see...
Mike Cash said:
You really, seriously, sincerely have to ask that? Or was that a rhetorical question?

No not rethorical I was just beeing sarcastic because there are some simularities between Iran and the USA both have a guy ,who is totally nuts as head of state =)
Iran is a prime example of political figures using religion as a reason for making war. A fatwa here, an edict there... Historically, it's a great reason. No need for physical proof, and with a god on your side, how can you lose?

I am not comfortable with the knowledge that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Even though their missiles cannot reach where I live, I don't think that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or any leader of any theocracy for that matter, is responsible enough to possess a weapon of such magnitude. If you believe that there's this invisible guy, who's everywhere, all the time, and watches everything that you do and remembers it so he can send you to this place where there's this guy Satan who tortures you forever, then you're a nutter, plain and simple.
I just wonder; This nuclear business in Iran, is it warning direction Israel?
Israel is the country in the Middle East, that can always count on the USA.

Mahmoud Amahdinejad calls the Holocaust a lie, he wants Israel moving to Germany and Austria, he wants Israel out of his way, out of the Middle East.
Elizabeth van Kampen said:
I just wonder; This nuclear business in Iran, is it warning direction Israel?
Israel is the country in the Middle East, that can always count on the USA.
Mahmoud Amahdinejad calls the Holocaust a lie, he wants Israel moving to Germany and Austria, he wants Israel out of his way, out of the Middle East.

He said he would Whipe away Israel, but if he would do it with a Nuke...

Maciamo, yes we will wait and see how the Bush administration can have their little war again... can they handle it? NO, because they can't even handle Iraq! So what does Bush say: "It is not up to me to clean the mess, that I will leave for the next president"

We world people say: Thank you unle bush for being such a nice coward. I agree with Chavez on some parts now:eek:kashii:
The iranian president has openly and un-ashamedly declared his will to see isreal destroyed, and has no concern for the lives of westerners as a whole.

This is one man i think has the real potential to use a nuclear weapon against another people without provokation (i.e. nukes flying at you).

The main problem with this issue im seeing is that people were such tools and douches and supported Bushess first war, clearly pointless and needless, that this douchy toolness is comming back to haunt us again because now their doing the opposite, Not supporting vital action to deal with a very REAL threat.

It actually knid of angers me that people will die in a nuclear vapourization because people cant tell the difference between a pointless war, and a military strike to disable the nuclear capabilities of a evil man, who like amny evil men, think a higher being is telling him to murder and slaughter innocent people.

Im not willing to take the chance iran is really caring soley about nuclear energy, not after the things the iranian president has said, and not at the risk of people dying to such a horrible disgusting weapon of mass murder.

I hope America absolutely flattens irans nuclear facilities to dust.
As if the US army had proved to have any respect for the lives of the people of the countrys they "liberated" Irak beeing the most recent excample =)
It doesn?t matter if an elected president or a dictator treats people like ****.
I think that the Iraq war is pointless. But I would support the military option against Iran. Extensive bombing campaigns and naval blockades sound like a good option. I would even support the idea [not that it would ever be made public] of assassin teams being sent to kill Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But I would support it on the condition that NO ground troops be deployed to maintain order. We should not be tere to rebuild the whole damn country, just to decimate their nuclear facilities. They have plenty of oil and natural gas, this "energy option" is just a bad cover for developing nuclear weapons, which is unavoidbable when any nuclear research is ongoing. Plus, why would he make such a BIG deal about them enriching uranium in their native facilities? To send a message..."We are on Allah's side, we will have nukes in short order, DO NOT F&$K WITH US."
Blututh said:
I think that the Iraq war is pointless. But I would support the military option against Iran. Extensive bombing campaigns and naval blockades sound like a good option. I would even support the idea [not that it would ever be made public] of assassin teams being sent to kill Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But I would support it on the condition that NO ground troops be deployed to maintain order. We should not be tere to rebuild the whole damn country, just to decimate their nuclear facilities. They have plenty of oil and natural gas, this "energy option" is just a bad cover for developing nuclear weapons, which is unavoidbable when any nuclear research is ongoing. Plus, why would he make such a BIG deal about them enriching uranium in their native facilities? To send a message..."We are on Allah's side, we will have nukes in short order, DO NOT F&$K WITH US."

what are you talking about!
It was a bit of a rant, and I didn't have my contacts in and I just woke up... but no excuses!

I was speaking about how although Iran claims that they are enriching uranium for peaceful purposes, they still act as though they are researching a terrible weapon and are announcing their progress to the world.
They are putting their progress in the world press in order to do quite a bit of political posturing, just like how North Korea has stated many times about how "we have nukes and we're so bad so keep out or we'll go crazy and launch nukes at Tokyo and Seoul!".

They have such an abundance of fossil fuels, they could probably sell some oil in exchange for nuclear reactors or help in constructing power plants, as this would put the West at ease and would help Iran in it's quest for nuclear power significantly.

I was also speaking about how I would support a military option in dealing with Iran's enrichment facilities. I am perfectly fine with bombing their nuclear enrichment facilities to rubble, and would be ok with putting in an assassin team to execute their Head of State if the intended to use a nuclear weapon.
Blututh said:
I think that the Iraq war is pointless. But I would support the military option against Iran. Extensive bombing campaigns and naval blockades sound like a good option. I would even support the idea [not that it would ever be made public] of assassin teams being sent to kill Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But I would support it on the condition that NO ground troops be deployed to maintain order. We should not be tere to rebuild the whole damn country, just to decimate their nuclear facilities. They have plenty of oil and natural gas, this "energy option" is just a bad cover for developing nuclear weapons, which is unavoidbable when any nuclear research is ongoing. Plus, why would he make such a BIG deal about them enriching uranium in their native facilities? To send a message..."We are on Allah's side, we will have nukes in short order, DO NOT F&$K WITH US."
So how do the methods you want to youse differ from the methods used by terrorists =)
If American attacks I hope they?ll have quite a few casualities so they wont choose the option of an armed intervention in the policy of other states so soon again =)
God bless America ;)
moffeltoff said:
As if the US army had proved to have any respect for the lives of the people of the countrys they "liberated" Irak beeing the most recent excample =)
It doesn?t matter if an elected president or a dictator treats people like ****.

I love it when Germans say stuff like that.
Mike Cash said:
I love it when Germans say stuff like that.

Sorry but I wasn?t born until 1989 and no my grandfather wasn?t calles Adolf either but I?ll try real hard to try and fit into your racist stereotypical view of a German =)
Sorry but I wasn?t born until 1989 and no my grandfather wasn?t calles Adolf either but I?ll try real hard to try and fit into your racist stereotypical view of a German =)

Slooooow down here. Let's not let this get out of hand, lest a good thread gets locked for dumb reasons.

Btw, all this news just seems to be a bunch of saber-rattling and dick wagging to me. Oh yeah, didn't someone make a poll concerning a possible U.S. move against Iran before?
moffeltoff said:
Sorry but I wasn?t born until 1989 and no my grandfather wasn?t calles Adolf either but I?ll try real hard to try and fit into your racist stereotypical view of a German =)

And we Americans are equally overjoyed to be shoehorned into your stereotyped view as well.

(Last time I checked, I was the same race as most Germans....)

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