Is McDonald's evil?

I dont have anything against McDonalds, but i certainly dont by from it. Here in the UK i have heard tottaly horror stories. McDonalds doesnt have an sliding reputation for nothing. Its getting a roasting from all corners. But its up to an indivudual , you know if your eating crap or not. I mean you know its not good to be eating burgers all the time. Its your own decison
I'm not sure where you got the overtime factoid, but here in the US (or at least my home state of Oregon) overtime wages are required by law. It's a US based company as far as I know, and you can't expect them to care about the environment when the majority of fatcats don't (especially in DC). And I've never seen their food advertised as "nutricious", but then I tend to turn off the TV when one of their commercials comes on, cuz i'm not lovin it, i'm hatin it, stupid commercials.

Wendys > McDonalds anyday, I don't see how anyone can like McDonalds fries, you're practically forced to use ketchup on those tiny flavorless pieces of potato paste. Their breakfast menu is halfway decent if your cholestoral happens to be low, but Jack in the Box has way tastier breakfast items that you can get 24/7 here. McDonalds is really on the lowest end of fast food joints in my opinion, right down there with TacoTime.

From November 2002 to March 2003, McDonald?s Corp was suffered from weak sales due to a sluggish U.S. economy under the shadow of terrorist attacks, which sent its stock prices to ten years lows. The company had closed 175 stores and eliminated 600 jobs worldwide.

In 2004, McDonald got back on its feet as a result from some massive restructuring programs. Total revenues of 2003 added up to US$17,140 millions, delicious enough to attract some fat people to sue McDonald to get a piece of the pie.

The stock markets never like unknowns. It can be a pending lawsuit or a terrorist attack. For instance, indexes indicate that markets react positively around and subsequent to federal elections, regardless of which of the two main parties wins the election, suggesting that markets react positively to the resolution of uncertainty and vice versa.

Today the United States is still under terrorist threat, which is, a strategy used by Osama bin Laden to hinder the U.S. economy from a complete recovery.

It?s good to see the golden arches still standing and shinning!
Meh, It's probably evil but what do I care ? It tastes good so I don't mind :D
Generally speaking it's "unhealthy" in the sense that it is extremely dense in calories, sodium, sugar, and fat. That makes it very difficult to work into a balanced diet. I'm using the term diet as it is meant to be used, meaning simply what you eat, rather than the meal plans that most people call diets.
If it had an equivalent amount of protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals we would probably call it a superfood along the lines of pemmican.
Reactions to McDonalds are much the same as experienced when many people try any other food they are not accustomed to. Assuming you mean physical reactions such as diarrhea.
Some people have concerns over the source, treatment, and preservatives of the ingredients used but the fact of the matter is that corners need to be cut to get such a low price. Sure you can make much better burgers or fries, but they generally also end up costing double or more.