Interesting article from In These Times. Here is a portion from that article:
It has always been my belief that America's attack on Afghanistan was a trial run for later invading Iraq. Of course, the official story was that we were trying to locate Osama bin Laden. However, if that was truly the case, then why did the present administration give up those plans and go after Saddam instead? It would seem that plans were always in the works to invade Iraq and then later Iran.
What do all of you think about this issue? Agree? Disagree?
Is Iran Next?
The Pentagon neocons who brought you the war in Iraq have a new target
By Tom Barry
September 28, 2004
Shortly after 9/11, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith began coordinating Pentagon planning for an invasion of Iraq. The challenge facing Feith, the No. 3 civilian in the Defense Department, was to establish a policy rationale for the attack. At the same time, Feith?s ideological cohorts in the Pentagon began planning to take the administration?s ?global war on terrorism,? not only to Baghdad, but also to Damascus and Tehran.
In August it was revealed that one of Feith?s Middle East policy wonks, Lawrence Franklin, shared classified documents--including a draft National Security Presidential Directive formulated in Feith?s office that outlines a more aggressive U.S. national security strategy regarding Iran--with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and Israeli officials. The FBI is investigating the document transfer as a case of espionage.
This spy scandal raises two concerns for U.S. diplomats and foreign policy experts from across the political spectrum. One, that U.S. Middle East policy is being directed by neoconservative ideologues variously employed, coordinated or sanctioned by Feith?s Pentagon office. And two, that U.S. Middle East policy is too closely aligned with that of Israeli hardliners close to U.S. neoconservatives.
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It has always been my belief that America's attack on Afghanistan was a trial run for later invading Iraq. Of course, the official story was that we were trying to locate Osama bin Laden. However, if that was truly the case, then why did the present administration give up those plans and go after Saddam instead? It would seem that plans were always in the works to invade Iraq and then later Iran.
What do all of you think about this issue? Agree? Disagree?